The spirit of Waring vs Ohio (challenge to NFA of 1932) and the Hughes Machine gun freeze are alive and well in the District of Columbia. They don't want to hear it.

“As we’ve said from the beginning, this is a very simple case. Under the Second Amendment and the Supreme Court’s Heller and Bruen precedents, you can’t ban so-called ‘assault weapons,’” Hannah Hill, the executive director of the NAGR’s legal arm, said in a statement.

“The 7th Circuit had to actually rule that AR-15s aren’t guns at all in order to uphold the gun ban,” she continued. “That’s how open and shut our case is, and we look forward to the Supreme Court striking down these unconstitutional gun bans once and for all.”

"The court similarly denied emergency requests for suits challenging New York gun laws last year, but conservative Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas said gun rights advocates “should not be deterred” and continue with attempts to strike down state laws."