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  1. #11
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    He should just say he identifies as a Capitol Police Officer.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    I don't think the charges are warranted. I don't think any single instance of "forgetfulness" should be. However, I'd say the average joe is far more likely to see retaliatory charges in a situation like this.

    At least the "guns are bad" mentality is being equally applied.
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  3. #13
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    Constable is an ass - given!

    I'm more concerned about the DA's "weapon of mass destruction" attitude.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    Quote Originally Posted by 2DogsBarking View Post
    Drama much?

    Lebanon County Constable James Drahovsky left his gun in the public restroom at the District Justice Office located at 502 State Drive on Monday, Aug. 26, Chief County Detective Jonathan Hess detailed in the affidavit of probable cause.

    The 70-year-old left in the Glock 27 loaded with six 40 caliber bullets sometime between 1:37 and 1:44 p.m., Hess explained after watching the surveillance video footage. He left the office with an empty holster at 2 p.m. and drove away in the marked Constable vehicle he had arrived in.

    A staff member found the gun at 3:15 p.m. and called the police who secured it and turned it over to the appropriate office within minutes, according to the affidavit.

    During the time the gun was left in the restroom, 10 people * including a child * entered the lobby by that restroom, Hess noted.

    The release from the DA's office highlights the danger this posed:
    "At any moment, anyone could have entered the restroom and stolen Drahovsky*s gun. At any moment, anyone could have exited the restroom with Drahovsky*s gun and fired upon the innocent citizens and staff in the Office."

    DA Pier Hess Graf said the following about the incident, reading in part:

    "Drahovsky is an elected official who recklessly and negligently created a potentially life altering and life ending hazard to countless people * including a child * when he left his loaded handgun ripe for the taking and use. We are extremely lucky an honest and upstanding citizen discovered the weapon and notified authorities. We are extremely lucky no one was hurt."

    Drahovsky has been a constable for over twenty years, Chief Hess said.

    A preliminary hearing has yet to be scheduled for the misdemeanor charge at the time of publishing, according to the court docket on the case.
    A lot of *Ifs* in these statements. I think the charges are overkill. They probably should have had a Bidenesque talk with the guy and convince him it may be time to hang it up.

    I have found a few firearms in District bathrooms and stalls over the years. I would be more concerned with an officer going on patrol unarmed.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    Quote Originally Posted by JaySmith View Post
    Is leaving the keys in my truck while I run into the beer store also recklessly endangering another person? At any point, someone could hop in and throw it into reverse and mow down people.
    Quote Originally Posted by JaySmith View Post
    Not running, i just drop the keys in the cup holder.
    Why not just drop the keys in your pocket? I am less worried about the mowing people down versus simply getting your truck stolen.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    Does crackhead biden's wife get the same for depositing a pistol in a dumpster?
    Gender confusion is a mental illness

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    Quote Originally Posted by Carson View Post
    A lot of *Ifs* in these statements. I think the charges are overkill. They probably should have had a Bidenesque talk with the guy and convince him it may be time to hang it up. . .

    ^^^ THIS. The county govt wants him to no longer run for / be in office. They are not letting a crisis go to waste, politicians being politicians.

    Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times.

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    Countless? The gun had 6 rounds. I’m pretty sure most people can count to 6.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Constable Charged After Leaving Loaded Gun In Pennsylvania Public Bathroom

    No one should ever be arrested of what if's? That is the biggest bunch of crap I have ever seen. Talk about trumped up charges. So, who is the victim? Will they testify? Will the Constable sue the DA. for abuse of power? This arrest is a complete abuse of power.

    § 5301. Official oppression.

    A person acting or purporting to act in an official capacity or taking advantage of such actual or purported capacity commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if, knowing that his conduct is illegal, he:

    (1) subjects another to arrest, detention, search, seizure, mistreatment, dispossession, assessment, lien or other infringement of personal or property rights; or

    (2) denies or impedes another in the exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege, power or immunity.
    Aggies Coach Really ??? Take off the tin foil bro.

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