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  1. #1
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    Default New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    Here's Obama from a September 2001 interview on NPR affiliate WBEZ Chicago.

    If "redistribution of wealth" and "economic justice" aren't socialist code words, what are?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    So what's the 'new' answer? Wasn't the old answer Yes as well?
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    I just ask them if they know who Bernie Sanders is? He is a self proclaimed socialist. Obama is the most liberal Senator in the senate. Both Obama and Biden are politically left of Sanders. It doesn't take fuzzy logic to figure out what is left of a Socialist.

    Link 1
    Link 2

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    I'm guessing the state re-education camps would be left of a socialist.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Legion_Prime View Post
    I'm guessing the state re-education camps would be left of a socialist.
    Obama is a scary man. I would not be surprised to see "education" camps in our nation under his reign. If you speak out against him, or have "radical" views, you must go to these schools. Rush touched on that the other day. The Fairness Doctrine, Assault weapon ban and the list could go on and on...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    As they say the silence is deafening...

    This is from hillbuzz

    BREAKING: you know this audiotape is bad for Obama, REALLY bad, because Obama’s followers got dead SILENT all of a sudden
    Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized

    We have not had a single nasty comment by an Obama follower on this site since Drudge ran the gigantic headline about Obama’s socialist agenda, and audiotape proof of it breaking.

    Whenever Obama is in trouble, these people clam up.

    The worse something is for Obama, the quieter his followers get.

    It’s how we gauge the impact of something around here.

    Not a single Obamabot comment in the last hour. We’d usually have 30 of them in our spam filter in that hour.


    Where did they all go?

    UPDATE: Seriously. Two hours now. Not a single Obama Kool-Aid Gang comment. And these people are up all night attacking us, telling us how Obama will win, and making fun of Hillary Clinton supporters or saying vile things about Hillary herself. They do this all night — but not tonight. They’ve done this nonstop since we started this blog back in February. But not tonight.

    Know when the last time they just got really, really quiet like this was?

    When Jeremiah Wright became a household name.

    That, and right after Hillary Clinton won primaries the media all claimed she’d lose. There was silence for a day or so after each of those, especially after the clobbering Obama took in West Virginia. Dead quiet then.

    But, this feels more like the Jeremiah Wright silence - maybe because it came right out of the blue like this. We never go over to Kos or HuffPo, so we have no idea what’s happening over there. Please fill us in if you visit those places and let us know how Obama’s followers are reacting to this tape.

    The next thing all of us should be thinking about is how we make sure every “bitter, gun-clinging, stoopid religious person in Pennsylvania” (as Obama and MoveOn.Org Democrats think of them all), in particular, hears about Obama’s grand scheme for American socialism. Everyone in Pennyslvania has to hear this tape — how can we make sure this happens?

    Suggestions welcome. We’re all taking the next 8 days off work here at HillBuzz to do all we can for John McCain and Sarah Palin, because we truly believe America itself is at stake in this election. We all need to come together in this — to stop Obama, using his very own words against him.

    Ironic if you think about it, because wasn’t Obama’s strong suit supposedly his velvety smooth words?
    Of every one hundred men in battle, ten should not even be there. Eighty, are nothing but targets. Nine are the real fighters, we are lucky to have them since they make the battle. Ah, but the one—one is the Warrior—and he brings the others home. —Heracletus

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pro2A View Post
    Obama is a scary man. I would not be surprised to see "education" camps in our nation under his reign. If you speak out against him, or have "radical" views, you must go to these schools. Rush touched on that the other day. The Fairness Doctrine, Assault weapon ban and the list could go on and on...
    The only people who are making work camps have been the Dept of Homeland Security.. Under the guise of "Mass of illegal immigrants"..

  8. #8
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post
    The only people who are making work camps have been the Dept of Homeland Security.. Under the guise of "Mass of illegal immigrants"..
    Where are they Located?

  9. #9
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    Wink Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    Quote Originally Posted by jofreder View Post
    Where are they Located?
    He may be referring to Los Angeles, though I have no clue how DHS is in any way related.
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  10. #10
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    Default Re: New answer to the question is Obama Socialist?

    Quote Originally Posted by 5711-Marine View Post
    As they say the silence is deafening...

    This is from hillbuzz
    It's a complicated topic.. I had to listen to it 2 times and do research into the Warren court and god only knows how many other things..

    It comes down to what he means by the "redistribution of wealth" Most people think of Russia and Marxism when those words are spoken.. Poor choice of words to be sure..

    But Marxism (and it's more radical idea of Communism) has a key point that is different. The elimination of personal property. Everything belongs to the "people" which usually means "the state" which is why the system ultimately fails.

    Now I for one would like to hear an indepth explanation of what exactly he meant by that. Would it be an expansion of the Abraham Lincoln instituted? Does it simply involve reversing the Bush tax cuts on the weathy?

    From his other statements I tend to believe he means the later. He was also talking from a view point of a law professor which (by definition) usually involves insanely involved, detailed, and complex theories involving hypothetical situations and processes.

    From what I was able to gather he was refering to the Warren Court (The supreme court with Earl Warren as its Chief Justice) A court that passed huge society changing laws such as..

    # Brown v. Board of Education 347 U.S. 483 (1954), which banned the segregation of public schools;
    # the "one man, one vote" cases of 1962–1964, which dramatically altered the relative power of rural regions in many states;
    # Gideon v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335 (1963), which held that the Sixth Amendment required that indigent non-capital criminal defendants receive publicly-funded counsel (the law to that point requiring the assignment of free counsel only to indigent capital defendants);
    # Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), which required that certain rights of a person being interrogated while in police custody be clearly explained, including the right to an attorney (often called the "Miranda warning")

    He was refering to how the Judicial system has difficulty with areas that should be the role of the Legislative Branch. Specifically Minority rights..

    While the fashion that he states these things are disturbing when heard without researching into it.. The calls of "He's going to turn us into a socialistic state"

    Honestly, we're already there guys.. The left has implemented socialism to a degree, and the right has lead the largest loss of individual freedoms see in recent history. It's a systemic problem that needs to be solved by common sense middle ground laws.

    Free Markets with Clear Regulation forcing banks to loan fairly
    Common Sense security measures while protecting each persons rights
    Limited use of our military in specific highly organized fashion with a clear cut exit plan.
    And so on down the list..

    I'd get more detailed but I think I'm getting the flu.. lol So research what he says and do background searches for what issues he's specifically refering too.. Then draw your own conclusions.

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