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  1. #1
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    Default Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    Hillary just might help prevent the Obama/Biden "Gun Grabber" juggernaut from happening:

    Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast ObamaStory Highlights
    The Republican Party held a happy hour for Hillary Clinton backers in Denver

    Some Clinton backers say Obama lacks experience necessary to be president

    Only two-thirds of the New York senator's supporters are backing Obama, poll finds

    John McCain's campaign has been actively courting Clinton backers

    By Ed Hornick

    DENVER, Colorado (CNN) -- The last place Kathy Archuleta could have ever imagined she'd spend the first night of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, was at a happy hour sponsored by the Republican Party.

    Clinton supporters chat at the RNC sponsored Hillary Happy Hour Monday night in Denver, Colorado.

    1 of 3 But the 54-year-old Democrat joined several other Hillary Clinton supporters, along with volunteers and officials from John McCain's campaign, at a Happy Hour for Hillary.

    The event, sponsored by the Republican National Committee and approved by the McCain campaign, was a chance for McCain and Clinton supporters to come together for one cause: their opposition to Barack Obama's candidacy.

    "Four years ago, if you said we'd be at a Hillary happy hour at the DNC, I would have called you crazy. But today is a great opportunity for people who ... agree that Sen. Barack Obama doesn't have the experience to be president of the United States," said McCain campaign regional communications director Tom Kise.

    As Michelle Obama was delivering her "One Nation" unity speech on the convention floor several blocks away, more than 100 people gathered at the Paramount Café in downtown Denver.

    In a side room, both groups of supporters discussed politics, sports and the convention while sipping cocktails and munching on tacos and a cheese spread.

    But there was nothing unified for these Clinton supporters who walked across the aisle or, in this case, the cafe Monday night.

    Archuleta, who hails from Denver, has been a registered Democrat all her life -- until now.

    "I'm a registered Republican ... for the first time in my voting life," Archuleta said. "No Obama for me. I'm voting for John McCain."

    "He reminds me of what the Jimmy Carter era was like. ... If they think Jimmy Carter had it bad, just wait if Obama gets into the White House. That will be bad news in so many ways," she added.

    Obama's relative lack of experience in national politics -- long seen as his Achilles heel -- was something that Clinton supporters, Republicans and independents attending the happy hour rallied behind.

    "His lack of experience has been demonstrated so painfully every time he opens his mouth just about. ... You cannot have good judgment without experience; that's how you get it," said 58-year-old Marnie Delano of New York.

    Adam Edwards, a 20-year-old Clinton supporter, said that although the New York senator "was the stronger candidate," voters may have "just discredited her because of some imagined baggage she carried from her husband's administration."

    Leland Kritt, a McCain supporter who made his way to Denver from Los Angeles, California, said Obama's message of 'change' is simply flawed.

    "The simple fact remains, change will occur anyway, no matter who the president is. For every man, woman and child, change will happen. Question is: who is best able to handle that change?" the 51-year-old Republican said.

    The McCain campaign has been aggressively courting Clinton's voters in recent days, especially after Obama announced Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden as his running mate Saturday.

    Shortly after the announcement, the Arizona senator's campaign released a TV ad in several swing states that used video of Biden criticizing Obama as too inexperienced to be president.

    And just as the Democrats' convention was getting started in Denver, both the McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee unveiled four TV ads geared toward Clinton supporters.

    The most recent McCain ad involves the famous Hillary Clinton "3 a.m." spot and will be aired during the convention. The 30-second spot uses footage from Clinton's original ad and declares, "Hillary's right."

    The ad, set to run in key battleground states and specifically in Denver this week, also goes a step further than the New York senator's original ad, explicitly detailing the national security threats America faces.

    Clinton, speaking to member of the New York delegation in Denver on Monday, said she was opposed to Republicans using her words against Obama.

    Meanwhile, a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll taken August 23-24 found that 56 percent of registered voters have a favorable opinion of Hillary Clinton, with 40 percent having an unfavorable view. The margin of error was plus or minus 4.5 percentage points. Are you in Denver?

    So while Clinton's die-hard supporters are in Denver in full force, the poll showed that her negative approval rating is very high among registered voters nationwide.

    But there is some bad news for Obama. The poll showed that 66 percent of Clinton supporters -- registered Democrats who want Clinton as the nominee -- are now backing Obama. That's down from 75 percent in the end of June. Twenty-seven percent of them now say they'll support McCain, up from 16 percent in late June.

    And nowhere was that statistic more prevalent than at the RNC-sponsored happy hour for Hillary.

    Clinton supporters-turned-McCain converts at the event were not just angry at Obama's campaign; they're furious with the Democratic Party's nomination process this year.

    "The DNC really pushed [Barack Obama] on us. Now they've left us with two choices: somebody who has no substance or a Republican," said Jessi Cleaver, 35, of New York. "And these are terrible choices, and they worked hard to select this candidate. ... We're watching the DNC pick this candidate for us."

    It's a point Mitt Marr agreed with.

    "We're taking a stand and not backing down. It's 'we the people,' not 'we the DNC.' We are standing up for what is right. I know in my heart," said the woman from Sugar Land, Texas, who would give her age only as 50-something.

    As the convention heats up and tensions remain high over how to make sure Clinton's 18 million or so votes are counted, supporters will rally by her side, even if their pick in November is her enemy.
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    This election will be decided by the voters who are "against" rather than those who are "for" any particular candidate. Many of the people I work with are against the Republican party's track record. I am against the Democratis party's stance on 2nd amendment and other issues. An informal assesment on my part so far has yielded no clear picture of which party will win. I imagine many voters will wait this election out and probably regret not voting.
    I regret not having better candidates who give us real choices and sensible platforms to get the economy going again .

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    I watched Hillary's speech last night just for shits and giggles and was surprised how much support she threw toward Obama I expected her to be more concerned with touting herself.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by Gkgas View Post
    I watched Hillary's speech last night just for shits and giggles and was surprised how much support she threw toward Obama I expected her to be more concerned with touting herself.
    I didn't watch it, but I'm not surprised. If Obama doesn't win, she's going to be blamed by the party elite for causing the loss, and could stand to lose much of her influence within the party as a result.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    I guess that is true i just expected her to be much less supportive I mean her ambitions still must be the white house, so an Obama win is not good for her overall she would have to wait 8 years to run again and that could be too long.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    Personally I find the entire thing a load of bullshit. if we are a nation then ALL our votes should count THE SAME!

    Why the hell should My vote not count until AFTER 3/4 of the other states? Why should Michigan and Florida votes not count at all? Why shouldn't my voice be heard? Why should my candidate drop out before I have a chance to vote for him because a bunch of states don't have the same concerns as me?

    Its not a Gov't for the people by the people, Its a gov't for the progress of parties who are interested only in making money for themselves and keeping the power they have gotten by any means necessary.
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    All Clinton supporters are "angry", that's why they support Clinton. They figure that Hillary will finally stick it to men, to people with more money than us, to people who are mean and controlling like Daddy always was. A lot of resentment goes into supporting someone as corrupt as Hillary "I Can Turn $1,000 into $100,000 in 1 year in Cattle Futures" Clinton.

    I think that she was treading a thin line at the convention. She doesn't want B. Hussein to win, but she can't be too obvious about undercutting him. So saying "he sweats less than any drug-addled horny Negro I know" would be over the line, but she wasn't about to say that the people made the right primary choice, either. What I heard was mostly along the lines of "I fought for you like a tigress, but this guy will probably be OK at it."

    Personally, I think that electing Obama right now would send the same message as Iran electing T. Boone Pickens as their president, that we'd be capitulating to the Muslim Jihad by adopting their ways. Sort of like Japan when we overcame their insular objections to trade with the West by sending in our fleet and making them all wear uncomfortable suits. Then we kicked their asses in WW II and they became more Westernized than San Francisco is today. I can't think of a worse person to be Commander in Chief during a time of conflict with militant Muslims than someone who became a Christian in his 30's, who lies about his Muslim upbringing, who was born to a mother who was less than enamored of the USA and preferred Anyplace But Here. We've got 300,000,000 Americans, the DNC couldn't find someone with more of a connection to the USA? Hell, we have 40,000,000 Blacks, they couldn't find a more qualified Black guy? Maybe someone who was at least Mayor of a small town first, or who managed a hardware store, some kind of executive experience that he could point to?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Angry Clinton supporters toast McCain, roast Obama

    Quote Originally Posted by Gkgas View Post
    I guess that is true i just expected her to be much less supportive I mean her ambitions still must be the white house, so an Obama win is not good for her overall she would have to wait 8 years to run again and that could be too long.
    Nope thats not to long, she'll still be in the Senate then, possibly even better off then as opposed to now. If Obama doesn't get elected the Dem's will have a hard time pushing through their agenda of socialism so she needs him to be elected and hopefully in 8 years we will still be able to afford to have a gov't.
    The first vehicles normally on the scene of a crime are ambulances and police cruisers. If you are armed you have a chance to decide who gets transported in which vehicle, if you are not armed then that decision is made for you.

    Be prepared, because someone else already is and no one knows their intent except them.

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