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Thread: Worst injuries?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Worst injuries?

    Given the recent outbreak of injuries reported here on the forums, I was just wondering about other people's historical injuries and any comments on how they reacted at that specific time...

    mine, starting with the worst pain.

    -(at 25) having an emergency nose repacking without anesthesia mere hours after sinus surgery... spluttered an kicked like a little girl from the pain and almost died from the TWO PINTS OF BLOOD I lost.

    -(at 22) spraining BOTH ankles at the same time after a wind gust lifted the heli several feet while fast roping in Okinawa... hit the deck and rolled, cursing like a mofo... simultaneously consoled and cajoled by fellow Marines for my bad luck and later getting copious amounts of free beer and "taco, rice & cheese" from the E-Club

    -(at 15) sliding nearly 20 feet in gravel (on my right shoulder and upper back) after skateboarding down the path behind the Hotel Bethlehem... kinda stunned, lit two smokes from my step-brother, marched up the hill and into the Hotel Bethlehem and asked for a first aid kit... the chick behind the counter threw up

    (at 16) getting 8 teeth extracted in the same day (wisdoms and pre-cuspids) to make room for the rest of my fangs so i could get braces.... no, the extraction wasn't the painful part... it was the sodium pentothal that they used to put me to sleep. The cute nurse stated "you might feel a burning or itching sensation in your genitals... It felt like my crotch was soaked in kerosene, lit on fire, and stomped out by Ty Cobb's metal spiked baseball cleats.... for about 20 seconds till I was under.

    (at 17, 19, & 21) getting my nose broken while "training"... reset, and training continued.

    (at 21) being stabbed in the thigh while on Presidential Security... didn't even realize it at first, nice load of adrenaline after taking down an armed BG and my M9 to the back of his head... the 2 months of unpacking/cleaning/repacking the 4" deep hole were not so pleasant, but didn't actually hurt.
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but believe me, it's on the damned list.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    Good thread...

    All time list for worst pain I ever endured, the kidney stone I had last week that put me in the hospital for 4 painful and miserable days.. It's like being stabbed in the back, side, and sometimes front, with a red hot dagger. Made me cry.

    Put a knife through the webbing between my left thumb and first finger. It went in the webbing and came out my palm. (I was taking tape off my hockey stick the wrong way)

    I was under the water of a hot tub when I was a kid and some other kid jumped on my head and my front teeth hit the step to get into the tub and knocked my 2 front teeth out.

    Bring broken arm in 4th grade gym class...
    If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    At 4, dog bit my upper lip off. Don't remember it very well, but I bet it hurt like hell. I do remember going to the pediatrician to get the stitches out and seeing all of the adults in the office not be able to look at me. Wound up with 50+ stitches all said and done, inside and outside of my face. +1 to my parents for having the foresight to have a plastic surgeon fix me up. I only have a tiny scar from it, and my mustache grows on the outside of my lip still.

    When I was a teenager, I gouged my shin a few times on bicycle pedals. The fun style pedals with the traction pins in them. Worst one required 20 stitches to seal up. What was worse yet was re-banging the same shin while the stitches were still in.

    I tore the rotator cuff in my right shoulder, and bicycling led me to dislocate it repeatedly. A true dislocation is pretty much totally incapacitating.

    Almost cut my index finger tip off with an aluminum can lid. That was the first time I saw one of my bones.

    But, the all time worst thing that ever happened to me is easily the testicular torsion I had the pleasure of experiencing in May. After surgery to correct it, which involves sewing your testicles to the side of your scrotum, I am still in agony. Because of the nature of the pain, it's making my stomach really upset (still). I have trouble sleeping at night, can't find too many comfortable positions. Basically made life suck for a while. I need to go back because it still hurts to this day, but I lost my health insurance in November when I got laid off.

    Maybe it's time to start a "What is the happiest fuzziest memory you have?" thread.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    Thank God I never broke a bone that I know of...

    In my teens, I was helping my BIL build his house, while putting up forms on the basement footing, I slipped there was a 2X10 sitting on the ground with a 4 inch nail going through it. I found the nail. Rather my tail bone found it. Stood up and started to fall again, in order not to fall sitting on the nail again I stepped back and put the damn nail in my foot...

    Again in my teens, I was racing with 2 other kids around a bend, hit a manhole drain cover and the front wheel went right in… I imitated superman for about 15 feet then landed on my non titanium knees and hands.

    Mid 20's put a knife through my finger taking hokey tape off a hockey stick blade. Seems similar to some one else here, maybe we should not remove hokey tape.

    Few weeks after that at my local gun club, I was stripping 12v electrical wire with my teeth, had been doing it all day, there was all of 4 feet of space where I was... put both wires in my mouth and got zapped, Some one turned on the power and I did not know, stood up fast and went straight up and put a steal piece in my shoulder... The steal was one thing, but it was a gun club, the lead in there was worst.

    A little later, yet not much brighter, I was installing a radio in a car, again decided finding a knife was too long, used my teeth to strip the wires, this time one at the time, the negative was done, I decided to do the positive... Sweaty head on bare brake pedal is not a good thing to have when stripping wires.. I will never be a good electrician!

    I was about 26 when I found out why files do not make good punches, Put the file right through my finger.. Went to the hospital they stitched it up and suggested I wear finger caps, like little condoms that you put over your fingers, and return to work. The place I worked for cut a lot of plywood, they said I could work cleaning the saws for the rest of the day... This is when I learnt that Acetone is not a good thing to dip your fingers in when you have rubber on top of a cut with nylon stitches...
    My finger was frozen from the stitching, but it did not take long I knew some thing was wrong… The old saying, “You know what is what” became very factual to me…

    Not much after that, I was racing to go to my nephews on my new 18 speed bike; we had planned on making a 150 mile trek on our bicycles that weekend… Going down a long steep hill, I decided to try going into 18th gear and pushing it to see just how fast I could go. I locked my feet into the pedals, and gave it a go.
    A Pickup truck cut me off claimed he never saw me, I had both thumbs dislocated pointing backwards, landed in the pickup box with my bike strapped to my feet I was black and blue and the bike was scrapped. For those who know racing cycles, this was a Norco… The cycle shop replaced it on insurance. I sold the bike a few weeks later.

    Late 20’s probably around 28, found out I was allergic to bees… While cutting a tree with an old chain saw, the bees started to sting my arms; I could not feel the stinging for the vibration in my arms. When I finally stopped, my one arm was the size of a boxing glove… Possibly the only time I move fast now is when I see bees around.

    31, Found out I had cancer, Dr gave me 3 months to live. I decided to go through an experimental chemo therapy that quite possibly saved my life. The cancer was testicular, Dr. took a testicle out then later found out one kidney was blocked, they put me on a table and started to puncture my back with a small needle that was supposed to “freeze” the area, then going up in size over that needle and again until they could insert a 3/8 inch tube in my back into the kidney to drain it. I felt every needle until it became a tube go in, then I fainted as they inserted the final rubber tube in and sewed it on.
    When I came out of the op room, they drugged me pretty good and I lost memory of most of my time in the hospital (9 months total) until they cut a zipper in me to take that kidney out, it was about the size of a grapefruit when they decided it was time to take it out. Over 18 inches of seam clamped down with staples..

    I seem to be getting better now, the last 3 injuries I had where no cuts and just pain, Coughed while in the shower to the point of having to brace my self, pinched a nerve that comes and goes now fir the past 4 years. Last year, slipped on ice on the stairs and slid down my back 6 or 7 steps I swear it felt like 30 to 40, then again last week slipped in the drive way, both times I landed on my tailbone and back refreshing old pains. Both times you could have thought I was checking the transmission on my truck, I ended up under the truck.

    Wonder what is next!
    Skeet is a sport where you are better to hit half of each bird then completely blast one and miss the other completely.

    The choice is yours, place your faith in the court system and 12 of your peers, or carried away by 6 friends.

    Nemo Me Impune Lacessit. 'Nobody provokes me with impunity'

    In this world there's two kinds of people, my friend. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.
    Clint Eastwood
    The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    I've had surgeries, stitches and broke bones, but,
    I can't decide which pain was worse......
    Gall bladder attack
    Delivering my 10 pound 6 ounce son after 12 hours of induced labor without any drugs.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    I've had surgeries, stitches and broke bones, but,
    I can't decide which pain was worse......
    Gall bladder attack
    Delivering my 10 pound 6 ounce son after 12 hours of induced labor without any drugs.
    I'll second the gall bladder attack pain...put me on my knees immediately...WOW.

    However, I've never experienced child delivery pain

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    Quote Originally Posted by HiredGoon View Post
    I'll second the gall bladder attack pain...put me on my knees immediately...WOW.

    However, I've never experienced child delivery pain
    but I'm sure you have some rather painful experiences to relate.
    The last thing I want to do is hurt you... but believe me, it's on the damned list.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    I was fishing and decided to climb down a sheer bedrock wall to the creek instead of taking the trail down 300 yards past the pool I wanted to fish.

    The top was about 40 feet from the water and I was climbing down to a big chunk of bedrock that stuck out into the stream. When I was halfway down I grabbed for a branch that wasn't attached to anything. My right foot was wedged into some tree roots and when I fell, my body twisted but my lower leg didn't move. I fell on top of my fishing rod and smashed it into four pieces when I bounced off the rock and ended up in the water. This was in early June and the water temp was only 53 degrees.

    The really bad thing was that my brand new Glock 29 pistol come out of it's holster and went 15 feet down to the bottom of the creek. I started looking for it and luckally found it on the third dive.

    So I limped and shivered my way downstream to the trail that led back up to where my truck was parked. I was shivering so bad I could barely get the key in the lock. I sat there for 30 minutes with the heat on full blast until I warmed up. I drove back to my parent's house and my mom drove me to the hospital. By the time I got to the hospital, my right knee was the size of a volleyball.

    I ended up with a dislocated kneecap and a partially dislocated shoulder. The knee was the worst because when it twisted, the underside of the kneecap hit the condile of my femur and broke off bone chips. One of those chips slid down behind my lower patella tendon and I got the shock of a lifetime when I went to take a step and didn't know it had moved.

    A little surgery, some rehab and all is well.

    The whole orderal wasn't really painful. It was a serious situation though because if I would have hit my head instead of my shoulder on the way down and knocked myself out, I could have drowned.

    Needless to say, when I fish that spot now I always take the trail down and wade back up to the pool.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    Ill keep mine short

    Broken noses at least a half a dozen time. Starting at age 10 and was reset once at age 10.

    got stuck in a tree by my forearm. I was about 6 and had 30 some stitches. I had to reach up and pull my arm from the branch.

    My buck teeth have been broken numerous times and fixed as many.

    Hit a deer on my motorcycle (broke my nose again) and had roadrash up my right side. the road rash was so bad you could see my knee cap.
    I still went to see tom petty that night.

    Ended up with stiches on my knees and elbows multiple times.

    Seperated my should playing hockey.

    Blew out my thigh so bad playing football that the doctors thought I broke my femor.

    broken foot hockey once again. Blocked a shot.

    I think I have broke at least two toes and most of my fingers at one time or another.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Worst injuries?

    Mine is pretty lame compaired to most....

    but the worst pain i've ever felt....

    age 8 i jumped a chain fence and only made it half way.... landed right on my nutz... jumped the rest of the way off the fence, ran about three feet, then passed out for 2 minutes.

    age 10 i kicked open a fence gate with one of those swinging handles you have to lift up to get out of, the gate hit the other side of the fence, swung back and the handle cracked me in the forehead. i bled for about a minute, soaking my clothes completely with blood, and i still have the scar to this day to remind me.

    and that's about it. boring life huh.
    "Do not use K-9 advantix on cats"

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