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    Default Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists

    Got this email from Harry Schneider, along with the article.

    Another interesting read, sure to stir up some more comments on PAFOA

    Unfortunately, the American people will not elect a suitable president in
    the next election. The neo-cons have captured and perverted conservatism
    to the point that the Bush Administration, (the first 100% neo-con
    administration) has pursued neo-con agenda with a result of enormous harm
    to the American military and perhaps irreparable harm to the American

    Further, given McCain's age and history of cancer, his VP selection bears
    close scrutiny. One possible candidate is Tom Ridge. Congressman Tom
    Ridge had the most anti-defense voting record of any Republican Congressman.
    Governor Tom Ridge launched an unprecedented legislative attack on freedoms,
    - even coming close to surrendering state sovereignty - under his
    leadership, a Republican bill would have given all federal agents the right
    to enforce all Pennsylvania laws with immunity. Another Republican bill,
    under his leadership would have amended the Pennsylvania Constitution to
    nullify the Pennsylvania standard of protection against unreasonable search
    and seizure. Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge was regarded as an
    "empty shirt".

    On the other hand, this article by Paul Kengor captures the essence of a
    significant part of the enormous threat posed by an Obama presidency. I do
    not discount the possibility that Ms. Rodham may find some way of unseating
    Obama, perhaps because the birth certificate that the Obama Campaign
    produced to prove Hawaiian birth is a forgery.

    Many years ago, as a private detective, I discussed Communist penetration of
    a specific labor union with Herb Romerstein. I concur with professor
    Kengor's assessment of him.

    Harry Schneider
    June 13, 2008
    Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists
    By Paul Kengor
    Since literally the founding of the American Communist Party in 1919, the
    extreme left -- specifically, the communists -- have relied upon genuine
    liberals to be dupes, or suckers, to help further their cause. Here's how it
    typically worked: the communists would engage in some sort of work or
    agenda, very focused, and which they would be prepared to publicly deny.
    Anyone who has done any work with or on communists, from New York City to
    Moscow, can speak at length about how they operated with deceit. As Vladimir
    Lenin had said, in a favorite quote cited often by Ronald Reagan, the only
    morality that communists recognized was that which furthered their

    At some point as the communists pursued their intentions, someone or some
    group -- usually conservatives or moderate Republicans -- would catch on and
    blow the whistle. When the alarm was sounded, the communists typically would
    flat-out lie about whatever they were doing: claiming not to be guilty of
    the charges, but rather victims of right-wing paranoia. For this, they
    relied upon gullible liberals -- non-communist liberals -- to join them in
    attacking their accusers on the right.

    These liberals, particularly after the McCarthy period, came to detest the
    anti-communists on the right. These liberals were not pro-communist but
    anti-anti-communist. They saw the anti-communists as Neanderthals, and still
    do, even though the anti-communists were absolutely right about the 20th
    century slaughter otherwise known as Marxism-Leninism. This ongoing
    anti-anti-communism is immediately evident in a quick conversation with your
    typical liberal in the press or academia. When I lecture at universities
    around the country, rattling off facts about the literally unparalleled
    communist destruction in the 20th century -- easily over 100 million people
    died under communism from about 1917-79 -- the young people are riveted,
    clearly having never heard any of this in the classroom, whereas their
    professors roll their eyes, as if the ghost of Joe McCarthy had flown into
    the room and leapt inside of my body.

    It is all, yes, quite bizarre, quite strange, and really requires more of a
    psychological explanation for which I'm not adequately trained. But the
    point is that this anti-anti-communism works beautifully for the true
    communists who rely upon liberal dupes -- of whom the communists are
    privately contemptuous, given the liberals' stunning naïveté.

    Fortunately, on the plus side, there have been some good non-communist
    liberals who refused to be duped - the late Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. comes
    to mind -- and who were crucial to ratting out the communists. These are the
    smarter liberals, not dictated to purely by emotion. These liberals played
    an important role during the Cold War, and for a very significant reason
    that rarely gets its due: these liberals knew, as the right-wing
    anti-communists knew, that the communists often actively undermined genuine
    liberal causes -- from advancing workers' rights to civil rights.

    Fast Forward

    Why do I mention this now? Because the entire process is being repeated once
    again before our eyes, except now it's worse, given that the modern left is
    so outrageously uninformed, having been trained -- by the mainstream media,
    Hollywood, liberal historians, and the academy -- to reflexively dismiss any
    charge of communism as illegitimate McCarthyism, even when the charge is not
    only accurate but, importantly, exposes how the communists have literally
    schemed to undermine yet another genuine liberal cause.

    I will start from the beginning:

    A couple of weeks ago in Washington, Herb Romerstein and Cliff Kincaid, two
    veteran investigators of American communism, held a press conference on
    Capitol Hill to announce the release of two new reports on Barack Obama's
    radical past, or, more specifically, his association with extremist elements
    from the American left -- yet more evidence of a frightening pattern of
    associations by Obama throughout his distant and recent life, from Bill
    Ayers to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, all of which at the least shows bad
    judgment. At the press conference, they discussed Romerstein's report on
    Frank Marshall Davis, an influential figure in Obama's early life, whom
    Obama refers to only as "Frank" (albeit affectionately) in his autobiography
    Dreams From My Father. Davis was a communist, a member of CPUSA. Romerstein
    developed that fact very carefully in his report, which contained at least a
    half dozen exhibits and other forms of reliable documentation -- a fact that
    itself is news, since many (on the gullible left) still like to question
    whether Davis was a Party member.

    Before going further, I would like to add a word on Herb Romerstein's
    credibility: Romerstein himself was a communist early in life, a member of
    CPUSA. He broke ranks over 50 years ago. He went on to become probably the
    single most respected authority on American communism. He is the go-to guy
    on questions of American communism -- thoroughly respected from the
    legislative to executive branch. He is the individual who did the work on
    the Venona papers. He is completely credible.

    I know this well, because I know Romerstein. I've worked with him on
    precisely this kind of research. He is extremely fair, precise, nuanced, and
    knowledgeable. He constantly exhorts me by email or phone: "Now, Paul, be
    careful there: He was a liberal and never a communist -- a sucker, maybe;
    but not a communist." Another example, which is a direct quote from an
    email: "He was a small ‘c' communist, but never a party member, and later a
    non-communist liberal who cooperated with the FBI." Or, as he often says:
    "No, Paul, he was a good guy. An anti-communist liberal. No dupe."
    Romerstein is no witch-hunter and has never been accused of such. He is the
    epitome of responsible anti-communism.

    That said, what did Romerstein find on Frank Marshall Davis? He showed not
    only that Davis was a communist, but -- listen up, liberals -- how Davis and
    his comrades worked to undermine genuine liberal causes because of their
    lock-step subservience to the Comintern and the USSR. Modern liberals need
    to understand, for example, how the American communist movement, including
    men like Davis, flip-flopped on issues as grave as Nazism and World War II
    based entirely on whether Hitler was signing a non-aggression pact with
    Stalin or invading Stalin's Soviet Union. The disgusting about-face by CPUSA
    on this matter was unforgivable. And what a shame that liberal college
    professors don't teach this to their students. Liberals also need to know
    how their friends inside government were used by communists who sought
    victory for Mao Tse-Tung in China in 1949, which would lead to the single
    greatest concentration of corpses in human history: 60-70 million dead
    Chinese from 1957 to 1969.

    Finally, if that doesn't concern liberals, they should understand how
    communists, including Frank Marshall Davis, used the civil-rights movement,
    and again and again exploited and undermined the NAACP. Romerstein lays this
    out at length in his report. He quotes Roy Wilkins of the NAACP, who rightly
    noted of Davis and his comrades: "they would now destroy the local branch of
    the NAACP." They would do so after having destroyed another good
    civil-rights organization. "Comrade Davis," wrote Wilkins, "was supported by
    others who recently ‘sneaked' into the organization with the avowed intent
    and purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line." Wilkins
    knew well that this was a standard "tactic" by the communists; it was known
    by everyone involved in the NAACP at the time. Wilkins, like many
    civil-rights leaders of his time, refused to be duped by Davis and his

    Where does Obama meet Davis? -- in Hawaii. Similar to Obama, whose mother
    moved from Kansas to Seattle to Honolulu, with Obama on to Chicago, Frank
    Marshall Davis went from Kansas to Chicago to Honolulu. Obama freely admits
    to learning and taking advice from Davis, which surely was nothing like the
    "Midwestern values" that Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D-KS) claimed his
    mother learned in Kansas. While most Americans by the late 1970s and early
    1980s were at last convinced that détente with the Soviets was a sham, and
    that the USSR was an Evil Empire that needed to be dissolved, Obama almost
    certainly was learning exactly the opposite -- moving totally against what
    Ronald Reagan described as the "tide of history," a "freedom tide" that
    would "leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history."

    Instead, as Obama writes in Dreams From My Father, he was hanging out with
    the "Marxist professors," attending "socialist conferences," and
    "discuss[ing] neocolonialism." Rather than learning about the American
    exceptionalism that would seek to bring freedom to the USSR and Eastern
    Europe, Obama was hearing about the glory of the Bolshevik experiment. This
    was the wrong side of history.

    Enter Dana Milbank

    Jumping into this unfolding drama is Dana Milbank, the columnist for the
    Washington Post. Milbank was apparently one of the few mainstream
    journalists to attend the Romerstein press conference on Capitol Hill,
    according to the reporting of columnist Bill Steigerwald, a good reporter
    who was also there. Steigerwald noted that it quickly became apparent that
    Milbank was basically there to mock the event. In response, Milbank could
    write about it in the Post, and his fellow liberals could enjoy a chuckle at
    the expense of the latest exhibit of right-wing anti-communist cavemen.

    Milbank didn't disappoint. He described the press conference as a new Vast
    Right-Wing Conspiracy, as the 2008 version of the 2004 Swift Boat veterans,
    and described Romerstein as "a living relic from the House Committee on
    Un-American Activities." The whole thing, reported Milbank, sounded "like a
    UFO convention." He even pooh-poohed the quite legitimate, quite telling
    point that Obama's past affiliations are so "dodgy" (Milbank's word) that he
    would have difficulty getting a government security clearance. Indeed, he
    would-and that's a big deal for a man who could be our next president.

    To be fair, Milbank, while at the press conference, did ask the pertinent
    question: Was Romerstein trying to argue that Obama is a communist? What's
    the point of this if Obama is not a communist, right?

    Well, yes and no. He has not, to anyone's knowledge, ever been a member of
    the Communist Party. On the other hand, his friends have been members. And
    there is a clear long-running association in this man's life with the most
    radical of the far left: on the religion side, there is Reverend Wright and
    Father Pfleger, on the political side, there is the likes of William Ayers
    and, yes, Frank Marshall Davis, to name only a few. And remarkably, Obama
    cites some of these people as mentors, and even draws from their messages in
    conceiving the title of the bestselling book that made everyone gaga over
    Obama in the first place -- here I'm referring to Audacity of Hope, which is
    based on a Rev. Wright sermon.

    These associations actually should tell us a lot, as should Obama's struggle
    to deal with them only once the public learns their full extent. It all
    points to a truly troubling reality: regardless of whether the man is a
    communist, his politics are remarkably radical, and have been for a very
    long and recent time -- and that's a crucial consideration as America
    considers voting for him.

    And guess what? Dana Milbank and his allies know this. They will not admit
    it because of what they themselves try to conceal on a daily basis, and
    likewise as poorly as Obama: their obvious liberal bias. Like Obama, the
    liberal press can never be fully open about its thinking and intentions. And
    liberals in the press, by and large, clearly want Barack Obama to be
    president, a bias that clouds their judgment and hinders their ability to do
    objective reporting. Their lack of objectivity is obvious.

    What's more, Milbank and the others would be concerned -- likely obsessed --
    if Obama were a Republican who had these sort of long-running associations
    with the far-right. In fact, they themselves do this kind of hard digging on

    Frank Marshall Davis, as Roy Wilkins of the NAACP noted, toed the Stalinist
    line. What would Dana Milbank think of, say, a John McCain mentor who had
    toed the line for Hitler? I can tell you that I, as a conservative
    Republican, would be pretty darned disappointed and would demand some
    answers. I would not turn it into a joke. And if McCain did not absolutely,
    convincingly repudiate it, I absolutely would not vote for him.

    Once again, too, it is the anti-communism that liberals like Milbank visibly
    despise, not the pro-communism. The end result is that the bad guys on the
    communist far-left, such as the likes of Frank Marshall Davis, continue to
    get a pass long after they've departed this world, as will those who
    consider them mentors. These were extreme leftists who hurt liberalism --
    who hurt some of the dearest liberal causes. Davis, in death, is protected,
    his dirty work covered up, by a press who must now protect their anointed

    The irony of journalists like Dana Milbank, who is far from alone, is that
    while they are laughing at the anti-communists, they seem to have no idea
    that the loudest howls of laughter have always come from the communists who
    see such journalists as dupes -- as gullible liberals to be duped to advance
    the communist cause. It is a time-honored tradition, and genuine liberals
    have filled the role again and again. It is always important to know who you
    friends are and aren't. And the communists were never the liberals' friends.
    The fact is that the joke is on liberals, except that none of this is really
    very funny.

    Paul Kengor is author of The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of
    Communism (HarperPerennial, 2007) and professor of political science at
    Grove City College. His latest book is The Judge: William P. Clark, Ronald
    Reagan's Top Hand (Ignatius Press, 2007).

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists

    Paul Kengor is wrong. Romerstein's research does NOT support Kengor's assertion that Roy Wilkins criticized Frank Marshall Davis. Paul Kengor wrote:

    "Finally, if that doesn't concern liberals, they should understand how communists, including Frank Marshall Davis, used the civil-rights movement, and again and again exploited and undermined the NAACP. Romerstein lays this out at length in his report. He quotes Roy Wilkins of the NAACP, who rightly noted of Davis and his comrades: "they would now destroy the local branch of the NAACP." They would do so after having destroyed another good civil-rights organization. "Comrade Davis," wrote Wilkins, "was supported by others who recently ‘sneaked' into the organization with the avowed intent and purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line." Wilkins knew well that this was a standard "tactic" by the communists; it was known by everyone involved in the NAACP at the time. Wilkins, like many civil-rights leaders of his time, refused to be duped by Davis and his comrades." "Frank Marshall Davis, as Roy Wilkins of the NAACP noted, toed the Stalinist line."

    If you review Romerstein's report and transcript at, you will find that Paul Kengor has it all wrong. The criticism of Davis was in a letter from a rookie board member of the Honolulu NAACP named Edward Berman. It was written TO Roy Wilkins, not BY Roy Wilkins. Wilkins did not write ANY of it, as falsely stated by Paul Kengor. Wilkins had a reputation of denouncing communists within the civil rights movement. Falsely attributing these remarks to Wilkins greatly enhanced their credibility.

    Romerstein’s research shows that Berman testified that Davis “suddenly appeared on the scene to propagandize the membership about our “racial problems” in Hawaii. According to Romerstein’s research, Davis did NOTHING to take over the NAACP or any of its branches to transform it into a front for the Stalinist line. Such assertions are pure disinformation. More information on this misrepresentation is posted at

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists

    Obviously Communism depends on a country having a great number of poor people. Nowadays, the middle-class is slowly being wiped out which is making the line between lower and upper class families more defined. There has always been people in this country saying "Gimme some free shit" but when illegal aliens started getting "free shit", the Communistic nature of America was plain to see IMO. And whatever the reasons were (commercial, humanitarian (NOT!)), it was done on purpose.

    We've all heard it before... the future will consist of the haves and the have-nots. It most likely will be a breeding ground for full-blown Communism and McCarthy will be whispering from his grave "I told you so".

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