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  1. #211
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Like most other politicized subjects, I doubt the Crisis of Panic we've been enduring will open the eyes of those who choose not to see. In order to 'open your eyes' you need to get some perspective. To do that these days, using the media, you have to really work to find the True Facts in the manure that they produce.

    For some perspective on Death - These are statistics related to just Communicable Diseases:

    Worldwide Deaths Triggered By Communicable Diseases

    Rank ........ Disease ... # of Deaths
    . 1 ...... Tuberculosis .. 1,500,000
    . 2 ...... HIV/AIDS ...... 1,200,000
    . 3 ...... Hepatitis C ..... 500,000
    . 4 ...... Malaria ......... 438,000
    . 5 ...... Cholera ......... 142,000
    . 6 ...... Measles ......... 115,000

    Death is all around us every day - but we have resigned ourselves to its ubiquitous nature. This DOES NOT mean that each death (life that is) is not important and meaningful - But it points out that taking extreme measures to prevent death is a losing battle. Deaths are as much a part of life as births. Some come with living in an imperfect world, some are slowly implemented by the choices we make. Because each life is important, we should take personal steps to preserve the lives of our loved ones and our self thru good healthful living. But it is a sign of the 'me-victim social order' that people presume that others ought to give up their life and livelihood (even be coerced to do so) to obtain extraordinary measures to address a health crisis for themselves or their loved ones.

    I believe in compassion and support for others, willingly given - not mandated.

    Here is another truth slipping out into public view:

    In short, all of the routine, run-of-the-mill emergencies that community hospitals see every day dropped drastically. “So, we saw the foot traffic even in the Emergency Department fall off by as much as 70% of what we would normally see in a day,” he said.

    Washington County, located south of the city of Pittsburgh, so far has seen 40 cases and zero deaths in the suburban/rural/blue-collar mix county — the Washington Healthcare System has 262 beds in the county proper, with an additional 49 in their Greene County facility where 11 cases have been reported.
    This hospital (and others in similar circumstances) is not being overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. Notice it mentions 40 cases which is the number for all of Washington County - and the statistics say that only 10% of all positive cases are hospitalized - Meaning, it's likely that that ONLY 4 CASES are (or were) in the hospital. For a capacity of 262 beds, 4 additional cases should never overwhelm that facility!

    (That does not mean that NYC is not overwhelmed - but it means other places should not be treated as though they are NYC!)

    Here are two competing headlines at the Drudge Report. The 'facts' the headlines imply simply cannot be true. Is the majority of people still driving around or are most people staying home? The likely answer is that most people are staying at home when they're not going somewhere - Duh! In this case, the mandated actions seem to have penalized 50% of the industries (mostly small entrepreneurs) while the other 50% are active and functioning.

    Those who were self-reliant, taking care of themselves and their families thru hard work, were mandated to stop that! The essential jobs are those where you rely on Government and Big Business for your income. Remember, now, the government has promised to pay people to stay home. Are the 50% still working getting paid as well?

    Despite stay-at-home orders, 6 out of 10 are on roads

    In California, where a stay-at-home order took effect March 19, daily trips statewide remain at 58% of normal levels, according to Wejo, a British company that collects data from sensors in some passenger vehicles.

    On Wednesday - two days after the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland enacted stay-at-home orders - daily car trips in the region remained at 51% of normal in D.C., 53% in Maryland and 59% in Virginia, according to Wejo, which does not include trucks or other commercial vehicles.

    Most Americans will stay home this month even if lockdown lifted: poll

    While 87% of the American public is staying home — regardless of whether or not it’s mandated by state or local municipalities — most plan on continuing to do so for all of April, according to the poll taken by the Huffington Post/YouGov survey.

    Truth is hard to come by when LYING IS SO SUCCESSFUL at its goals.

    Edit to Repeat:
    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    After the hysterical damage is done, people will decide they have to go on and live with the risk it represents. They will take reasonable precautions and get on with their lives. Which is exactly what they should have decided at the start of this whole unnecessary panic.

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 9th, 2020 at 12:28 PM.

  2. #212
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Look for this to happen in Pennsylvania as well - They already have counted anyone with the coronavirus who dies, as dying BECAUSE of the coronavirus!
    - To the manipulators, the numbers just aren't high enough -

    Death toll soars after NYC counts ‘probable’ fatalities

    The official death toll from the coronavirus soared in New York City on Tuesday after health authorities began including people who probably had COVID-19, but died without ever being tested.

    Officials reported 3,778 “probable” deaths, where doctors were certain enough of the cause of death to list it on the death certificate, and 6,589 confirmed by a lab test. Combined, that would put the total fatalities in the city over 10,000.

    The change in the city’s accounting of deaths came after officials acknowledged that statistics based only on laboratory-confirmed tests were failing to account for many people dying at home before they reached a hospital or even sought treatment.
    ETA: I'm dropping this story here rather than extending the thread posts:

    Coronavirus case and death counts in U.S. ridiculously low
    By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 14, 2020


    Johns Hopkins University of Medicine’s Coronavirus Resource Center, as of April 13 at 7:02 a.m., reported 557,590 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the United States and 22,109 deaths due to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

    The current population of the United States, according to, is just over 330 million.

    Do the math. That means 0.17 percent of America’s population has been infected by the coronavirus. That means 0.007 percent of America’s population has died from the coronavirus — we think.

    As Johns Hopkins also notes: It all depends on the testing.

    “With more testing, more people with milder cases are identified. This lowers the case-fatality ratio,” the site reported.

    That means the number of positive coronavirus cases will increase as testing increases — but very likely, the number of coronavirus fatalities will drop at the same time.

    And by logical extension — that means the number of recovery cases will hike, as well.

    For this, we tank an entire economy?

    “Mortality,” Johns Hopkins went on, speaking of coronavirus fatalities, “tends to be higher in older populations.”

    Yes. And guess what else tends to be higher in older populations: death in general. Death due a variety of diseases, ailments, medical complications, health issues and ultimately, stoppages of hearts.

    Older people die. That’s what they do.

    For this, we abandon the Constitution and civil rights?

    The numbers on coronavirus are ridiculously low. The justification for shutting businesses, closing schools, mandating social distancing, shuttering churches and congregations — arresting pastors and park-goers and people who stand too close to others — the justification for all is to keep the coronavirus numbers low, to keep Americans safe and healthy and free of sickness and death. Specifically, 0.17 and 0.007 percentages of the population low.

    But look, we could narrow in and focus on any health ailment, cover it ad nauseam in the media; throw up real-time figures on the TV screen to keep people on their panicked toes; roll out the health experts to give their best medical advisements on how to avert a sickness — with the pressure on for them to come up with new and better advisements as each day of non-stop reporting and media-fueled panic flows forth; and “justify,” yes, “justify” in quotation marks, national stay-at-home orders, and widespread closure of, well, everything.

    We could do it, say, for the flu.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that from Oct. 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there were between 39 million and 56 million of flu illnesses; between 18 million and 26 million medical visits due to flu; between 410,000 and 740,000 hospitalizations due to flu; and between 24,000 and 62,000 of deaths due to flu.

    The CDC says it doesn’t know “the exact number of people who have been sick and affected by influenza because influenza is not a reportable disease in most areas of the U.S.” But if we go by coronavirus standards — so what? After all, the coronavirus models aren’t giving factual numbers. Neither, in some cases, are doctors and hospitals.

    Shouldn’t we be throwing up real-time cases of flu deaths as they occur on television, alongside the ticking time counter of the numbers of those who’ve contracted the ailment, alongside a map in glaring red and orange and yellow colors showing locations of the spread — just so people can stay safe and protect themselves, dontcha know. After all, even lowballing gives some alarming percentages.

    If 39 million Americans were sickened by the flu in the last few months, that’s nearly 12 percent of the population. If 18 million had to visit the doctor for the flu, that’s roughly 5.5 percent of the population. If 410,000 had to be hospitalized, that’s 0.12 percent. If 24,000 died from the flu during this time span, that’s 0.007 percent of all of America.

    And that’s with a shot to prevent the flu. Now there’s a blaring story to report, in real, frightening death-count time, if ever there was one.

    So where’s the alarm? Where are the medical experts? Where, by God, are all the face masks to protect you and me and all the good comrades out there tripping over themselves to measure out the proper 6-foot social distancing boundary?

    Oh, of course, on the coronavirus, the health people say it’s all about what can happen that’s the danger. It’s all about prevention.

    The health wonks — and billionaire philanthropists who are focused on making vaccines for the world — say the precautions of these last few weeks have saved us, and the precautions to come will save us even more.

    Sure. Except the math doesn’t really add up. The math, in other words, is fuzzy.

    And living on a “what if” of unclear, panicking predictions isn’t exactly living. It’s surviving. It’s surviving in misery.

    It’s high time for America to return to living — before there’s nothing worth living for in America any more.

    This has been, from the beginning, A Hysterical Response to A Delusional Scenario.

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 15th, 2020 at 04:42 PM.

  3. #213
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down


  4. #214
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    In PA a dude in a dress is keeping the economy closed. Is Wolf mentally unstable for listening to a mentally unstable person or are we just stupid for listening to either one? Like I wrote yesterday in another thread, in Delaware County no one is obeying the the "Decrees from on High" anyway.
    Corruption is the default behavior of government officials. JPC

  5. #215
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    In PA a dude in a dress is keeping the economy closed. Is Wolf mentally unstable for listening to a mentally unstable person or are we just stupid for listening to either one? Like I wrote yesterday in another thread, in Delaware County no one is obeying the the "Decrees from on High" anyway.
    People are pretty damn stupdi for electing wolf
    I offer discounts on freeze dried foods, knives and other prepping products.

  6. #216
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Quote Originally Posted by bluedog46 View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    In PA a dude in a dress is keeping the economy closed. Is Wolf mentally unstable for listening to a mentally unstable person or are we just stupid for listening to either one? Like I wrote yesterday in another thread, in Delaware County no one is obeying the the "Decrees from on High" anyway.
    People are pretty damn stupdi for electing wolf
    90% of the population is a waste of oxygen.

  7. #217
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    The he-she just issued new orders for mask usage by businesses. You will obey.

  8. #218
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Quote Originally Posted by stainless View Post
    The he-she just issued new orders for mask usage by businesses. You will obey.
    Not just that, but also customers entering those businesses.
    Rules are written in the stone,
    Break the rules and you get no bones,
    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  9. #219
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Quote Originally Posted by streaker69 View Post
    Not just that, but also customers entering those businesses.
    Yeah, I couldn't attach the link using my phone.

  10. #220
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    The governor has directed the following state agencies and local officials to enforce orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic to the full extent of the law:
    Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
    Department of Health
    Department of Agriculture
    Department of Labor and Industry
    Pennsylvania State Police
    Local officials, using their resources to enforce closure orders within their jurisdictions
    Governor Tom Wolf also recommends that Pennsylvanians wear a mask any time they leave their homes for life-sustaining reasons.

    Ben Franklin and the other Founding Fathers are rolling over and over and over in their graves... They risked their lives and fortunes (many losing either or both) to create a country based on WE THE PEOPLE... Where Freedom of Choice was protected by Constitutional Guarantees to prevent the Government from oppressing THE PEOPLE. The Supreme Court was intended to protect THE PEOPLE from any such violation of their Constitutional Rights...

    Yet, in the past two months we have more and more violations of our Rights by politicians of all stripes, but especially by those who already loudly proclaimed their disdain for THE PEOPLE and THE CONSTITUTION.

    If THE PEOPLE of Pennsylvania do not kick this entire administration out of office this fall (by peacefully voting), our state is a lost cause!!!

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; April 15th, 2020 at 04:34 PM.

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