Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Where liberty is but a flickering flame in the distance., New Jersey
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    Angry So it happened today

    Boy oh boy. I have been OCing for about 3 months when meeting my FIL in North Philly. My FIL is coming from Jersey and gets off 95 to meet me. He saw my pistol yesterday and said something to my wife today. He was an MP in Viet Nam and has had several firearms (I don't think any he currently has are in working order). He said he didn't want to have me be hassled by the cops. My wife asked me to either cover it or leave it in the car when I meet her dad. I'm honestly torn here. I will slip a flier into the car seat so that her dad can read it tomorrow, but I'm just really annoyed.

    It has taken my wife a little while to get used to the idea of me OCing. I want to respect her wishes, but I also do not want to compromise my ability to protect my son. I have wittnessed people shooting up in the parking lot we used to meet in which is just around the corner from where we meet. I have seen threads where people say "No way would I compromise" or "I just would refuse to do that" and it has always struck me as childish. If I can easilly cover my pistol fine, but when it is printing badly and obvious is that going to be enough or will I then need to leave it in the car so I don't make them uncomfortable? I mean the reality is we get free child care, I don't have to drive all the way to my in-law's house to pick him up. If I need to untuck my shirt and cover for the 10 minutes I see my in-laws is that really such a big deal? Maybe it is just that I wish my wife was more supportive of my right and decision.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Huntingdon, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    Like a lot of these other posts, I am sure it will open up a can of worms, but it always raises good points.
    PERSONALLY, I believe that you should be allowed to exercise your rights, but at the same time you have to live your life. If it is going to create a hassle within the family, and problems with your wife/kids/inlaws - I would untuck and cover for 10 minutes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    Quote Originally Posted by bigdog02 View Post
    Like a lot of these other posts, I am sure it will open up a can of worms, but it always raises good points.
    PERSONALLY, I believe that you should be allowed to exercise your rights, but at the same time you have to live your life. If it is going to create a hassle within the family, and problems with your wife/kids/inlaws - I would untuck and cover for 10 minutes.
    +1. Your wife asked you, didn't demand, didn't give the ultimatum. It was a request, so you have been shown respect. I'd say recipricate by showing her you respect her too, and don't put your guns between your wife and her parents. No one will win.
    You are a straight white man. You don't get to be the victim, sweetie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    Umm.....I might have responded with "I'd like your dad to close his eyes in my presence...." but I'm kind of a smartass like that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    Your life, your decision. Carry as the situation arises. Educate the guy, while he is here. Then you shouldn't have to deal with him about it again.
    troll Free. It's all in your mind.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Franklin, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    I think just about everyone agrees that there are times when its better to conceal rather then open carry. Those times are different for everybody. Covering up for a while doesn't really impair your ability to protect yourself and your family and doesn't cost you anything.

    Remember, you have to live with the woman (your wife). As every married man out their will tell you, sometimes it's easier to just give in. She has started to accept your OCing (this is good), she's coming around and giving in to your wishes. I think she just doesn't want to hear a load of crap from her father, so to keep the peace asked you to cover. I don't think that's being to unreasonable and is a small price to pay for domestic tranquility.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    I also agree with everyone else here that it is better just to cover it up. That way everyone will be happy and no problems will arise.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    I say do what you gotta do to protect yourself and your son at ALL COST. your FIL will get over it and will be thankful if you need to use it someday (we all hope you don't have to) to cover your ass and his...your wife will get past it!
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Greensburg, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    CC for 10. She is not asking you to quit OCing, just asking for a tiny 10 minute compromise. She is caught in the middle. Your effort will make her content, and if her father continues to push his views onto her, it will give her the ability to show him that you accommodated her wish for harmony, and that he needs to do the same. Don't s**t where you eat - you need that child care option, and a chipper wife is a blessing. I want to be clear however... I would not leave it behind.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: So it happened today

    Open carry is not an all or nothing proposition. I OC most of the time, but CC some of the time. Family harmony trumps method of carry. If the question were carry or don't carry, it would be a much tougher decision. But if I were in your shoes, and I am from time to time when it comes to in-laws, CC is not that big of a hassle. He probably wouldn't even care if it prints a little. He isn't a stupid man, and he is providing you with a great service. It is not just free day care, it is a chance for your children to connect with their grandparents. That is invaluable.

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