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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Hello all. I work as a cashier at a convenience store. We got held up at gunpoint last week, and now I have been asked to get a gun. They'll pay the costs, but I am supposed to get one and do the paperwork by myself. I am disabled and this is my uncle's store. It isn't easy for me to get such a flexible job, so I gotta get the gun to keep my job.

    What is the best one, that is good at close range and mainly a deterrent that anyone could recommend? I can;t affordt a lot, and I have no other use for the gun than an other hold-up. Also I am disabled and need one that is really safe. Are guns with silencers expensive? I don't know the first thing about guns... will any gun kill if it ever goes off at close range?! Or are there just deterring guns to scare off a would-be thief? Is there a store you would recommend? I am in Homewood.

    What paperwork do I have to do? I only need to keep the gun in the store. Do I need to get a LTCF? Do I need to register it? I have an absolutely clean record without even a parking ticket. Can I just get it off the instant check? I only intend to buy it, bring it to the shop, lock it in, and hopefully never use it.

    The internet info is so sketchy, I hope someone here is able to give me good info.

    Thanks and god bless.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    This is bad news for you. Other members will hopefully chip in with their knowledge, but if you are going to be armed as a requisite of your job, there are different laws, applications, and safety courses you are going to have to take. Search for Act 235 (or something like that).

    I understand this is a family business, but if you do it on your own, the legal repercussions will fall on you, personally. You want the business to be held responsible should the worst happen.

    Any gun will kill. Even a BB gun. There are non-lethal modes of self-defense, such as pepper-spray and tazers/stun-guns. You may want to look at that first.

    This is not simply a matter of buying a gun. You must have the right mental state, knowledge, and most importantly, training in order to use a firearm safely.

    Best of luck.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Quote Originally Posted by ho_hum View Post
    What is the best one, that is good at close range and mainly a deterrent that anyone could recommend? I can;t affordt a lot, and I have no other use for the gun than an other hold-up. Also I am disabled and need one that is really safe. Are guns with silencers expensive? I don't know the first thing about guns... will any gun kill if it ever goes off at close range?! Or are there just deterring guns to scare off a would-be thief? Is there a store you would recommend? I am in Homewood.
    You sound like someone who would benefit from a lot of reading and a few classes. First off, there is no best gun. I'm not sure what you mean by a deterrent unless you mean that you'd open carry in the store?

    Guns are only as safe as you make them. You are the safety and if you are responsible and follow the rules, you won't have safety issues. Unless a gun is physically damaged or not in proper working order, you should have no safety issues if you do your part as the owner.

    Buying a gun with not knowing anything about them can be dangerous. I strongly encourage you to take some classes and if/when you buy, practice. Firearms aren't something you load, lock up, and have for a specific incident. You have the responsibility to train, practice, etc with that gun.

    I wouldn't put your confidence in a gun being a deterrent. Using a gun as an empty threat and hoping that it will save you from an encounter just on its visual impact is dangerous.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Well, Guymontag, could you make some "actual" recs than be off-putting to say "you need classes"? Like make, model, cost, stores, silencers etc? Also Paperwork. Do I need to get a LTCF? Do I need to register it? Just need to keep one in the store.

    By safe, obviously I meant something easy to use for a disabled person, without too much report etc. I may take classes later and they are not easy for someone in braces and sometimes in a chair. But, please let me figure out by myself my need for a gun. We only want to do, what many New York stores have done by now. Word gets out about armed cashiers and presto, you are off the hold-up list for a time.

    LorDiego01: I didn't think about the ACT 235 or legal angle. will look into it. But, I still would like recs.

    Anyway, thanks for all the advice, but please.... RECS!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    as far as recommendations, the usual suspects should suffice.

    Glock, Sig, XD, Smith&Wesson, ect. With current technology and materials, just about all guns are more than adequate for your needs.

    Training is a LOT more important than brand and model. Without it, you could injure yourself, your customers, or your coworkers. Without training, the gun could be taken from you and used againt you, your customers, or your coworkers.

    So let me repeat that.

    Training is a LOT more important than brand and model.

    Disabled or not, you should have no problem finding basic training. I'd be surprised of any store/range that would not at least throw in a basic NRA training with purchase of a gun.

    What do you need a silencer for?? What do you think would scare away a robber..

    a "pssst"

    or a "BANG!"

    And if you want to "scare" away the bad people, you may want to look at shotguns.

    Also, make sure you understand the repercussions that follow after a shooting. A robber could walk away with the contents of your cash-register if you do nothing. Or, if you shoot a robber, he could end up walking away with the entire store, your house, your uncle's house, your life savings and you could face jail-time on top of that.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Get a Big Scary Dog!
    Last edited by Bug44; September 17th, 2009 at 01:00 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Quote Originally Posted by ho_hum View Post
    Well, Guymontag, could you make some "actual" recs than be off-putting to say "you need classes"? Like make, model, cost, stores, silencers etc?
    Sorry for trying to keep you from shooting yourself or getting yourself shot by your own gun. My fault I guess. In lieu of that, I'll give you the same recommendations that I give to anybody else that asks for my help in selecting and buying a gun.

    Get something that fits your hand, is appropriate for its use, is appropriate for your abilities, is a caliber that you can shoot accurately and consistently, a trigger pull and style that you like and prefer and I could go on...

    I'm sure you'll feel put off after that post, but after giving no more info than 'I'm disabled' that's pretty much where we stand. Does disabled mean you're blind, can't walk, have no hands? Do you have big hands, can you handle the recoil of a large caliber.... etc etc...

    Don't be so put off when you get advice that is actually more sound than you realize as we'll just end up where we started: "I don't know the first thing about guns..."
    Last edited by GuyMontag; September 17th, 2009 at 01:01 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Guy montag and other advisers, my point is that I "can" use common sense and take responsibility, and don't need to be told how to do that. Going through life with severe disability teaches you at least that much.

    How am I disabled, is a pertinent q. I don't have the full use of my hand and leg on the right side. Some days, I can manage to walk with braces. Some days, I need my chair. In fact, it is physically painful for me to keep repeating my Qs here.

    Other than ACT235, I haven't really heard usable info from you guys.

    Can someone give me clear recs about stores, the paperwork, do I need to get LTCF just to keep in the store, do I need to register, what exact make and models could I look at, that are also cost effective, etc. I wish internet info weren't so sketchy. Also what if the diff buying from a shop and through an FFL transfer. I also wanted to know about silencers because it is relevant to my disability, in the improbable event that I shoot.

    Please someone give me usable info. Please. Will appreciate it.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Quote Originally Posted by ho_hum View Post
    I wish internet info weren't so sketchy.
    Internet info is not sketchy in the least bit. Matter of fact, PAFOA is part of the internet.

    Every. Single. One. of your questions has been fully answered in the forum. Head over to the handguns forum, and you should find everything in the sticky threads.

    Quote Originally Posted by ho_hum View Post
    Can someone give me clear recs about stores, the paperwork, do I need to get LTCF just to keep in the store, do I need to register, what exact make and models could I look at, that are also cost effective, etc.
    An FFL is a person who sells firearms. If you buy a handgun without an FFL you'll be going to jail soon. Every single shop must be a registered FFL holder. This does not apply to long arms, so long as both parties are allowed to own firearms, you can transfer them without anybody else getting involved.

    You only need an LTCF if you plan on concealing, or carrying it loaded in your car. It is a good idea to get one either way. You can also open-carry anywhere in the state, outside of cities of the first class (Philly, for example)

    There is no registration in PA, although most will argue with this.

    You can look at any models you want. Since you don't have full use of both hands, I wouldn't look past .380 calibers. Look at .22s, .38special, and .380. I feel anything more than that will be too much to effectively shoot single-handed for you.

    You will probably want to look at revolvers, since there is no rack to slide.

    For silencers, you are a looking at the cost of the silencer itself (around $800) plus a $200 tax on top of it. You will also need the signature of your local sheriff, if I'm not mistaken.

    For the cost of the gun itself, I'd be looking at anywhere between $400 and $600 for something decent in the calibers I mentioned. Of course, as with anything else, the sky is the limit.

    If I were you, I would definitely hire and retain a firearm lawyer. They will be able to answer all your questions regarding this, and the use of the firearm at your store. It will be more than worth it, in the event that you have to defend yourself.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    ~Thomas Jefferson, 1791

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Gun recs and lots of Qs

    Quote Originally Posted by LorDiego01 View Post
    Internet info is not sketchy in the least bit. Matter of fact, PAFOA is part of the internet.
    Yup, the paperwork as needed for Allegheny county comes off quite sketchy. For me, the paperwork is more important, since that is harder to find. And no, the stickies don't specifically answer what gun to buy if you were one handed and one legged, and only want a gun for your store. This is why I posted the qs. Wish there were a "how to buy a gun in Pittsburgh" DIY book.

    Is Pittsburgh a "city of the first class"? Do I need an LTCF just because it is Pittsburgh? How long does getting an LTCF take? Good stores here?

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