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Thread: Viper's OC log

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    The above post is a light-hearted joke!! I just had to click the Submit button to put a sense of finality to it...I couldn't ruin it with a smiley face. Not to mention, I wonder if anyone will read it, then not read this post, then post that I am an asshole for being so mean and two-faced.

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    I enjoy your sense of humor! I must admit I just read all 4 pages of your log. Good stuff! Glad to see more people OC'ing.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS19801 View Post
    The above post is a light-hearted joke!! I just had to click the Submit button to put a sense of finality to it...I couldn't ruin it with a smiley face. Not to mention, I wonder if anyone will read it, then not read this post, then post that I am an asshole for being so mean and two-faced.
    Hey, if I have to know, then I must ruin it for everyone I have actually ranted on this site about their policy before.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS19801 View Post
    The above post is a light-hearted joke!! I just had to click the Submit button to put a sense of finality to it...I couldn't ruin it with a smiley face. Not to mention, I wonder if anyone will read it, then not read this post, then post that I am an asshole for being so mean and two-faced.
    In any case I seriously doubt that "some random dude on the internet says so" qualifies as "actual notice" for the purpose of the trespass statute and/or "knowing" with any certainty in the ordinary sense of the word.

    I mean, half the stuff people post on here is contradicted by the other half, and they can't all be right, right?

    So you can give it approximately as much credence as my claim to be stupendously brilliant and fabulously wealth.
    I am not a lawyer. Nothing I say or write is legal advice.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Spent quite some time carrying open today, with the exception of the little one's soccer game this morning. I CCd there.

    PrettyInPink and I spent about four hours out this morning and early afternoon tooling around and shopping in Whitehall at the Lehigh Valley Mall. I OC there freely since I have yet to notice a sign saying it's prohibited, and have been looked at MANY times by the various security guards on their cute little Segways, and nothing has ever been said. Just as usual, no problems at all, just the way it's supposed to be.

    Tonight, we'll be spending a few hours in Philly, checking out this lightshow an artist is putting on until sometime in October.

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    For those who are curious, we got caught in the rain when we went to see that lightshow, and we wound up diverting to the Cherry Street Tavern on 22nd Street to meet with a group of friends. Not a word was said while there, either by the staff or any of the attendees.

    Yesterday after work, I stopped off at home to get changed out of work attire, pick up the puppy and take him out to Rose Tree Park. I went from 'business casual' to blue camo pants and a black T-shirt, with my Glock 23/BlackHawk LvIII thigh rig. On the way to the park, I stopped for gas, and not until I was pulling around the pump did I notice that a local LEO was sitting in the parking lot a ways foreward of me. Dunno what he was doing, but he clearly cared not about me, if he even saw me in his mirrors.

    While filling up the tank, an extended cab pickup pulled up to the station across from me. A man got out, and three kids, probably about 9 years old and all dressed in baseball outfits, stayed inside. After a few moments and starting to fill his truck, the presumed father in the group smiled at me. "At first, I thought you were the gas attendant, and I was gonna say, 'having a gun for this job is a great idea.'" A bit of further chatting revealed that they were fighting traffic to get to a game, but no other mention of firearms was made.

    Barrett and I had a great time at the park. We explored for twenty minutes or so (I've never been there before) before coming across another dog walker, and within ten minutes of that, there were seven of us there. We let the dogs run around and play amongst themselves, and over the course of about an hour, only one person mentioned - or even seemed to care at all - about my carrying a firearm.

    "So, do you carry a gun all the time?" Sabrina asked.
    "Yup! Every day."
    "Oh, okay. My husband does, too. He's a homicide detective in Philadelphia. He came with an 800lb. gun safe."
    "Oh, alright. I usually don't carry this one - I have a 1911 I usually have when I am dressed up more."

    A little bit later, another dog owner asked her why her husband felt the need to carry all the time - not in a dismissive way, mind you. He missed the whole "homicide" thing. lol.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS19801 View Post
    I went from 'business casual' to blue camo pants and a black T-shirt, with my Glock 23/BlackHawk LvIII thigh rig.
    Either your really worried about that Glock jumping out of its holster and robbing nuns, or you've been guarding a popular retail destination! All in fun. As others have stated before, you do have a certain literary style that makes mundane encounters enjoyable to read about. Keep em coming
    Proud to be a Longwall pig...

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    Remember Rose Tree Park fondly from my childhood...actually used to have horse shows there back in the day, and I know I ran several cross-country races'll also want to check out the Springton Reservoir down the road, and Ridley Creek State Park a little further on, if you haven't already...although I was dumbstruck to hear recently that apparently they don't let you fish the reservoir anymore...WTF...anyway, enjoy!

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    At Rose Tree Park again yesterday afternoon, one of the two dog owners who showed up in spite of the mild rain asked me, "What do you do that you carry a gun?"
    "I'm an American!" I joked. "No, seriously though, not to get on my soapbox, but I think it's an important thing to do."
    "Oh, alright. My cousin carries every day, too. Wouldn't be surprised if he had it on him at his wedding."
    "Probably did!"
    "He carries in an ankle holster...he's a Delaware County detective."
    "Oh, okay, that makes sense."

    A moment later, she smiled. "I sure feel safe with you here, knowing you have a gun."
    "That's the whole idea."

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Viper's OC log

    I hit up Wally World this afternoon to pick up tennis balls and ammo. As the gun locker guy is ringing me out, another employee comes over. About my age, maybe a hair older, white male, who appeared to be friendly.

    "Hey man. Just so you know for future reference...unless you're a uniformed law enforcement officer, they don't want people carrying in the store."
    I corrected him much faster than I should have. "That's incorrect. Walmart's corporate policy is to follow the laws of the state in which the store resides - with PA being an open carry state, this is perfectly fine by corporate standards." In hindsight, I wish I'd have been less blunt. I felt kind of like a jerk.
    He looked at me inquisitively. "As of when? Like, when did you check?"
    He caught me off guard with that particular question. I lied a little bit. "About three weeks ago, was the last time I'd heard." In reality, it was more like three months. Now I really feel like a douchenozzle.
    "Oh...well...there's must have been a recent change. We had a guy in here a little while ago who had a problem."
    I really failed today, because I should have asked about what kind of problem. "Well, if you're unsure, I'd encourage you to check with corporate for future reference."
    "I will...I mean, I wasn't asking you to get out or anything. Just, you know, for next time."
    "That's alright, I understand what you mean."

    It was at this point that he walked away, and I kicked myself in the mental ass for being such a bastard. On my way out, I saw him down the walk and approached him.

    "Hey man, I am so sorry if I sounded like a jerk in there. I wasn't trying to argue or give you a hard time, I just get tired of people questioning me all the time. It gets old, you know?"
    "Oh, I hear you. I wasn't trying to get your goat, either, I just thought there was a policy. We had an issue a few weeks ago with a guy who was buying ammunition and I guess he caused some sort of scene."

    We chatted a bit more and it turns out, the way he was asked to come talk to me was because as I walked into the store, other employees outside noticed my 1911, and started talking about it, which was when he'd overheard. What spurred him to actually approach me and tell me something contrary to what I already thought I knew, without an actual goal in mind, I still do not know.

    Also, I hit up the Sligo bar and restaraunt on State Street tonight for an hour or so. Great chicken sandwich. Open carried the whole time, no one said a word, although there was a side conversation to my left in which I did overhear the phrases, "My only experience with a gun..." and "...he was an Army Ranger...", but they were probably not caused by my mode of carry.

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