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  1. #1
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    Default Czars...must read

    I hope everyone is paying attention to who the radical Czars are that O is appointing, it is truly unbelievable. It is truly scary, the Science Czar is a total freakazoid. Wait til you read his history and beliefs. These Czars are nothing but our Politburo who answer to no one except the Messiah...and they are totally radical.
    Please listen to Glenn Beck NOW.

    Obama's Science Czar: Traditional family is obsolete, punish large families
    By: David Freddoso
    Commentary Staff Writer
    07/15/09 9:05 AM EDT

    President Obama's Science Czar, John Holdren, took a controversial and amoral approach to the science of population by recommending mass compulsory sterilization and even forced abortion (and/or forced marriages) under certain circumstances. His 1977 tome, Ecoscience, which he co-authored with Paul and Anne Ehrlich, also displays a revealing disregard for the institution of the traditional human family.

    Holdren and the Ehrlichs write:

    Radical changes in family structure and relationships are inevitable, whether population control is instituted or not. Inaction, attended by a steady deterioration in living conditions for the poor majority, will bring changes everywhere that no one could consider beneficial. Thus, it is beside the point to object to population-control measures simply on the grounds that they might change the social structure or family relationships.

    Holdren, with a blithe “of course,” encourages government to wage an effective war on the family in America. It begins with the abolition of “pronatalist” policies and continues with their complete reversal:

    As United States taxpayers know, income tax laws have long implicitly encouraged marriage and childbearing...Such a pronatalist bias of course is no longer appropriate. In countries that are affluent enough for the majority of citizens to pay taxes, tax laws could be adjusted to favor (instead of penalize) single people, working wives, and small families. Other tax measures might also include high marriage fees, taxes on luxury baby goods and toys, and removal of family allowances where they exist. Other possibilities include the limitation of maternal or educational benefits to two children per family.

    Holdren notes that some of these proposals “have the potential disadvantage of heavily penalizing children (and in the long run society as well).” This is not a disqualifier, though, as long as the proposals are “carefully adjusted to avoid denying at least minimum care for poor families, regardless of the number of children they may have.” Even here, the objection is practical, not ethical. It's fine to level stiff penalties against those who choose families and children, but not to the point that this policy exacerbates the original problem (unwanted children, living in squalor) that population control purports to combat.

    Some Americans might cite the Founding Fathers and argue that a government whose policy is to make war on the family in the name of science has clearly overstepped its mandate. That was not the opinion expressed by John Holdren, the man President Obama has put in charge in the nation's science policy.
    Last edited by PocketProtector; July 16th, 2009 at 11:32 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    There is a very easy solution to this...

    Stop giving socialist benefits to people who have kids and are unable to support them, stop adding to benefits for multiple children, start punishing mothers for fetal damage from drugs and alcohol

    We should start financing (I know.. i know) shots for birth control, you can give a lifetime worth of shots for the price of one delivered baby, fuck all you want, you aren't getting knocked up. Stop teach abstinence and start doing something that will prevent this

    If we remove the incentive to have children the number of children will significantly decline, and very quickly as well!

    Start cracking down on child support and people not paying it, get realistic on the amount owed for child support and collect it.

    If we remove the incentive to have kids it will make a big difference
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    Ok, Socialism, a Utopian Dream as we look at it will never work for one very simple reason. There are to many people in this country that want all the rights, all the good times, with none of the responsibility.

    Plain and simple. Now, we change that problem, then come talk to me about government programs to help me, my family and everyone else. Until then, I will not ruin what is left of this country for the small percentage of responsible people that need help, I know that sounds terrible, but the numbers do not justify the means.

    I just hope and pray there are good people, neighbors, family, etc etc that can really help those in real need.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck1981 View Post
    Ok, Socialism, a Utopian Dream as we look at it will never work for one very simple reason. There are to many people in this country that want all the rights, all the good times, with none of the responsibility.

    Plain and simple. Now, we change that problem, then come talk to me about government programs to help me, my family and everyone else. Until then, I will not ruin what is left of this country for the small percentage of responsible people that need help, I know that sounds terrible, but the numbers do not justify the means.

    I just hope and pray there are good people, neighbors, family, etc etc that can really help those in real need.
    Who was it that said, Americans don't want Socialism but one day will wake up with it anyway from incremental-ism?? Well Today is that day. And America voted for it !!!
    Of course half of who voted for Ohat had not a clue what he stood for.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    The clear goal of Mugabe's actions is the destruction of Western Civilization and those that represent it.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    Brave New World much?


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    And the NEW REICH will Last a 1000 years. But we must get rid of the non-superior races. We can put them to work building or factories and running our farms. We will put overseers over them and we can keep them in camps. Those to old or weak or guy or mentally unbalanced we can get rid of.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    Quote Originally Posted by larrymeyer View Post
    But we must get rid of the non-superior races.
    Sadly, we're doing the exact opposite.

    We're losing the battle, not by attrition or by losing specific battles, but by refusing to fight.

    They told us that our schools were doing something "wrong", so they "fixed" it by bussing people in who were of vastly different culture. Now the schools are filled with crime, pregnancy, drugs and illiteracy.

    They told us our media was an expression of our homogeneity and wasn't diverse enough. Now we've got "F bombs" being dropped every third word, promiscuous sex on Prime Time TV, and girls dancing like prostitutes in middle school dances.

    They told our that our government wasn't "inclusive" enough, that qualified people were forcibly kept from certain positions. Now, we've got people in those positions based solely on the color of their skin and their actions do nothing but promote the "Government is here to serve your every whim" mentality of their constitutiency.

    America is surely and completely, fucked.

    Regarding the OP; who do you think that these forced abortions and limited family sizes apply to? Do you think that they'll do these actions to welfare momma's, or other parasites in the ghetto? Of course not, that'd be "Racist". They've spend decades teaching women "of our culture" (winkwink) that it's OK to not have kids, it's OK to spend your reproductive years going to school, putting off child birth till later. While on the other hand, the marching morons, the illiterat-zi, are popping kids out and outbreeding us three to one. They'll use it as a means of social engineering, of course, and Obama & Co already have a specific target of who the "evil people" are.

    Thats the face that Obama and Co want to eradicate. That's the cultural background that they dislike.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    Quote Originally Posted by thatJeffguy View Post
    Sadly, we're doing the exact opposite.

    We're losing the battle, not by attrition or by losing specific battles, but by refusing to fight.
    Who do you think I was referring to. That blue eyed blond hair child. Is the non-superior race ask the NAACP or ACORN maybe ACLU. When Obama beats on the podium and has massive American flags with his face on them flying behind him. A little mustache and hair over his right eye you'll understand

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Czars...must read

    Quote Originally Posted by Dredly View Post
    There is a very easy solution to this...

    Stop giving socialist benefits to people who have kids ...
    Not that I agree with this putz, but let's stop right there. Let's stop giving tax breaks to people with kids and/or married period.

    A persons status about race, marriage, kids, gender, etc. should never give someone a tax advantage over another.

    :sarcasm:Ah what the hell do I know, I suppose giving money/tax breaks/tax refunds/tax credits should of course depend on someone's marital/child status/gender/race/whathaveyou, that seems fair. :/sarcasm:

    Dredly just in case there is any confusion, I wasn't calling you a putz, just the original author.
    Last edited by MikeB0; July 16th, 2009 at 06:35 PM. Reason: Clarification

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