Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Quote Originally Posted by ronbo1012 View Post
    I fear that between the influx of NJ and NY people (housing and taxes), their ideology, and the state almost completely controlled by Phil, Pitt, and Harrisburg, things will become very difficult
    That is very depressing. I fled NJ for its gun laws and taxes. Only reason I came to PA was it’s close to NJ(where I have family and friends), but the gun laws are pretty much perfect(to me, anyways). I hope and pray that you’re wrong, although I don’t think you are, sadly.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Well if you let the viral plague from New Jermany cross the Delaware and infect this state, here's a taste of what to look forward to. They're setting the ground rules for concealed carry in response to Bruen. If you ever had any doubt...
    "You gotta be alive to get paid."

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Do not comply and vote from the rooftops when the time comes.

    Quote Originally Posted by DK23 View Post
    Florida may tip over from the influx of people.
    Guam will tip first. Florida is attached to Georgia.
    Aggies Coach Really ??? Take off the tin foil bro.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Quote Originally Posted by Fallen Knight View Post
    This is exactly more what I’m talking about. We need MIDDLE of the road 2A friendly conservatives who can appeal to at least some people in the middle and on the left(or at least not piss off the left SO much that they’re motivated to vote in the numbers they did last week). This is a swing state. Like it or not, we can’t win elections here as conservatives unless we have SOME buy in from moderates/liberals. Not saying we should compromise our beliefs, but even someone like Toomey, he was a strong vote against assault weapons bans, magazine bans, and most importantly abolishing the filibuster and adding states and packing the court. Same goes for what McCormick would have been. I have no doubt he could’ve wiped the floor with that vegetable Fetterpotato.
    100% There's a slice that will vote R, a slice that will vote R, and plenty in the middle more or less that vote issues. So get someone more moderate and it's an easier win. Also, don't forget the judiciary. There's judges to vote on (I think next year?) If there's objectionable laws that will go to court, why not vote in judges that you'd like to rule on them? Everyone gets fired up for the federal elections, but state and local races get left behind ... that's where real changes are easier to happen.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Finally, someone who gets it! We need more voters like this in the primaries to keep the grifters who are looking to get famous and make money on Fox or CNN. People who are conservative and actually want to win(and can win), not just get attention from repeating conspiracy theories or relitigating past elections. We need to look forward and adapt, like the GOP in FL and TX. And ditto on judges! We MUST win those races or we’re gonna have more legislating from the bench and court sanctioned gerrymandering(like we have now) which has given the Dems more than a fair chance at taking control.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    The bans are coming to PA sooner rather than later. I think we'll be one of the states with grandfather clauses though for whatever that's worth. Eventually, these bans are going to be in every state and at the federal level as well. We're raising a nation of pussies and they hate guns.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Quote Originally Posted by John_Wick View Post
    The bans are coming to PA sooner rather than later. I think we'll be one of the states with grandfather clauses though for whatever that's worth. Eventually, these bans are going to be in every state and at the federal level as well. We're raising a nation of pussies and they hate guns.
    I don't think that'll happen. I think we've seen the height of restrictions, and it may even relax going forward.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Quote Originally Posted by John_Wick View Post
    The bans are coming to PA sooner rather than later. I think we'll be one of the states with grandfather clauses though for whatever that's worth. Eventually, these bans are going to be in every state and at the federal level as well. We're raising a nation of pussies and they hate guns.
    I do worry about Pa. I do not think that they will come to every state. Over 1/2 the states have been trending gun friendly. Many do not require any permits and trust its citizens to sell guns to other citizens without going through ffl*s. I don*t see that changing anytime soon.

    It is certainly possible at the federal level. Eventually there will come a time when antis control the executive, Have a filibuster proof legislative and either control the judicial branch or they might defer to congresses will in this if they have a filibuster proof law. I can’t begin to guess what will happen in that case. They could have gone for the ban under Obama but he focused on other things.

    As far as raising a generation that hates guns, it depends where you live. Where I live it is not true for most of the people I know. I doubt it is true in many of the states that have been trending pro gun. Of course there are plenty of areas where the opposite happens. But don*t give up hope, there will be people fighting this fight long after you and I are dead and gone.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    And it's not a generation of people who hate guns it's a generation of certain people should not have guns Rules for thee not for me.
    Last edited by GOYABEAN; October 6th, 2023 at 04:50 AM.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Odds of Assault Weapons Ban in PA

    Quote Originally Posted by John_Wick View Post
    The bans are coming to PA sooner rather than later. I think we'll be one of the states with grandfather clauses though for whatever that's worth. Eventually, these bans are going to be in every state and at the federal level as well. We're raising a nation of pussies and they hate guns.
    They are only banned if you abide.

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