I wasn’t sure where to post this as I only ever see talk about the gun shows in the gun show section and didn’t find anything related to membership when I did a search.

I’m interested in becoming a member of the Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society but the online membership application requires two sponsors. I’m wondering if anyone here is a member and would sponsor me or if anyone that knows can tell someone who doesn’t live in the immediate Allentown area and doesn’t know any members how I could go about getting sponsored.

I haven’t actually been to one of the Forks Allentown shows yet though I’ve been wanting to for a while and am tentatively planning on going to the February show though my schedule always winds up being busy so we’ll see how that works out. I figure it’s a benefit to have early entry and not pay a fee but also to be able to get a table at the monthly meetings to try to sell a few things I may be looking to move along. Thanks in advance for help or information.