Anyone here hunt it? I'm going to be a new hunter this year and was wondering if anyone had any tips for hunting the area. I've been fishing up in that area all of my life because my folks have a place up there but I only just recently got interested in firearms and hunting. Luckily, the house is locoated on a lake about 1/4 mile from SGL 236 which is my best best but I might also look at hunting on Stillwater Reservoir right near the town of Union Dale, PA. I also know of a farmer who my father was friendly with when I was much younger, I may stop by there one time to see if I can get permission to hunt.

Incidentally I'm planning on going up there in mid-September to do some late season Bass and Pickerel fishing and I heard that Canadian Goose season opens up statewide on September 1st. I was just wondering how early season goose hunting is up in that area...I'm hoping since it is farther north that it might be more productive than down here in southeast PA.

Also, I can't for the life of me remember ever seeing a squirrel in that part of the state. Chipmunks sure,but never a squirrel. Strange.