So one of my other threads prompted me to post the following and I thought it was worthy of it's own thread.

To the comment about 'ignoring it': I assume that you mean carry anyways. Or are you saying I shouldn't bother with writing my letter of concern to the borough council either? (I don't think that is what you wanted to say but it segues into my next rant.)

I'll address the answer even before I get it; take it for what it's worth. If we continue to ignore these sorts of rules we make it that much easier for our preemption to be dismantled. If it would ever come up in the legislature to modify the UFA in this manner it could be stated that X-hundred municipalities have regulations on firearms and they have not been repealed so it must make sense for the state to allow municipalities to have such laws. So I encourage all of you to check your local area for similar violations and make them known to the governing body. I didn't start this thread with the intention of sparking a grass-roots movement, but maybe this is a good outcome. Let us know what you can find.
You'll have to check the other thread for a little background (just the first page) but what I am suggesting is to check local municipalities for any regulations they may have that violate state preemption. I'm sure there are many throughout the state and I think we can make a difference. I'm not saying we should all go out and file suits against the township we live in or whatever. Simply write a nice letter of concern and let the lawmakers know they have enacted an illegal piece of law and it should be repealed. I ask that you post what you find here so that we can keep an eye on what is going on throughout the state.