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  1. #1
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    Default Obama And Ayers the college professor

    Setting aside the idea that Obama knew Ayers the terrorist and that Ayers is unrepentant of his actions. Doesn't anyone question that Ayers is a college professor and teaching young minds. When Obama said he is a respectful college professor and yet did not say anything about him teaching and not being repentant for the bombings and still holding the I wish we had done more mentality.
    Why doesn't anyone condem these liberal professors and get them out of the teaching profession? I have heard it before that diversity is good but when young minds are at stake and one cannot even bring to class a contridiction to the professors views then where is the diversity. Same old idealogy the left has had and still does. Believe what they say or be quiet.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Obama And Ayers the college professor

    Then don't send your child to school there..

    All teachers bring their own world view to class, especially when dealing with such interpretive subjects as philosophy, or history.

    As for specifically Ayers, I'm still wondering how he's out of jail let alone doing anything else if he actually bombed someplace.. /boggle

    But for "getting liberal's out of education" well.. Thats usually what facism usually eliminates first..

    The word "Liberal" has been so distorted over the years.. What is Liberal? There are several forms of Liberalism..

    Political liberalism is the belief that individuals are the basis of law and society, and that society and its institutions exist to further the ends of individuals, without showing favor to those of higher social rank. Magna Carta is an example of a political document that asserted the rights of individuals even above the prerogatives of monarchs. Political liberalism stresses the social contract, under which citizens make the laws and agree to abide by those laws. It is based on the belief that individuals know best what is best for them. Political liberalism enfranchises all adult citizens regardless of sex, race, or economic status. Political liberalism emphasizes the rule of law and supports liberal democracy.

    Cultural liberalism focuses on the rights of individuals pertaining to conscience and lifestyle, including such issues as sexual freedom, religious freedom, cognitive freedom, and protection from government intrusion into private life. Cultural liberalism also generally opposes government regulation of literature, art, academics, gambling, sex, prostitution, abortion, birth control, terminal illness, alcohol, and cannabis and other controlled substances. Most liberals oppose some or all government intervention in these areas. The Netherlands, in this respect, may be the most liberal country in the world today.

    Economic liberalism supports the individual rights of property and freedom of contract, without which, it argues, the exercise of other liberties is impossible. Economic liberals want little or no government regulation of the market. Economic liberalism holds that the value of goods and services should be set by the unfettered choices of individuals, that is, of market forces. Some would also allow market forces to act even in areas conventionally monopolized by governments, such as the provision of security and courts. Economic liberalism accepts the economic inequality that arises from unequal bargaining positions as being the natural result of competition, so long as no coercion is used.

    But the one that most people think of when they say "Liberal" is one that supports heavier taxation and more state enterprises than other forms of liberalism. The term has variations around the world; North American self-described social liberals generally support some degree of free market, whereas many European self-described social liberals have background in socialism and even in communism, such as New Italian Socialist Party or Radicals of the Left. (Social liberalism)

    Now which one did you want to run out of the schools exactly?
    Last edited by Morel42; October 24th, 2008 at 10:27 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Obama And Ayers the college professor

    I agree that the term liberal has been applied to many things these days but in this time it is taking on the stronger context of the social liberal with the socialism aspect. Some term it the far left.
    Not sending your child there is not an option as the left wing socialists have predominately taking the positions in the colleges and so far I do not know of any home school colleges.
    The greatest detrement to the higher education is the inability of the students to disagree with these professors. Many of them will not hear a different position and will grade to the detriment of the student that disagrees with them.
    When young minds are flooded with the greatness of socialism and never shown the downfalls of the system then it all sounds very plausable.
    The far left wants to silience any disagreement to their viewpoints. I believe that confrontation of ideas can be very usfull. Let us agree to disagree but not to the end that hatred occurrs.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Obama And Ayers the college professor

    Quote Originally Posted by Morel42 View Post

    The word "Liberal" has been so distorted over the years.. What is Liberal? There are several forms of Liberalism..
    after the ... just add (Depending on who we need to appeal to to push the underlying agenda).

    See my sig quote.
    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
    - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Obama And Ayers the college professor

    Ayers considers himself to still be an anarchist and marxist. I have no empathy with either world view. In my opinion he should still be in jail with absolutely no hope of parole. It is regrettable that charges against him were dropped because of prosecutorial misconduct. Even more regrettable that when those charges were dropped he wasn't re-arrested to face trial on other charges.

    As to Liberalism, in the days when American Liberalism was geared toward maximizing the civil rights of all, as represented by people like Hubert Humphrey, I was not opposed to it. But it seems now that Socialism in different guises has taken over. And it is the Socialist strain teaching the victimization line and the government should provide everything line that need to be removed.

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