Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Some slow controlled breathing may help. The harder, long tern option is physical exercisie.

    It has been said that high stress situations can get the pulse up to 160-180 beats a minute, which decreases concentration, accuracy and control.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Archery hunting has helped me a lot. Having a big buck coming in at 20 yards will get the adrenalin pumping for sure. Take a few deep slow (quiet) breaths and say a little prayer to God and things calm right back down. Hard to make a bow shot when you're shaking.

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Stress inoculation through exposure. Get outside of your comfort zone with both skills and fitness training. Also, work on your cardio vascular fitness... everyone can improve on cardio.

    More specifically my club has a fun and challenging two gun program one Sunday a month which involves a lot of shooting with an elevated heartbeat. (We have a 500 meter range that we use to run and gun, as well as a couple of other shorter ranges that may or may not have 40 lb kettlebells as optional challenges to take) Additionally, we have a event we call Practical Pistol which is essentially shooting pistol drills in a structured environment on the clock and with immediate performance feedback. These drills push people beyond their comfort zones, because most of us shoot what we like at the range, not what we need to practice.

    For example, the "All Hands Drill" is at 7 yards, the target is an 8 inch circle, timed. On the buzzer, draw and shoot two shots two handed, then shoot two hands with the dominant hand and two shots with the support hand only. All six must be in the circle.

    We are an hour away. Here is a link to the events with more details. Come out and get better with us...
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  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    I agree, competitive shooting in front of a crowd is a fun way to get used to stress and adrenaline. It's not going to magically make you calm in a self defense situation, but you will learn how to push down the feeling of anxiety, focus on the task at hand, and execute your plan.

    For situations you can't simulate, like real self defense situations, you can mentally play those out, deciding what to do ahead of time, feeling the emotions, and pushing them down.

    I do breathing management a lot. Slow breathing, all the way in, all the way out, focusing on my heart rate and "willing" it to be slower. Eventually you learn to do this passively so you can dedicate your focus to what's going on.

    I also pound on my chest like a gorilla. No joke. Some podcast talked about this and why it works. It honestly works for me.

    Another mindfulness exercise, which I don't think is really for dangerous situations, is focusing on the feeling in your toes, then working your way up your body and focusing on what each part of you is feeling. I dont use that one too often because it requires a lot of your focus. Just if I'm sitting at work and stressed out.

    Recently I was at a shooting event and someone had what appeared to be a serious head injury. Lots of blood. I sprinted about 100 yards to my larger med kit at my car, sprinted a 100 yards back, and while getting out medical stuff I know I was working to control my breathing and heart rate without thinking about it.
    In America arms are free merchandise such that anyone who has the capital may make their houses into armories and their gardens into parks of artillery. - Ira Allen, 1796

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    I deal with this in my work and put people through various high stress situations. I've seen some crazy shit go down and have personally been injured by people who lose it under stress.

    A lot of it is training and stress inoculation and to get you away from "feeling" to "thinking"

  6. #26
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Do cardio and use your brain at the same time. Read, do a crossword puzzle etc....while on a treadmill or stationary bike. Look into "combat breathing". It's good stuff.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Quote Originally Posted by ar15jules View Post
    Do cardio and use your brain at the same time. Read, do a crossword puzzle etc....while on a treadmill or stationary bike. Look into "combat breathing". It's good stuff.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    As noted above, do aerobic exercise and then try to shoot: run, jumping jacks, push ups* get you heart rate up and muscles fatigued, then shoot. Get your mind used to the feelings and bodily reaction of a simulated adrenaline dump.
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Combination of training drills (real shooting), walking through likely home defense drills, and visualizing potential situations.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How to be less shaky in high adrenaline situations

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys!

    I’ve been going back to the gym and will try the critical thinking while cardio technique as well as deep breathing/meditation.

    I’ve been practicing “getting ready” when I hear the front door open or hear my dog barking. I live in the city and there’s people that live above me, so I think practicing this way to unexpected sounds will help a little.

    I’ll get out to the range as soon as I can. Once I get proper transportation I’d like to go out there at least once a week and practice timed shooting.

    Unfortunately living in the city by myself tends to put me on edge at times. Some guy right down the street got beat to death by a mob of people and while walking my dog last week I heard a solid 15 shots going off a few blocks away. It’s sad that people around here have no value for human life. I don’t even live in a big city!

    Anyways just have to keep practicing preparedness and keep saving up money so I can get out of this shithole one day.


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