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  1. #1
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    Default HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    HR 875 The food police, criminalizing organic farming and the backyard gardener, and violation of the 10th amendment

    HR 875
    This bill is sitting in committee and I am not sure when it is going to hit the floor. One thing I do know is that very few of the Representatives have read it. As usual they will vote on this based on what someone else is saying. Urge your members to read the legislation and ask for opposition to this devastating legislation. Devastating for everyday folks but great for factory farming ops like Monsanto, ADM, Sodexo and Tyson to name a few.
    I have no doubt that this legislation was heavily influenced by lobbyists from huge food producers. This legislation is so broad based that technically someone with a little backyard garden could get fined and have their property siezed. It will effect anyone who produces food even if they do not sell but only consume it. It will literally put all independent farmers and food producers out of business due to the huge amounts of money it will take to conform to factory farming methods. If people choose to farm without industry standards such as chemical pesticides and fertilizers they will be subject to a vareity of harassment from this completely new agency that has never before existed. That's right, a whole new government agency is being created just to police food, for our own protection of course.

    DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, READ THIS LEGISLATION FOR YOURSELF. The more people who read this legislation the more insight we are going to get and be able to share. Post your observations and insights below. Urge your members to read this legislation and to oppose the passage of this legislation.
    Pay special attention to
    Section 3 which is the definitions portion of the bill-read in it's entirety.
    section 103, 206 and 207- read in it's entirety.
    Red flags I found and I am sure there are more...........
    • Legally binds state agriculture depts to enforcing federal guidelines effectively taking away the states power to do anything other than being food police for the federal dept.
    • Effectively criminalizes organic farming but doesn't actually use the word organic.
    • Effects anyone growing food even if they are not selling it but consuming it.
    • Effects anyone producing meat of any kind including wild game.
    • Legislation is so broad based that every aspect of growing or producing food can be made illegal. There are no specifics which is bizarre considering how long the legislation is.
    • Section 103 is almost entirely about the administrative aspect of the legislation. It will allow the appointing of officials from the factory farming corporations and lobbyists and classify them as experts and allow them to determine and interpret the legislation. Who do you think they are going to side with?
    • Section 206 defines what will be considered a food production facility and what will be enforced up all food production facilities. The wording is so broad based that a backyard gardener could be fined and more.
    • Section 207 requires that the state's agriculture dept act as the food police and enforce the federal requirements. This takes away the states power and is in violation of the 10th amendment.
    • There are many more but by the time I got this far in the legislation I was so alarmed that I wanted to bring someone's attention to it.

    Didn't Stalin nationalize farming methods that enabled his administration to gain control over the food supply? Didn't Stalin use the food to control the people?
    Last word...... Legislate religion and enforce gag orders on ministers on what can and can't be said in the pulpit, instituting regulations forcing people to rely soley on the government, control the money and the food. What is that called? It is on the tip of my tongue..........
    I haven't read any of the Senate's version of the bill as I have been poring thru the House's version. Here is the link and I hope some of you can take a look and post your observations and insights below. One thing I am pretty sure of is that very few if any Senator's have actually read the legislation and when it comes up for a vote they will more than likely take someone else's word on how they should vote. The other thing I am pretty sure about is that the legislation was probably written by lobbyists and industry experts.
    S 425 Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

    Things you can do
    Contact your members at 202-224-3121 and ask them to oppose HR 875 and S 425. While you are at it ask them if they personally have read the legislation and what their position is? If they have not read the legislation ask them to read it and politely let them know that just because other representitives are not reading the legislation and voting on it does not mean they can do the same.
    Get in touch with local farmers and food producers by attending a local farmers market and asking them how business is.
    Attend a local WAPF meeting, this is a good start to learning about what is going on in farming and local & state initiatives . The website is Local Chapters
    Check out the Farmers Legal Defense Fund at Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
    Find out who sits on your states agriculture and farming committee and contact them with your concerns.
    Continue to contact your elected officials and let them know your position on legislation and why.
    Get active at the local and state levels, this is the quickest way to initiate change.
    Whoever controls the food supply, controls the people. this is not good news for 'preppers'.
    Last edited by Neo31rex31; March 10th, 2009 at 04:45 PM.
    Owner of EMac's Tactical -

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Not anti-gun but disturbing.....HR 875

    scary indeed.

    and that really scary part is that SCOTUS has already said the federal government can regulate what food you can and cannot grow for your own consumption. this was relatively early on in the process of bastardizing the meaning of "commerce among the several states".

    wickard v. filburn (1942)

    one of the worst rulings in the history of the supreme court...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    Bad Link. Can you fix?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    Yeah, but I have a Pre Ban Garden so I'm ok....right?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    PDF Attached
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #6
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    Thanks for the link.

    Still reading, but I'm not sure I see the death of the home garden yet.

    OTOH, maybe EVERYONE with a home garden should register. That would keep hopping.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    Quote Originally Posted by -JD- View Post
    Thanks for the link.

    Still reading, but I'm not sure I see the death of the home garden yet.

    OTOH, maybe EVERYONE with a home garden should register. That would keep hopping.
    Start reading at Page 11, Paragraph (13) and (14)... it seems to exempt farms and most other "food production facilities."

  8. #8
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    I can't believe that something like this actually went through someones mind
    Owner of EMac's Tactical -

  9. #9
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    Default Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    Quote Originally Posted by Neo31rex31 View Post
    I can't believe that something like this actually went through someones mind
    Oh come on... they're just thinking of the children... someone has to think of the children!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Cool Re: HR 875 Criminalizing Organic Farming and the Backyard Gardener

    The vegetable police, they live inside of my head.
    The vegetable police, they come to me in my bed.
    The vegetable police, theyre coming to arrest me, oooooh nooooo!!!  027

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