Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Its all around my house., Pennsylvania
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    Smile Is it legal to carry....


    Hello guys, how is everyone doing? I was wondering if it is legal to carry a ar 15 magazine filled with bullets on you concealed. i am planning on doing this because even though i lock up my gun all the time and leave it in a closet i just want to get rid of the final possibility of someone , some how messing with my gun in my home. i believe if i have the bullets there is no chance of any mishap occurring. i just have way too many nieces and nephews who live with me who like to climb on top of every closet and look into every corner of the house.
    thank you for your opinions

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Perry South, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    I don't see why it would be illegal. It's just a magazine.

    May I suggest not letting children wantonly explore your home in the future?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Its all around my house., Pennsylvania
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    Smile Re: Is it legal to carry....


    Thank you for your reply. I do lock my gun with 2 locks. one on the trigger and one that goes through the magazine well and comes out of the ejection port. i was asking this question so that i can have 100% peace of mind when i know there is absolutely no ammunition at all in my home that might go off.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Western, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    Why not put a cable type gun lock on your AR-15 to prevent a mag from being inserted, and then leave your mag at home?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    you could always get a gun safe.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Bucks, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    There is no Federal or Pennsylvania law against carrying a magazine loaded with bullets, or even loaded with cartridges (which I find will rattle a lot less.) Don't cross any state lines, though.

    But let's jump back a step: You only have one magazine for your AR-15? I have at least a dozen within reach of my desk right now. I've found more than one stuck in my couch cushions. I'm pretty sure my dogs have a stash of mags bigger than that (but they lack thumbs, so I'm pretty safe.) You seriously need to buy another mag or two, because a "tactical reload" should not involve you counting to 30.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    For the safety aspect I would suggest education.

    Depending on the childrens age... Eddie Eagle for the young'ins and NRA Firearms Safety in the Home course for the pre-teen & teens.
    I happen to know a good NRA instructor in your area

    danbus wrote: ...Like I said before, I open carry because you don't, I fight for all my rights because
    you won't, I will not sit with my thumb up my bum and complain, because you will.
    Remember Meleanie

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    (Philadelphia County)
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    you have a trigger lock, so the gun can't fire.

    A cable lock, so the mag will not even go in.

    What are you worring about?????
    If you need to, get a small fireproof lock box from Office max for 40 bucks to store the mag.

    I do not know the law, but who wants to carry a AR 15 mag around all day???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    I'm pretty sure it would be legal...

    But it is one ass backward way of keeping it away from kids. Like everyone else here has suggested, any of those methods of locking the gun, trigger, or magazine well would be much more efficient. Get a cable type lock like Lone Wolf suggested and carry the only key (or both keys if it comes with 2) with you instead of a loaded AR magazine...

    I'm assuming you've picked up a fully loaded AR mag before...they aren't exactly the lightest thing in the world. I certainly wouldn't want to carry that around in addition to my Concealed Carry handgun + handgun magazine. That's alot of extra unnecessary weight.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Kittanning, Pennsylvania
    (Armstrong County)
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    Default Re: Is it legal to carry....

    Quote Originally Posted by voola View Post

    Hello guys, how is everyone doing? I was wondering if it is legal to carry a ar 15 magazine filled with bullets on you concealed. i am planning on doing this because even though i lock up my gun all the time and leave it in a closet i just want to get rid of the final possibility of someone , some how messing with my gun in my home. i believe if i have the bullets there is no chance of any mishap occurring. i just have way too many nieces and nephews who live with me who like to climb on top of every closet and look into every corner of the house.
    thank you for your opinions
    Bolded by me, Really "a"=1 magizine of bullets And there is no more ammo in the house? Lol. I'm sorry, I just think its funny that someone would have only one magizine of ammo for a semi auto. Then again I know ammo is hard to find. Lol. Sorry. but being serious, I keep my ammo in its original packinging, crates, ammo cans. I have a nephew that lives with me, he knows damn well he is not allowed anywhere near the gun safe or the ammo cans. He also is not able to open the cans, tho some day he will. I do see that it can be an issue as all it takes is for a kid to take a round to school to show off, and then the shit hits the fan. I do not recommend keeping ammo in a gun safe. My safe covers items inside but if ammo is inside then warrenty is void. Ammo can cook off inside the safe in a fire and cause damange to all items in it.

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