Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Milford, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Serial Killer in Emporium

    Man, that is funny. Cruel, but funny!

    To the late-coming necro-threader: have you really given a thought to what a paranoid psychotic you would have to become to assume ZERO risk from random nutjobs? How many people do you interact with in a day, a week, a year? Are you staring EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM DOWN with one hand on your carry piece and the other on your Ka-bar?

    If so, you are either a hermit in the woods or YOU are the nutjob we need to look out for.

    Quote Originally Posted by crlovel View Post
    Seamus, could you please describe your thought process when you chose this old thread for your first post? Why this one? Why now?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Boston, Massachusetts
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    Default Re: Serial Killer in Emporium

    God damn sick mental health people these days... But i still want to know what triggered the guy to kill these people... Some serial killer killed their victim as hobby, jealousy, ramage, revenge or mental etc.. you name it...

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Eagleville, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Serial Killer in Emporium

    To Whomever Asked: Cameron County is my home and the idea of a serial killer there caught my eye, and seemed unlikely. I've been away for several years for professional reasons but can't imagine the average citified violent criminal lasting long in Emporium's dangerous streets and alleys. Wry humor intended. Not that a serial killer in a rural community is impossible--it is not, and unfortunately has already happenned--more than once. Our social sciences and criminal profile data are improving, but predicting and actually preventing serial killers' actual crimes are a long way off. I move thru many different social classes in modern American society and see some very disturbing trends. Truth and an honest discussion of reality on any subject has become impossible. Television and all major news media (not Fox so far) "reporting" is all lies and distortions of fact created to support the politically-correct (PC) idealogy which drives our twisted modern culture. My leftist-puke radical Ivy League professors hated America and stated that "advocacy journalism" deception of the public was required to "change America"--sound familiar ?? These creeps put nobama the radical monster in the White House...we see how that's working out for America. That's "hate speech" in PC lingo--as is ANY opinion not approved by them. People seem unable to see these PC-Nazis extremists for what they are--that's intentional. Very bright minds abuse their gifts to manipulate a gullible public and we are seeing the results. Yeah, I know I'm wandering, got lost, was daydreaming of a fine Autumn day hunting grouse over two fine English setters in Gardeau. Later, seamus out.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Serial Killer in Emporium

    You asked "How this ? " Very simple. Evil exists. Always has. What's relatively new is that criminals no longer fear punishment, cops, or getting caught anymore. Our justice system is broken. I speak from long experience. Our society has become weak and panders to evil. Law and order are no longer priorities in America. Good Luck--you're gonna need it.

  5. #15
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    Eagleville, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Serial Killer in Emporium

    Hello from the late necro-thrder--what is that exactly ?? I'm new to this stuff. First, I never said ZERO risk was possible, or even desireable--risk has to be managed within your regular life. You carry homeowners insurance right ?? Same deal with personal safety. Reasonable measures to your lifestyle. If you're paranoid, psycho, or whatever you don't belong near any gun. Not everyone is capable or responsible enough for the training I suggested. If that offends some-tough-neither I nor guns got time for fools. My point was that an armed, properly-trained, RESPONSIBLE, citizen can defend himself and his family in most situations. And that training requires LOTS more than buying a gun and target shooting. Our public arena would be a much safer place if all capable citizens could fight back against violent criminals. These mass shootings of children in schools, shoppers in malls, et al are a national disgrace. Not all are preventable. But many are. Has America gone to the cowards ?? People have forgotten our proud heritage and it shows in our public discourse. nobama can apologize to his mama--I don't wanna hear his whining btch noise. His election disgraces us all. seamus out.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Serial Killer in Emporium

    I just wanted to say that I saw this thread title in the main forum listing, and read it as "Serial Killer Emporium"
    Last edited by General Geoff; April 14th, 2011 at 01:42 PM.
    Any mission, any conditions, any foe at any range.
    Twice the mayhem, triple the force.
    Ten times the action, total hardcore.

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