Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Forum list additon

    Dan, Doug, Mods,

    Since their has been a few group shoots and other gathering among PAFOA members I was wondering if you could add a section to the list specifically for posting photo's of the gatherings. That way we could have easy access to them without sifting through all the chatter.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Why not just post them in the pictures section?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Yep, I already said that.

    Bills ears must not be working well after that .50 BMG on Sunday! LOL!
    I say that the gun pics section should be an acceptable place for them. There's a gun in every photo. I don't recall rules stating that the guns in the pics can't be shown with people holding them...

    I guess it may be easier if there were a sub-section for group shoots, but I don't know that we Westies need OUR OWN section. OH! That's right! You Easties had some kind of little tea party or something too, if I recall!

    Until then, I'll keep checking back to see if anybody adds photos to the thread Bill started already.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    Yep, I already said that.

    Bills ears must not be working well after that .50 BMG on Sunday! LOL!
    I say that the gun pics section should be an acceptable place for them. There's a gun in every photo. I don't recall rules stating that the guns in the pics can't be shown with people holding them...

    I guess it may be easier if there were a sub-section for group shoots, but I don't know that we Westies need OUR OWN section. OH! That's right! You Easties had some kind of little tea party or something too, if I recall!

    Until then, I'll keep checking back to see if anybody adds photos to the thread Bill started already.
    Maybe a Mod can move Bill's thread to the gun pics forum and we can just keep adding to it! (I'd even go as far as to make the group shoot pic threads sticky at the top of the pics least until the next shoot is in the books!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    I saw the gun pictures listing, I know there are guns in most of the photo's, I thought a section JUST FOR GROUP SHOOT photo's would be nice so they don't get buried under pictures of grandmas new peashooter.

    The whole idea is to have them in a spot that 6 months from now when I'm telling someone about the great time I had out west I could snap right to the appropriate section on the forum and show what I'm talking about.

    Ya know what I mean?



  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Mods don't have the ability to create new forums, so that will have to be left up to Dan or Doug. In the meantime, I'll move the thread to the Gun Pictures forum.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Hey Bill,
    Just so you know, I DO think it would be nice to have something like you spoke of and apologize for my suggestion of placing it in the gun pics section.
    That really wasn't very nice of me to do that when you were simply attempting to do something helpful.


    When I think about it some more, having these photos easily accessible, is a GREAT tool not only for promoting the group shoots, but also promoting the shooting sports in general.

    When people SEE the photos, it motivates them, it inspires them, it makes them say "I'd like to be a part of THAT!"
    When we first started doing the group shoots, one of the reasons I took the photos and made the "invitations" with a compilation of photos of PAFOA members was to let everyone see how much fun we were having. The secondary reason was because ADVERTISING WORKS! Those photos brought out members who never would have by reading a post with no photos.

    The BEST thing that has happened (IMHO) as a result of these photos/group shoots, is that I keep seeing people who may have NEVER started shooting had it not been for someone inviting them along to see what it's all about. It goes right back to EDUCATION. Members and non-members of this forum are getting together as a result of these photos and group shoots and we are ALL learning something at each event.

    Think about Bill's suggestion. I don't think another category would go to waste on just a few photos, because as far as I can see, the Pittsburgh PAFOA Group Shoot has grown into something that I couldn't stop if I tried.
    I think there will be plenty of photos to add for everyone to enjoy.
    I also know that there are going to be MORE of these shoots popping up around the state and while I know that ours isn't the first group to ever get together like this, I see more and more talk of doing group shoots every month and I know that our good friends like Mtbkski, soberbyker, rand, ithinkimamedic, PA Highlander and others who traveled far to join us, take away something they would like to see more of, which could result in more group shoots popping up on the horizon.

    Think it over. Bill's idea is a good one, in my opinion.
    I called to check my ZIP CODE!....DY-NO-MITE!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Yep, I think Bill's got something there.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    I second that!!!


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Forum list additon

    Thanks CR, EM, GRoPA, & Rand for your responces, ideally what I'd like to see is a page for LINKS to galleries of the shoot photo's, all of the shoots, East, West, North, South, Central etc. each in it's own subsection.

    No photo's, or not many for those who don't know how to make an on line gallery, just links. This way we won't end up with a page that chokes even the fastest high speed connection. And we also end up with a place to find what we want fast, the gun pictures section is for folks showing off their new toys, I feel the shoots don't belong there. That is why I made the suggestion of a new forum area for the shoots.

    Simplicity, all I was looking for.


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