Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    From Portland, Maine, no less.


    "Becoming a man in our society is becoming increasingly difficult because of a lack of healthy competition.

    ROB NEAL December 27, 2009 "

    YARMOUTH — Boys need challenging and intense competition to become men.

    Two 10-year-old boys show up for their first soccer tryouts. Both feel nervous but excited. The parent of one says, "give it your best shot and have fun." The other parent says, "you don't have to do this if you don't want to. It can feel scary."

    Which of these statements is best for the boys?

    An increasing number of boys are doing poorly in school and failing to mature in a positive way. More men are losing self-confidence and their passion for competing and achieving.

    While the top-performing 10 percent to 20 percent of boys and men are doing just fine, the growing number of underachieving males forces schools, businesses, the military and others to lower their standards and expectations. What happened?

    Political correctness and new age wishful thinking have all contributed to the effort in our schools, families, and communities to take away intense competition from boys. Even in sports, only a small number of top athletes ever get to experience challenging competition.

    Some believe that competition turns boys into bad, mean or violent people. The opposite is true. The proving ground of competition done well creates confident boys and competent men!

    Tens of thousands of years of human development cannot be swept aside to fit the "anti-competition" PC agenda. It's a mushy, idealistic approach to child development and education that seems disconnected from reality. Today boys learn more about fairness and fun than how to compete successfully......"
    "Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." G.K. Chesterton

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    The ultimate junior soccer coach speech:

    This was for a girl's team but funny nonetheless, and not without truth. Got him fired, of course.
    Last edited by Philbert; December 27th, 2009 at 10:16 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    I've been saying this for years, even on this forum. However, with my rural upbringing and preferred living, I call it the CASTRATION of the AMERICAN MALE.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    I've been saying this for years, even on this forum. However, with my rural upbringing and preferred living, I call it the CASTRATION of the AMERICAN MALE.
    Yep , that is exactly what it is .
    Don't blame me ; I voted for an American .

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    Quote Originally Posted by customloaded View Post
    I've been saying this for years, even on this forum. However, with my rural upbringing and preferred living, I call it the CASTRATION of the AMERICAN MALE.
    Yup, you couldn't have said it better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    Interesting somewhat related site.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    Eh.. Could you pick a more compex issue?

    Honestly it's a battle between Human Nature (or evolution if we can just sidestep the arguement lol) and culture..

    Human instinct is often in direct conflict with societies laws and culture.. Our advances in technology has basically thrown off the entire survival of the fittest structure out the window. A Grandmother with a .50 Cal could hold off 100 brute unarmed cavemen.

    Now you have a world our instincts tell us that the Strongest and the Fastest survive, but in fact our intellegence and our ability to think rationally is just as important, if not more so..

    I think it's a deeper problem honestly. Society as a whole is currently in the middle of a huge shift.. The past 10 years have dramatically changed the world, the way we communicate, think, act, work, and every level of our social interaction has changed..

    I'd call it a Social version of purberty... We've grown and changed so much, so fast that we're all off our game.. Men's views of the world and themselves are grey and a bit confusing, not to mention I know females are having the types of issues as far as being a "Housewife" is now viewed by alot of people as a negative in someway..

    You also add the problem that fathers no longer (in general) teach Honor, Dedication, Loyality, or honesty.. I don't care if my son can't play basketball.. (Hell I know I can't. ) But if he allows his fear to control him and doesn't try because he's afraid to fail it becomes a problem. Or the lesson of don't look for a fight, but always finish one even if you lose.. This is basic crap that every boy needs to learn.

    It's all corney sounding crap.. However chances are if it sounds corney and hokey. It's prolly the right thing to do..

    However alot of younger guys have the "Alpha Male" Bullshit programmed into their brains.. I. Hate. These. People..

    Typically egomaniacs who thrive on dominating anyone who they associate with. However it's easier to just give you an example. (don't get me started on the Girls either. I'd get banned from the amount of curse words..)

    The urge to kill is strong... lol

    It's either you're a wussy girly man emo but maybe has a brain, or your a musle bound idiot who deserves to die from 53 STD's in a pool of their own mutated blood or from my boot inserted into their brain pan... You know the opening to American History X?

    Yea.. That's how much I hate them.. lol
    Last edited by Morel42; December 27th, 2009 at 07:33 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Boys suffer in a culture without challenges

    "Remember kids, we've already got the tie. No need to hurt anyone's feelings!"

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