Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Thank you, Whitefeather. It'll be no problem to mail letters to more than one location!

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    This is a start. Thanks guys.

    Don't be afraid to bump this thread. These things don't see the traffic that "cats in bikinis with guns" do.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    This is a start. Thanks guys.

    Don't be afraid to bump this thread. These things don't see the traffic that "cats in bikinis with guns" do.

    These efforts are essential.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Yeah, but that's an unarmed kitty! See what could happen if we don't all stand together? Send those emails, make those calls, work on those letters!

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Just so this thread sticks to the letter writing,
    about making phone calls

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    here is a sample letter of mine, please give me some pointers or facts that i can throw in there

    Dear representative

    My name is xxxxxxx, I am writing to you today regarding the tragedy that happened in Newtown, with all the emotional feelings and the loss its understandable to turn to guns as the problem and not look at the real issue. In reality we must realize that what we have been doing year after year is not working and that we must turn to other means of protecting our schools. I am letting you know that I am completely against any new gun laws, may it be federal or local, I will not support any new laws that will further restrict my rights as an American citizen.

    No new laws would have prevented the tragedy that happened in Newtown. It is estimated that Adam broke over 41 laws on that horrific day. He broke a law when he stole his mothers firarms, he broke a law when he killed his mother, he broke a law when he drove with loaded firearms in his vehicle from NJ to Connecticut, he broke a law when he took the firearms to the school, he broke a law when he brought the firearms into the school. There are many other laws that Adam broke on that day and none of them prevented the acts he committed.

    Recently politicians have been calling for an assault weapons ban and a high magazine ban, I am completely against both measures, not only because it will restrict my rights but because they will serve no purpose in preventing tragedies. It is said Adam stole the weapons from his mother who lives in NJ, well as you know NJ already has an assault weapons ban which is stricter than the old federal ban, Connecticut too also has an assault weapons ban, both state also have bans against high capacity magazines. Neither of these bans prevented the tragedy Adam committed, so any type of federal ban will not prevent a tragedy of this kind.

    Instead of focusing on gun control we must focus on school safety. There are many things we as people can do to make schools safer and banning any type of firearm is not one of them. We can look towards the lack of security our schools currently have. Something along the lines of installing metal detectors at a schools entrance, allowing only one entrance into a school building but having many exits, having an armed police officer or security guard man this entrance into the school. All of these are examples of how to make our schools safer and hopefully eliminate any future tragedies. I understand that such measures will cost us all but can we really put a price tag on our children’s safety?

    I urge you to step up and please speak out the truth. People look up to their representatives at a time like this, and I understand that its easier to reassure people that youre doing all you can by supporting new laws but this is nothing more than a false sense of security that will do nothing in the future except make people feel safer when in fact they are not. I urge you to be truthful to the people you represent, admit we all made a mistake and that we’re going to do everything possible to prevent such future tragedies starting with eliminating any myth that gun control would have prevented this and by looking at current schools safety and how we can increase their safety to help truly prevent a horrific act like the one in Newtown.

    Hopefully if we all stick together as Americans, as parents or as a concerned individual we can eliminate all such horrific events from our future. Nothing hurts a nation more than a tragedy like this one. We must come together to prevent such acts and truly protect our children from such people who look to do them harm. Eliminating certain types of objects will not do this but protecting our kids from these people will. I pray I never have to hear of such a horrific act in my life again but I know in reality that will only come with true change and understanding that there is so much more we can do to protect our kids and that we must start doing them.
    Nra, SAF, NJ2AS, GOA member

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Emptymag View Post
    This is a start. Thanks guys.

    Don't be afraid to bump this thread. These things don't see the traffic that "cats in bikinis with guns" do.

    EM et al,

    Feel free to bump for those that use the "New Posts" link, but I'll also sticky this thread so it stays at the top of the subforum.
    "Political Correctness is just tyranny with manners"
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    -James Madison, Federalist Papers, No. 46.

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  8. #18
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Thanks for the tips guys. Just sent my first email to my rep.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    Here are a few things to keep in mind when writing to your elected officials:

    1) Unless you're providing some kind of expert opinion, written testimony, or other such thing, keep your letters to a page. If you can't say it in a page, you're not saying it right. Frankly, anything more than a page likely won't get read in its entirety, particularly not when your viewpoint will probably be clear from the first half-dozen sentences. To that point, if your viewpoint isn't clear in the first half-dozen sentences, you need to reconsider how you're expressing yourself.

    2) Be clear about what you want and why.

    3) Keep your arguments succinct and relevant.

    4) As interesting as you may find historical references, you're not writing a history book. You're requesting a course of action. If it requires lengthy explanation, it's not the right reference to include.

    5) Always -- ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS -- keep your letters professional. Never, ever engage in personal attacks or insults. It immediately discredits anything you have to say. "I was disappointed to hear that you. . . " is one thing. "You screwed the pooch when you. . ." is quite another.

    Just a few things to think about.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Activists! How About Some Guidance for Letter Writing?

    I've been contacting my reps daily. Here's the letter I sent.

    "First let me state that I am totally opposed to any more restrictions on legal gun owners, as well as opposed to any politician who would vote for them. If you would like to read farther I will explain my reasons. Please forgive me if I am preaching to the choir.

    Anyone who says that the Second Amendment is about hunting or sport is either woefully ignorant or dishonest. The Second recognizes, not endows, the people’s right to defend themselves, not only against crime but also an oppressive government. Even a casual study of the events leading up to its adoption, and of the writing of the Founding Fathers on the subject, show this to be so. Historically the militia has consisted of the private citizens, bearing their personal weapons. The U.S. Supreme court reaffirmed this in U.S. v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939). Part of this ruling reads “The signification attributed to the term Militia appears from the debates in the Convention, the history and legislation of Colonies and States, and the writings of approved commentators. These show plainly enough that the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. 'A body of citizens enrolled for military discipline.' And further, that ordinarily when called for service these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time.” In other words, the very weapons that the Democrats are now trying to ban are directly protected by the Second Amendment AND legal precedent.

    Gun owners have already compromised on “gun control” by accepting background checks before gun purchases. Note that a background check is a “guilty until proven innocent” practice that is completely opposite from what our legal system allows. However gun owners agreed to them in an effort to reduce the possibility of criminals getting guns.

    The latest proposed bans are a knee-jerk reaction to a tragedy. That tragedy is being capitalized upon by those who have long desired to disarm American citizens, whatever their reasons may be. The bans I have seen proposed are directly contrary to the Second Amendment. If these bans are allowed to pass it is inevitable that at some point an otherwise legal citizen is going to be killed by the authorities for the “crime” of owning a gun for his own defense. Is that the country we want to live in?

    These efforts to blame the criminal’s tool for the crime are muddying the water and preventing us from addressing the real problem, i.e. the criminals and mentally disturbed that we allow to walk the streets. Please direct the effort away from “gun control” and toward the areas we need to fix; criminal control and mental health.

    Thank you for your consideration."


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