Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    I just opened my FOP "The Journal", July 2008. Yeah, I know, I'm a little late on my reading, but it was back-burnered due to other issues.

    Barack Obama and John McCain were both interviewed by the FOP, and there comments quoted. The FOP stated their position that they have adopted a resolution that they will not support any further gun control. They asked both what they thought of any new gun control. McCain, who I still don't really trust, said that he feels that new gun control is not needed.

    Obama? He said, "Finally, I believe that we should reinstate and make permanent the expired federal assault weapons ban...."

    Wow!!! So, a bullshit law that did absolutely nothing to reduce gun crime in America, and this POS wants to pass it again.

    Not that I was even thinking of voting for Obama, but, this really pisses me off.

    Oh, well, buy all the hi-caps and military style rifles you can now, just in case he wins. And vote McCain.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    link? Source??

    If Obama had said something like that, with as much hate as there is for him on this forum.. there would be a LOT of threads about this.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!”
    ~Samuel Adams

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by LorDiego01 View Post
    link? Source??
    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    I just opened my FOP "The Journal", July 2008.

    some other info regarding Osama's gun position....
    Last edited by GetSome; July 25th, 2008 at 10:43 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    I actually went on Obama's website, after visiting McCain's. McCain has a dropdown under issues, where he openly lists the Second Amendment. It was well written, I guess.

    Then, I went to the other guy's site. The 2nd Amendment isn't listed under a drop down. On his drop down, it lists, "Other Issues." I clicked on that, and found a section titled, "Sportsmen."

    Under that link, I found the following:

    Respect the Second Amendment: Millions of hunters and shooters own and use guns each year. Barack
    Obama believes the Second Amendment creates an individual right, and he respects the constitutional rights of
    Americans to bear arms. He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns.

    I guess that I quote Captain O'Hagen when I say, "[In an Irish accent] I'll believe ya when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet."

    What a douche bag.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    New York already has their own version of the AWB in place, basically the Federal AWB adopted by the state...they didn't care that it didn't work, they went ahead with it anyway cause something is better than nothing, and the laws will never affect the people that pass them anyway, so why should they care?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    I actually went on Obama's website, after visiting McCain's. McCain has a dropdown under issues, where he openly lists the Second Amendment. It was well written, I guess.

    Then, I went to the other guy's site. The 2nd Amendment isn't listed under a drop down. On his drop down, it lists, "Other Issues." I clicked on that, and found a section titled, "Sportsmen."

    Under that link, I found the following:

    Respect the Second Amendment: Millions of hunters and shooters own and use guns each year. Barack
    Obama believes the Second Amendment creates an individual right, and he respects the constitutional rights of
    Americans to bear arms. He will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns.

    I guess that I quote Captain O'Hagen when I say, "[In an Irish accent] I'll believe ya when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet."

    What a douche bag.
    That is basically a cover to say that "sportsmen" only need a single shot or bolt action to hunt with. Anything semi-auto is reasonable to ban.

    The irony is that those on the left don't understand that people like myself own more guns than most hunters and I only shoot holes in paper, and cardboard, and plastic. I target shoot and that's it. I personally don't think gun ownership stops at hunting. I want 30rds in case there are multiple people breaking in during a home invasion. I want a 75rd drum the next time people decide to riot and consider destroying my property. In the meantime, I don't feel like reloading while I poking holes in paper.
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  7. #7
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    Angry Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by LorDiego01 View Post
    link? Source??

    If Obama had said something like that, with as much hate as there is for him on this forum.. there would be a LOT of threads about this.
    Obama has not made any attempt to hide his agenda for our firearms. He views the 2A as nothing more than a protection for hunting. As said that means bolt/single round rifles. There's really no other nead for anything else right? I mean look at what Chicago has done with hand guns. How about his running mate? If you really think there is ANY question what his stance is listen to his acceptance speach. He said something along the lines of "The 2A is an individual right to keep and bear arms, but there are common sense restrictions we can put in place to keep an AK-47 our of the hands of a gangbanger in Cleveland." Other than locking those pieces of shit away what restrictions could keep them from getting an AK? None really, but look at previous attempts. Those have consisted of restricting law abiding Citizens of this country from acquiring those weapons. Total bullshit.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    This is why we need a left-leaning gun rights lobby-- to pressure Dems from within. That way, even if we are still stuck with the same shitty "lesser of two evils" choice every 4 years, we don't have to worry as much about AWB and other sweeping Federal gun laws if a Dem gets elected. The NRA is too organizationally wedded to the GOP, which gives the VPC, Brady Campaign, et al, carte blanche to push their agendas within the Democratic Party with minimal resistance. A lefty gun lobby might not be able to stop the gun-grabbers influence within the Party altogether, but it would be nice to at least have some meaningful resistance.

    I mean, come on, even those of you who hate the Dems and are reliable Republicans, wouldn't it be awesome to have one election where gun control wasn't "on the table" at all?

    Personally, I'm against both parties so all we can do to limit the damage from both on this issue I'm in favor of.

    P.S.-- I'm amazed the FOP has dropped gun control. Any ideas on how that happened?
    "When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa."-- Honore de Balzac, The Wild Ass's Skin...huh, huh..Balzac...Wild Ass...huh, huh

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by adymond View Post
    Obama has not made any attempt to hide his agenda for our firearms. He views the 2A as nothing more than a protection for hunting. As said that means bolt/single round rifles. There's really no other nead for anything else right? I mean look at what Chicago has done with hand guns. How about his running mate? If you really think there is ANY question what his stance is listen to his acceptance speach. He said something along the lines of "The 2A is an individual right to keep and bear arms, but there are common sense restrictions we can put in place to keep an AK-47 our of the hands of a gangbanger in Cleveland." Other than locking those pieces of shit away what restrictions could keep them from getting an AK? None really, but look at previous attempts. Those have consisted of restricting law abiding Citizens of this country from acquiring those weapons. Total bullshit.
    Duh Joey.....we already got them thar restrictions. "Stand up Pal Stand Up"

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Well, Now I know exactly where Obama-lama-ding-dong stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by PocketProtector View Post
    Duh Joey.....we already got them thar restrictions. "Stand up Pal Stand Up"
    100% right. Government bans won't do anything. We need to enforce the laws we have and address the problem not the symptom.

    If the symptom is gang bangers having AK-47s what would the problem be? Maybe the culture that glorifies that? The culture that turns a blind eye by not reporting said gang bangers. The fact that these very gang bangers are usually repeat offenders and are out on early release.

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