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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Real Health Care Reform Includes:

    A quality public health insurance option.
    A requirement for employers to pay their fair share.
    No taxation of workers’ existing health care benefits.

    Health care will be there for you, no matter what.
    Health care costs will be reduced.
    An end to insurance company abuses.
    You can’t be denied coverage because you’re sick or have a pre-existing condition.
    You and your doctor will be in charge of your health care decisions.

    Dear LAWRENCE,

    Across the country, a small group of radical right-wingers are engaging in an all-out effort to stop real health care reform. There is little doubt that this increased level of coordinated activity is because we are closer to reform than we have been in more than 50 years.

    While we are getting closer to real reform, we can’t let up yet. We need to keep fighting to ensure that our voices are heard over the unruly mobs. More than 75 percent of America’s workers support President Obama’s plan for real health care reform, and we cannot allow a small band of angry zealots to stand in our way.

    Currently, fringe right-wing opponents of health care reform are focused on disrupting congressional town hall meetings. To combat these disruptions, we need you to call your U.S. representative’s district office today and remind him or her to support real health care reform this year.

    Call your representative toll free: 1-877-702-0976

    The progress Congress has made so far toward reform has come thanks in part to the more than 50,000 phone calls made last week by activists like you. As of today, four congressional committees have approved health care reform bills with a quality public health insurance option, a requirement for employers to pay their fair share and no taxation of workers’ existing health care benefits.

    This is a remarkable achievement and the furthest we’ve come in 50 years toward providing affordable, secure and stable health care for all. We still have a ways to go, and while the media loves to highlight all the bumps in the road, it’s important to remember two things: We have yet to lose a significant vote in Congress this year on health reform, and the president, his staff and leaders in Congress are all committed to enacting health care reform this year.

    Call your representative toll free: 1-877-702-0976

    If you have a chance to speak with your member of Congress or a staff member, here is a question and a few talking points you might find helpful. But personal stories are often the most powerful way to communicate the need for reform, so feel free to tell your own story.

    Will you side with health insurers and vote for legislation that continues their control over health care, or vote for reform that puts patients and their doctors in charge of their health care?

    I want real health care reform with:

    A quality public health insurance option.
    A requirement for employers to pay their fair share.
    No taxation of workers’ existing health care benefits.
    Thank you for your support,

    Working America, AFL-CIO

    P.S. We are going to win this fight, but we can’t do it without hard work. The Republicans and their corporate allies are going all out to stop reform, and the next 30 days are going to be critical. Call your representative toll free: 1-877-702-0976

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Call your rep and tell him/her that the AFL/CIO has upset you and that you don't want him to support anything the union is in favor of. Tell him you were on the fence before, but now that you've heard the union's position, you can't support it.

    Tell him they talked about being angry, combating things, and being in a fight.
    The real answer is 42.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bucks, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    I am truly baffled as to what ethical or moral rule is used to determine that your employer, the company where you trade your labor for cash, is somehow obliged to kick in extra dollars to pay for your dental work and flu shots and to extricate the occasional hamster.

    The deal is, you agree to do their needed welding or paperwork or driving or supervising, and in return, the employer gives you money. That's it. When they hire you, they use a different word than "adoption", because they don't become your daddy. You help them do stuff that they can make money at, then you go home.

    It's amazing to me that a nation of people who become outraged with nosy employers who want to tell you that you can't have a gun in your car, that you can't smoke at home, that you can't be too fat, somehow think it's just peachy for employers to be obliged to pay for your daughter's birth control pills and your son's broken arm and your crotch fungus.

    Of COURSE a union would push that agenda. Unions would be in favor of the ritual cannibalistic consumption of executives if they could get away with it. When was the last time that any union said "no, you offer too much, we're not worth that"? Unions are cash and power junkies, it's pretty much their job to push for as much from employers while giving back as little work as possible. Employers push back the other way. The GOVERNMENT is supposed to be NEUTRAL, not conspire to gang up on the only source of value, the dog whose blood is being leeched by every bloated government program. The government is half the economy, yet it produces nothing except hurdles that trip up the other half.

    On a related note, I'm hearing the argument that the various insurance companies have too much power, it's too concentrated in just a few players, maybe a dozen insurers, half a dozen pharmaceutical companies, and thousands of separate hospitals and doctors; so to fix that, it should all be run by one government bureaucracy. Is that insane, or is it just me?
    Attorney Phil Kline, AKA
    Ce sac n'est pas un jouet.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    I am truly baffled as to what ethical or moral rule is used to determine that your employer, the company where you trade your labor for cash, is somehow obliged to kick in extra dollars to pay for your dental work and flu shots and to extricate the occasional hamster.
    Damn rep button is broken, but this is funny, funny stuff!

    On a related note, I'm hearing the argument that the various insurance companies have too much power, it's too concentrated in just a few players, maybe a dozen insurers, half a dozen pharmaceutical companies, and thousands of separate hospitals and doctors; so to fix that, it should all be run by one government bureaucracy. Is that insane, or is it just me?
    Spot on, Phil. It's amazing to me just how many people think bureaucrats working for the government will somehow make better decisions about your healthcare than bureaucrats working for insurance companies. After all, the last five decades of governance have been a case study for effectiveness and efficiency, right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Why is any of this suprising?

    The auto bail outs turned into giving union defato control of the automakers by putting them on the board of directors.

    The AFL-CIO worked hard for their chosen canidate President Obama.

    SEIU has roots to ACORN and ACORN is where President Obama got his community organizer street cred.

    Presdent Obama has called on the unions to go out and counter the grass roots oposition to nationalized health care.

    So why is this email a suprise?

    Why are union supporters showing up at these town hall meetings and acting as enforcers for their canidate a suprise to any?

    Why is this latest power grab by this gang of socalist suprising?

    They own the banks

    They own the auto industry.

    They own the investment bankers.

    They own the worlds largest insurance company in AIG, a company that has been a major contibutor to the socalist party and a major provider to the socalist party's retirement fund.

    Now they want to own YOU.

    They control the largest portion of the US econonmy that health care represents by defalt they will own you and your children.

    If they own you and your future and that of your children there will be no need for gun bans. You want antibotics give you guns up. You need your insulin give your guns up. Your grandmother needs a hip replacement give your guns up.

    So why shouldn't the AFL-CIO be involved in this new government take over of our freedom.

    It will give them a place of power at the troth of those who they feed from....the government.

    Hope you are having fun with 'hope and change.'

    Just remeber a red dog democrat is still a democrat, just look at how fast they folded after token oposition to this latest power grab. Their claim to fiscal responsiblity and support of the second amentment comes second to their being in power.

    In politics power is everything.

    If only the Republicans had some balls then maybe we could preserve our republic, but a neutered cat has more gonads than these gelatinous spined jellyfish.

    Stand up.

    Speak up.

    Speak out.

    Save our republic. If not for you then for your children and their children.
    gotta love her ;)

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    I am truly baffled as to what ethical or moral rule is used to determine that your employer, the company where you trade your labor for cash, is somehow obliged to kick in extra dollars to pay for your dental work and flu shots and to extricate the occasional hamster.
    What if you work at a warehouse that distributes PVC pipes, Vaseline, and posters of a half-naked Richard Gere?
    "When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa."-- Honore de Balzac, The Wild Ass's Skin...huh, huh..Balzac...Wild Ass...huh, huh

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Quote Originally Posted by Eugene V. Debs View Post
    What if you work at a warehouse that distributes PVC pipes, Vaseline, and posters of a half-naked Richard Gere?
    Lawyers are usually too smart to work in a Union Shop.

    Be safe (and stay away from organized crime).


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Quote Originally Posted by Eugene V. Debs View Post
    What if you work at a warehouse that distributes PVC pipes, Vaseline, and posters of a half-naked Richard Gere?
    Unless you're really happy there Eugene, you should get another job.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Quote Originally Posted by Swarner793 View Post
    Lawyers are usually too smart to work in a Union Shop.
    Dunno about that. Seen too many union reps that came out of union shops beat the snot out of $400/hour lawyers at arbitration or NLRB hearings to believe that.
    "When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa."-- Honore de Balzac, The Wild Ass's Skin...huh, huh..Balzac...Wild Ass...huh, huh

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Just got this from the AFL CIO

    Quote Originally Posted by homefront View Post
    Unless you're really happy there Eugene, you should get another job.
    Dude, I have access to free gerbils, PVC pipes, Vaseline and half-naked pics of Richard Gere-- of course I'm happy at my job.

    Of course, it being a union shop, we do sometimes have to contend with picket lines:

    Last edited by Eugene V. Debs; August 10th, 2009 at 11:15 PM.
    "When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa."-- Honore de Balzac, The Wild Ass's Skin...huh, huh..Balzac...Wild Ass...huh, huh

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