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  1. #1
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    Default Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    Thursday, November 26, 2009

    We warned America that Obama’s ’support’ for the Second Amendment was empty rhetoric. Now Holder’s disclosure has confirmed it. Obama was lying, and now gun rights may be dying.
    Obama said “I’m not going to take your guns away” and “Lawful gun owners have nothing to fear…I think people can take me at my word.”
    Right now, I wouldn’t take Obama’s word if he said it rains a lot in Seattle.
    Obama sent Holder to detail his support for a national gun owner registration scheme and authorizing the government to ban firearm possession for any person by merely adding that person’s name to the terror watch list.

    Apparently, law-abiding gun owners have nothing to fear unless they own sport-utility rifles, semiautomatic shotguns, handguns and any other firearm that Obama and his anti-gun attorney general don’t like.

    Attorney General Holder aggressively detailed the Obama anti-gun agenda in
    Holder’s public statements before the Senate Judiciary Committee:
    Holder wants national, permanent gun registration system.
    Holder wants new federal authority to prohibit any person on the
    Federal watch list (reported to be 400,000 names) from buying guns and supports confiscating guns from those on the list who possess them.
    The latest Rasmussen poll shows waning support for stricter gun laws.
    Among Americans polled, 75% said the Constitution guaranteed the right to own a gun. The percentage of “yes” answers was higher among Republicans (92%) and lower among Democrats (64%). Among others, 71% answered yes. And, 57% of those polled cited fear of increased government restrictions as the reason for a spike in gun sales.
    Obama-Holder Join Gun Hater Lautenberg giving “Extraordinary Powers” To the U.S. Attorney General To Limit Gun Sales.
    Obama and the White House have now publicly joined Lautenberg as he seeks to ban guns from 1,000,000 US citizens on a secret FBI terrorist watch list. Obama has
    Lautenberg’ bill S.1317 would give the Attorney General Holder the discretion to block gun sales to people on terror watch lists. We must defeat this bill from giving extraordinary powers to limit gun sales to the Attorney General.

    Lautenberg To Reveal Names on Secret List
    The names of the people on the watch list are secret, and Lautenberg said he was frustrated by the F.B.I.’s refusal to disclose to investigators details and specific cases of gun purchases beyond the aggregate data.
    Gun hater Lautenberg requested the gun grab study from the Government Accountability Office. He is using statistics, compiled in the report that is scheduled for public release next week to invade US citizen’s privacy and put more restrictions on the Second Amendment.
    Lautenberg said he wanted a better understanding of who is being allowed to buy guns.
    How you ask? Trial by innuendo and misinformation that has put 1,000,000 Americans and maybe even you on a terrorist watch list without your knowledge by saying: people placed on this government’s terrorist watch list can be stopped from getting on a plane or getting a visa, and will also be stopped from buying a gun.
    Lautenberg wants gun purchases stopped for just being on the list. Current law states federal officials must find some other disqualification of a would-be gun buyer, like being a felon, an illegal alien or a drug addict.
    The government’s consolidated watch list, used to identify people suspected of links to terrorists, has grown to more than one million names since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It also has drawn widespread criticism over the prevalence of mistaken identities and unclear links to terrorism.
    If guns kill people, then pencils misspell words.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    All this Olying was known well before 11/4/2008. All ya had to do was look at the Orecord. It is and was clear as can be ....the most liberal that could have been found....left even of ADMITTED socialist Bernie Sanders.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    I have such mixed feelings about this. Since so many gun owners are right-wingers who approve of all sorts of unconstitutional actions against dusky Americans of middle-eastern background, it's poetic justice for one of those actions to come around and bite them in the ass. It'll be interesting to hear them bleat about losing their rights without due process, while still arguing that we need to be doing MORE of that to anyone who bows toward Mecca. Maybe they'll even learn, finally, that the big aggressive government they clamor for is really their worst nightmare.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    He's not lying.
    In his mindset "Lawful gun owners" means those who obey the new gun laws he sets up. So the only lawful guns would be those owned by the police.

    Now if he said "gun owners have nothing to fear" then you could say he was full of it.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam-12 View Post
    I have such mixed feelings about this. Since so many gun owners are right-wingers who approve of all sorts of unconstitutional actions against dusky Americans of middle-eastern background, it's poetic justice for one of those actions to come around and bite them in the ass. It'll be interesting to hear them bleat about losing their rights without due process, while still arguing that we need to be doing MORE of that to anyone who bows toward Mecca. Maybe they'll even learn, finally, that the big aggressive government they clamor for is really their worst nightmare.

    Personally I have never met a single person who has thought that retarded Terrorist Watch List was a good idea. Though I know a few people who thought Ted Kennedys trouble was funny.

    This government is running beyond wild and this stupid list is just one of many things wrong with what's going on. This country is on the fast track to hell if we let crap like this continue.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    Well I certainly dont claim to be in the loop, so please tell me that article was so much hot air.

    Isnt prison planet an alex "the sensationalist" jones website?
    Millions for defense, Not one cent for tribute!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    If his mouth is's lying.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    Quote Originally Posted by YllwFvr View Post
    Well I certainly dont claim to be in the loop, so please tell me that article was so much hot air.

    Isnt prison planet an alex "the sensationalist" jones website?
    If people would keep track of his predictions, no one would give him any credibility.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Obama Lies Again – Supports Lautenberg Gun Ban

    no he did not lie. he is a antigunner so it is well known he will support any gun big or small.

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