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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Everything in quotation is my opinion, you are entitled yours
    When ever I talk about registration, people often tell me.

    “I don’t have a problem with giving my social security number to buy a hunting license or fishing license, I have nothing to hide.”

    “I don’t have problem sharing all of my personal information with everyone in the government, I’ve got nothing to hide.”

    “What’s wrong with registering all my firearms, I don’t have anything to hide”

    Or any other numerous responses that I often get to the possible abuse of government databases or stolen personal information by third parties illegally access them. It doesn’t matter that I can prove historically that registration is a prelude to confiscation or prohibition or persecution at some future date.

    FREE people need to adjust their thinking from “I have nothing to hide” response to “The government doesn’t need to know any of that personal information about me to do its job” or simply”it’s none of your @#$% business”

    Fyi: in the early 1980 in PA I used to have to sign paperwork to buy any pistol ammunition, even a single box or 20 rounds.

    All of that personal information collect in any one database is ripe for abuse sooner or later by someone with a agenda. Ranging anything from identity theft, to the example listed below…..
    Got this report from the Aug 2008 ACSL Legislative Committee Report

    Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Report On MD State Police Gestapo "Investigation"
    (Source--Bruce Jackson-VCDL)
    I just wanted your organization to know what Our (Maryland) State Police are up too. The incident below happened to me, a legal gun owner in La Plata, Maryland two nights ago (August 4, 2008 at 12:30 PM). Next time, they won't get in without a warrant. You live and you learn.

    My Wife and I were unfairly besieged late last night by the Maryland State Police. Enclosed is my summation for your review.

    Last night at 12:30 pm a MD State Police "Armed Response Team" showed up at our door. I was dead asleep, my Wife was laying some ceramic tile on our basement floor when our driveway alert went off several times. She looked at the camera monitor and screamed that Police in Assault gear were running up to our front door. That made me sit straight up from a dead sleep.

    We thought they were there for my Brother in Law who had just been mailed Bench Warrants to our home, but he doesn't live here and he is already incarcerated, so my Wife opened the door for them. Then I heard one of them say he had some papers for me or needed to speak with me, so I got up to speak with them (6 or 7 officers) in full assault vests, etc. and NO ONE in uniform. Four heavily armed police came into the house while at least two others walked around outside of our home.

    One, began to talk to me asking me about the types of weapons I own. Remember now, I was just startled from a dead sleep and I kept asking “why are you here, why do you want to know about my guns”? Every gun I bought in Maryland I bought from a MD Dealer. Well this Trooper said that I had purchased a "large amount" of ammunition recently and wanted to know why. When I questioned why he was asking, then he changed his tune to what type of Handguns I had. I told him I just purchased my first handgun in Maryland last week, but had not even picked it up from the Store. He questioned me about other handguns I might own and I realized that he was "fishing" to match his list of my ammunition purchases with handguns that I owned. Then I told him about my C&R license that I had purchased 2 with that but was not required to register them with ST. Police. Moreover, I told him it was the MD. ST. Police who approved me as a "designated collector" so why are they here in storm trooper fashion at 12:30 pm maybe to kill me because I legally bought some handgun ammo? He told me that most of the ammo I purchased was for weapons that they had no record of me having registered so the "SYSTEM" Flagged me. Flagged me for what? Death, Harassment at midnight by 7 Storm Troopers?

    I asked, "... does your system know that it is stupid to buy ammo with your own ID if your are going to do something illegal, Does your system know that I have a C&R and can buy weapons of various calibers without your knowledge, Does your system know that you yourselves registered me as a designated collector, who "collects" so it is not unusual for me to buy any type or manner of ammunition and finally, Does your system know that it is NOT illegal to purchase handgun ammunition in the State of Maryland whether or not you own that caliber handgun?"

    The Trooper (plain clothes), had a list of ammo calibers that he referred to and I agreed, there's no secret that I bought the ammo, but so what? And I'm still not sure of the States definition of a "large amount". Look, I'm not outfitting a Militia, hate group, or giving it to someone who can't buy it, or even buy ammo for a stolen weapon I don't want to register. Any weapon I have every owned has either been purchased at a Gun Store or I personally knew the individual I bought it from and its origin. And, last time I looked it is not illegal to buy handgun ammo, even if you don't own the caliber weapon OR you don't own a weapon at all!! So unless the law is changed, Police cannot harass people who do so.

    That being said, the young Trooper told me I "should” voluntarily register all my weapons or this would happen again... because the "system" flagged me. And another thing, he kept asking where I kept my weapons, in a safe? I never answered him and he asked me three separate times as to the locations of any weapons I might have. I got the distinct impression he wanted me to voluntarily let him see/inspect the handguns for the calibers I bought ammo for, but I was ready for that. No warrant, no see. I mean, I would hope you could trust the Police, but why should I let six or seven or so strangers know where I keep guns? If indeed I had the calibers he was inquiring about?

    The point here though, is that Police came to my home without a warrant, dressed to kill, trying to intimidate me about something that is NOT illegal!! This was not an Interview it was an interrogation under duress.

    Funny the last thing he said to me before leaving was "... Mr. Curtis, sorry to have HARASSED you, you have a good night." Now that struck me as an odd thing for a Police Officer to say, especially if he was justified in doing his job. The last thing I'll say was that Trooper was courteous and having worn the badge, he and the team were sent by someone else, they're just following orders. However, whoever sent them to my home at 12:30 at night left a very bad taste in my mouth and NO ONE IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES TO ME NOR DO I KNOW THEIR NAMES. But rest assured they WERE the Maryland State Police. Word has it that there is a Special "Firearms" squad within the State Police and they have been asking gun dealers to keep a log of people who purchase handgun and other regulated weapon ammunition by making them show ID and signing their name when purchasing ammunition (not required under Maryland Law). Their MVA / DMV information is put in the log by the FFL Dealer right beside the ammunition you buy. Then once a week they (Police) come back to the stores pick up the logs of ammunition purchases and as in my case, they are comparing handgun ammunition purchases against known handgun registration files. This practice was first started by the Howard County or Baltimore City Police (I believe), and the MD State Police adopted this tactic as well.

    Perhaps it works, some criminals are stupid enough to purchase ammunition with their own ID. I am not a criminal nor am I stupid, but I was duped into signing those ammunition logs, without the FFL Dealer advising me that it is NOT mandatory or disclosing the log's true purpose.In fact I was told that if 'you' refuse to sign this ammunition log, the Dealer will refuse the sale. I will NEVER buy ammunition from that Dealer again.

    We've contemplated moving back to VA or even go down to Florida for a while. But that was yesterday. Now there is nothing that will hold us back from moving back to a "Free State". Or at least a State where subversive tactics are not practiced by the Police.
    Sincerely Don Curtis

    Henry Heymering, President
    Maryland Shall Issue, Inc.

    Several PAFOA people can also tell their personal stories of abuse by government databases, so IF law abiding people rights are being abused by these databases is it really being paranoid or just right thinking in politically incorrect times we now live in?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Holy crap! I've purchased lots of ammo for calibers I don't even own. I use them in guns owned by friends and at group shoots.

    Geez... I don't ever want to set foot in MD again.
    Μολὼν λάβε

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    "I've got nothing to hide"

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Is there any confirmation that these people were really police?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Quote Originally Posted by Pa. Patriot View Post
    "I've got nothing to hide"
    And indeed, he himself did not... though it's an odd coincidence that his relative just happened to be a felon... and with that location as his registered address... but I digress.

    I wonder how things might have gone if he refused to let them in.

    That being said...

    Are things that boring and slow for the police in MD that the SWAT teams need to have training runs in suburbia in the middle of the night over some bullets?

    And are the local newspapers so busy that they can't squeeze in an article about this?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    I think this Friday I will buy a box of every type of ammo I can find.

    Just to see what happens.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    i'm just glad i live in America, and not Maryland.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    ... and that Maryland Governor's story is still fresh in everyones mind...

    what the hell is going on in the world today?! I hope its just that todays media is just that much better at getting the word out... otherwise the World has gone downhill fast.

    Maybe every gun purchase can be accompanied by a personal lawyer that follows you around making sure no one stomps on your rights. Lawyers... its a love hate relationship

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Quote Originally Posted by Twister View Post
    Maybe every gun purchase can be accompanied by a personal lawyer that follows you around making sure no one stomps on your rights. Lawyers... its a love hate relationship
    Yeah, instead of that stupid fired casing... But they prob wouldn't fit in the box

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Registration of Guns Brings TERROR to Suburbia

    Rediculous! I buy a decent bit of handgun in different calibers so I can shoot other people's guns at the range. And I don't even have one, wonder how that'd work out in Maoland.

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