RAF, Pistol People and Classic Pistol I would say are all reasonable drive distance for a handful of people.

I've never been to any of them on a weekend though. I hear most indoor ranges are mad houses on the weekends. Classic is the nicer/ brightest of the three. I'm a member at Pistol People, so I would be a bias towards them.

RAF has a couple Diners around to go eat at fairly close if that was also an option. Pistol people and Classic Pistol the food places are a little bit further away but not that bad, I know there's quite a few fast food places on Street Road. Bonus with Classic would be easy to get to Tanner's if it were an early Sat. Shoot, LoL..

Pick a Date, time and place, and then see who can make it.. You'll be here for days trying to figure out the best for everyone day.. When NS and DM did it on monday, there was a small portion of people that preferred a weekend gathering..

The shoot I'll prob goto, the meal, I'll be less likely to attend with strange people that carry guns.

My negative against a Sat would be, there are normally matches on the weekend that some goto.. How bout invading a Langhorne Club match one Saturday. May 7th is their Action Pistol open to the Public. With Easter coming up, lot of peoples might be busy these coming weekends with family. So a May gathering might be more realistic.

Just throwing out idears.