Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Ok, that makes sense, I was seeing excatly what soberbyker described, when I clicked the rep button on my posts it was telling me I had 10 points, thus ends the confusion.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Another question...

    It seems that sometimes I have to, "Spread it Around," before I give rep to a person who I have recently given rep to.

    How is this calculated?

    I may already know the answer, but I am trying to help the guide be as complete as possible.


  3. #13
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by RocketFoot
    2. How much rep am I allowed to give out?

    There are some limits as to how many posts you are allowed to rate. In a 24 hour period, you are allowed to give out 10 ratings but you cannot rate the same person twice in a row. You may also not rate the same post twice. You may see a message telling you that you must spread your rep around before leaving rep for a particular member. This means that you have given that member rep recently and you need to give rep to 10 different members before you are allowed to give more to that member.
    There you go

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    If we were to ask nicely, could we get the amount of rep being able to be given per day increased, maybe to 15?

    There's just too many posts that need positive rep every day for 10 to cover it.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by Mondain View Post
    If we were to ask nicely, could we get the amount of rep being able to be given per day increased, maybe to 15?

    There's just too many posts that need positive rep every day for 10 to cover it.
    + 18...

    But yeah, I think 15 or 20 would be better then the current 10, unless someone can rationalize a good reason why it shouldn't be increased.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    I personally think we should do away with the WHOLE rep system! It has been the cause of more contention and bullshit posting as long as we have had it. Food for though.
    Quote Originally Posted by GunLawyer001 View Post
    Buy a silencer.

    Tax: $200
    Cost of effective 5.56 suppressor: $500
    Letting the elderly neighbors sleep in until morning: Priceless.

    "132 and Bush I've got him at gun point, OK gun point, 132 and bush, cover is code 3"


  7. #17
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by ithinkimamedic View Post
    I personally think we should do away with the WHOLE rep system! It has been the cause of more contention and bullshit posting as long as we have had it. Food for though.
    While I don't completely disagree with you, let's not turn this into another thread that has to be locked because of the crap about rep points.

    Rocket was kind enough to put together the info on page one for the benefit of those who have questions. I'd like to see this thread remain unlocked.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by ithinkimamedic View Post
    I personally think we should do away with the WHOLE rep system! It has been the cause of more contention and bullshit posting as long as we have had it. Food for though.
    I can definitely see where your coming from, and if it were done away with, I don't think those with the higher rep counts would piss and moan too much about it. If it is a cause of contention for some people, it's because they take it a little more serious than others. I personally like seeing when someone gets something out of a post I made by giving me reps with a message why or in a follow up post, whether I made them laugh, they're giving me an atta boy, or they're just letting me know they agree with what I had to say.

    I don't post just to amass reps, but I have to admit I do appreciate getting them. Here on the PAFOA forum, as on most boards, it's a nice way of giving or getting positive feedback for a post without adding another post just to say I agree. Many people quote a post with a comment saying they agree or got a good laugh out it, and that's cool too, but I give reps when I don't have anything of value to add to a thread, but I want the poster to know I took away something from their post I didn't know before, they made my day a little brighter, or they've gotten me to look at things in a new perspective. I've never given negative reps before, but the few times I thought a poster deserved one, they were pretty much getting a beating from other forum members and their reputation was obviously not a concern to them.

    If I did want to see anything change about the rep system, it would be adding the opportunity to rep anyone, without "having to spread the love" Some threads turn into really intense debates with some great input from both sides, and people who are adamently and effectively stating their position often add many posts that deserve rep, but can't get them due to the whatever the restriction is. I can also see how this could get out of hand and understand why the restriction is there.

    ETA: Sorry EM, while I was babbling on you got a post in before me.
    Last edited by str8shooter; September 2nd, 2008 at 12:33 AM. Reason: long day, muchos cervezas, slow typing.
    You are a straight white man. You don't get to be the victim, sweetie.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    Rocket was kind enough to put together the info on page one for the benefit of those who have questions. I'd like to see this thread remain unlocked.
    Thanks Rocket.

    That's the best explanation of it I have ever seen. Thanks for putting this together.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rep System User's Guide

    Can we ban karmic revenge?

    "Man tries to take... September 12th, 2008 11:18 AM c.sander heres some negative right back for ya buddy

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