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Thread: Bishop of Erie

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Huefner, Pennsylvania
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    Default Bishop of Erie

    Dear Monsignor or Father:

    I am writing at the recommendation of the Presbyteral Council, but also from personal conviction.
    On July 12, 1999 a letter from Bishop Trautman was sent to the presbyterate announcing the unanimous approval of a motion by the Council at their ordinary meeting on May 10th. The motion read as follows -- “The Diocese of Erie deplores the violence in our society that arises from the misuse of guns. Correspondingly, the Diocese of Erie will prohibit all sponsoring of gun raffles on Church property or by Church-sponsored institutions, effective July 2, 2001. All parishes should seek to move to alternative sources of funding as soon as possible eliminating all gun raffles by July 1, 2001.”
    There has never been any expressed revocation of this policy since its promulgation. Nor do I intend to revoke it. On May 15, 2001, the Presbyteral Council reaffirmed the July 1, 1999 policy but also allowed for the possibility of parishes holding fund raising events where gift certificates to sports stores and/or cash prizes could be awarded. At these events there should no longer be any display of firearms or any encouragement to purchase them.
    With this letter I am affirming and make binding on all parishes the above action of the Council. Violence in our society is born of many forces and multiple sources. I am not so naive to think that our detachment from promoting guns at church-sponsored events will impact in any significant way the number of horrendous assaults on the lives of the innocent. That day will come, as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote, only when every person “disarms his own heart and becomes a peacemaker. . . .”
    People do not need the Church to promote the sale of guns. Access is easy and everywhere. If we are a Church that promotes a culture of life then we are sending the wrong message to the faithful about our culture. Nor should we have to rely on their sale to keep the doors of the churches open. If we do, our problems are far greater than we realize. No, admittedly so, we can’t end the violence occasioned by guns. But we can try!
    Sincerely yours in Christ,
    +Lawrence T. Persico
    Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, JCL
    Bishop of Erie

    My Response....
    Let us, remember what protects our First amendments rights....
    Thank you !
    Chuck S.

    -"The Second Amendment to our Constitution is our Founding Fathers’ restatement of our natural God given right to defend life, liberty, and property. "
    -"The first 10 amendments are not called the Bill of Rights for no good reason. They are the foundation of all our freedoms and the secularists’ Ten Commandments. They stand for all time as God breathed, inspired and given."
    -Our Founding Fathers’ faith in an almighty God helped establish the United States of America. In the Declaration of Independence they proclaimed; “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness- that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men…”
    -"In the Constitution, the Second Amendment, known as the right to bear arms, serves to protect our God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    new castle, Delaware
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    Default Re: Bishop of Erie

    I would add that in Luke 22:36 that God said

    "Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one."

    I think this clearly says God wants us to protect ourselves.
    I offer discounts on freeze dried foods, knives and other prepping products.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Bishop of Erie

    I protect myself and family appropriately in an Erie Diocese Catholic Church every Sunday morning....

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Bishop of Erie

    Quote Originally Posted by ar15jules View Post
    I protect myself and family appropriately in an Erie Diocese Catholic Church every Sunday morning....
    ! ! Me too.....

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Bishop of Erie

    While I believe that Persico is an improvement over the liberal Trautman, I believe these Bishops have been poorly catechized. For almost 2,000 years the Church and scripture has promoted the use of deadly force when needed, (ref. Nehemiah 4:14) but some have now tried to recast the Church as a model of pacifism. Not true. Personally, I would respond with my pocketbook. There are a lot of good Catholic causes that you can contribute to outside the diocese.

  6. #6
    Hokkmike Guest

    Default Re: Bishop of Erie

    Our church does not sell things to make money so this is not an issue. We have discussed the many members who carry concealed weapons to church. As an administrative council we have concluded, especially knowing these men and women, the more the better. Our policy is to make no policy about guns and let the law stand for itself. Our gun "non statement" is quite apart from any theological belief about whether or not scripture condones violence or killing. My personal belief is that gun policies Per Se have nothing to do with the core of personal faith but that in the use and execution of firearms there may be a "season" of appropriate use.

    In a better comparison that IS on the OP one of our elementary schools conducted a gun raffle to raise money for a playground. It was a parent PTA type group. They raised $26,000 dollars. They have succumbed to the PC and have decided to no longer raffle guns. It is part of that "gun free" schools and guns do not mix mentality.

    On the plus side, and I have said it before, we have one of the few high schools in the state that still has a competitive shooting team. Our district has produced Olympic shot gunners. Most kids here at the HS and Jr H, about 75%, own and use firearms, mostly for hunting. Many of the teachers have LTCF's but, of course, cannot carry to work.

    Sorry - I digress.....

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Bishop of Erie

    We allow those winners a choice between a gift certificate or the gun.
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