Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    I believe in the least amount of government in my life as possible. I consider myself a conservative, but have no problem if gays get married or marijuana getting legalized, although I do not partake in it. I do not believe any government run program is a right, but a privilege. I believe anybody that will not be getting social security should not have to pay into it, since I know I will not be receiving any. I do not believe in organized religion and agnostic towards the existence of it, but anything that gives people hope is great. I feel Christmas and other great holidays I grew up with should be celebrated in schools, because after all, majority rules. All firearms should always be legal to carry in any situation, except if it is a automatic tommy gun or automatic assault rifle. I feel both major parties are working towards a cause that is unknown to us, and neither should be in office. Although I hate the current government administration not all democrats have bad ideas.

    So, what side of the country would I be on?

  2. #22
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by c_brutsche View Post
    marijuana getting legalized, although I do not partake in it.
    Wow, how did I forget that? Yeah, I would end the war on drugs tomorrow if it was within my power to do so. Marijuana is arguably less harmful than alcohol and certainly less harmful than tobacco. I would also legalize the so-called "hard drugs". If idiots want to poison themselves why should we stop them? If they do something that places another human being in danger then the state should get involved. If they are just killing themselves it's none of our business.

    Quote Originally Posted by c_brutsche View Post
    All firearms should always be legal to carry in any situation, except if it is a automatic tommy gun or automatic assault rifle.
    I'm going to nitpick you here for two reasons:

    1) Why should automatic weapons be more heavily regulated? Why should we fear the possession of an automatic weapon by a law-abiding citizen?

    2) You've got to qualify "carry in any situation". Property owners should always retain the right to control how their property is used. If I run a business and want to exclude firearms that's my prerogative. If you don't like it then vote with your wallet and go somewhere else.

    Quote Originally Posted by c_brutsche View Post
    So, what side of the country would I be on?
    The sane side that realizes the absurdity of our existing political system?

  3. #23
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by BravoCharlie View Post
    Wow, how did I forget that? Yeah, I would end the war on drugs tomorrow if it was within my power to do so. Marijuana is arguably less harmful than alcohol and certainly less harmful than tobacco. I would also legalize the so-called "hard drugs". If idiots want to poison themselves why should we stop them? If they do something that places another human being in danger then the state should get involved. If they are just killing themselves it's none of our business.

    I'm going to nitpick you here for two reasons:

    1) Why should automatic weapons be more heavily regulated? Why should we fear the possession of an automatic weapon by a law-abiding citizen?

    2) You've got to qualify "carry in any situation". Property owners should always retain the right to control how their property is used. If I run a business and want to exclude firearms that's my prerogative. If you don't like it then vote with your wallet and go somewhere else.

    The sane side that realizes the absurdity of our existing political system?
    true. private institutions should have that right to deny if they see fit.

    it's just my .02...i dont see the point of even law abiding citizens to have fully auto weapons...unless your john rambo that is

  4. #24
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by BravoCharlie View Post
    Wow, how did I forget that? Yeah, I would end the war on drugs tomorrow if it was within my power to do so. Marijuana is arguably less harmful than alcohol and certainly less harmful than tobacco. I would also legalize the so-called "hard drugs". If idiots want to poison themselves why should we stop them? If they do something that places another human being in danger then the state should get involved. If they are just killing themselves it's none of our business.
    Legalize drugs, and tax the hell out of it. That'd wipe out the deficit FAST! And prob end a lot of crime, or maybe not. Then the bureacrats would be comitting the crime to get all the money. Which raises the question: which is worse a bureaucrat or a drug dealer?

    "The life unexamined is not worth living." ....... Socrates

  5. #25
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by c_brutsche View Post
    it's just my .02...i dont see the point of even law abiding citizens to have fully auto weapons...unless your john rambo that is
    Bill Clinton didn't see the point of law abiding citizens having evil black rifles with pistol grips. Sarah Brady doesn't see the point of law abiding citizens having handguns. The British Parliament doesn't see the point of law abiding citizens having any sort of repeating firearm.

    Do you see in the inherent danger in your line of reasoning?

  6. #26
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by Flash View Post
    Legalize drugs, and tax the hell out of it.
    I don't even agree with that. Vice taxes really tick me off. The Government shouldn't view vices as things that need to be corrected or as sources of revenue.

    If you are going to "tax the hell out of" pot, then why not support my Governor's plan to tax soda? Why not tax the hell out of fast food? Or SUVs?

    I would end all vice taxes. I don't have a problem with the concept of a sales tax but it should be applied equally to all products sold at retail. It should be method of funding governmental operations, not a method to "correct" behaviors in the citizenry.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by c brutsche
    i dont see the point of even law abiding citizens to have fully auto weapons
    Why is that ? I cant wait for the day I have enough discretionary income to be able to afford to jump into the NFA weapons hobby. I've lusted after a Navy MP5 for years. I've also fired an M249 SAW and an M240B HMG. At the very least I want to take a trip down to Knobs Creek sometime soon for one of their MG shoots. You do realize that the very heart of the 2A was intended to ensure that the citizens were NEVER "outgunned " by the Govt right ? Personally, if it's man portable , it should be legal, period. In fact, civilian ownership of full auto weapons was LEGAL for alot longer in this Country then it's been " illegal". Up until the 1930's you could walk into a hardware store and buy a Tommy gun or even a BAR over the counter and walk out the door with it.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. -- Sigmund Freud

    Proud to be an Enemy of The State

  8. #28
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    The author of the OP does realize that their idea was attempted in 1861 and ended in embarrassment four years later, right? Part of me wants to see the redneck "rebels" get their own sovereign state and watch them fail, but I have more compassion for humanity than that. Live and let live.

    ETA: I'd like to say that I was very impressed with the responses to the OP on this thread. I have grown my profound respect for the fine folks of this forum after reading the reactions to the ridiculously absurd ideas posted in that "divorce letter." If I could give rep points to everyone at once, I would.
    Last edited by GLK_19; February 12th, 2010 at 11:28 AM. Reason: massive rep pointage
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  9. #29
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    I have spent 3/4 of my life in the military and just returned from a 13 month tour to Iraq and slated to go to Afganastan next year. I also spent some time as a Border Guard between Mexico and Arizona. I believe everyone has a right to live in the USA as long as it is done legally. As far as politics go, can't stand it, it's a loose loose situation unless you get someone like Ted Nugent in office. As far as anything else said in the post I think personally it is a load of crap. I am sorry if I offended anyone or reposted a post that was locked previously.
    I recieved this e-mail from my mother who, for some reason, since I worked the Border, decided that she would become anti-everything. I for one felt sorry for the people we caught who were so tired, hungry and dehydrated because the coyote left them 50 miles from the Border but, on the other hand rather than paying these people thier life savings to cross the Border illegally, they should have gone about it the legal way.

    Anyway, enough of my ranting,appologies again

  10. #30
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    Default Re: I want a Divorce

    Quote Originally Posted by GLK_19 View Post
    The author of the OP does realize that their idea was attempted in 1861 and ended in embarrassment four years later, right? Part of me wants to see the redneck "rebels" get their own sovereign state and watch them fail, but I have more compassion for humanity than that. Live and let live.
    He also doesn't realize that you can't neatly divide the United States like that. I know it's popular to split us into "red" and "blue" states every four years but the reality of the situation is much more complex. It only looks simple on the map because of our "first past the post" electoral system. You can find bleeding heart liberals in states like Utah, Texas or Alaska. You can also find christian fundamentalists in San Francisco and New York City. These groups are certainly the minority in those locations but they are still there.

    The statement of "We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values, you keep Islam" is a slap in the face of everything that this country stands for. The 1st amendment isn't limited to practitioners of Judaism or Christianity. Islam certainly has problems right now with extremism but Christianity doesn't have clean hands either. The fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are decent people who just want to peacefully practice their faith.

    And before some right-wing fundamentalist starts pulling quotes out of the Koran, you don't want to go there with me. I can match every single negative Koran quote with an equally bad one from the Old and New Testaments.

    I will give him the point about Scientology. In the words of Stan Marsh, "Scientology is just a big fat global scam."
    Last edited by BravoCharlie; February 12th, 2010 at 11:45 AM.

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