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Thread: Project 2025

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Part of project 2025 will be the full unedited release of the Fabio getting hit in the face by a goose.
    Rules are written in the stone,
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    all you get is ridicule, laughter,
    and a trip to the house of pain.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    Project 2025 is a program that is designed to move the cultural needle toward the right. It is not severe cultural platform such as LGBT, DEI, Critical Race theory, or the 1619 project that were designed to move the country into a complete hedonistic Godless leftist nation. Those suggestions would improve the culture quite substantially from 2025. If you don't want the family unit as the foundation of the culture you probably agree with the leftist movement which is designed to eliminate the family as the center of the culture. I see nothing radical about any of it.

    The Supreme Court has already ruled on porn so if you're one of those that constantly jack off to videos you're safe. I believe the Project 2025 is trying to make much harder for children to get their eyes on it because it is used to sexualize children and promote the grooming into LGBT and all out hedonism.
    There was also McDonald and Heller, neither of which is discouraging talk about a ban on ugly guns. Recently Pritzger's gun grab was denied certiori in court.

    It's too easy to get porn today... but that won't change if Project 2025 comes into being. Will be good for VPN network sellers. Can little kids afford a VPN? Got me.

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    Remember, Trump isn't a conservative, he's a populist and that is different. He's going to go with what is the most popular among the people economically and with the border and I think he'll support all the Constitutional amendments. Even the second amendment which he seemed to stumble over the last time around. I also believe he will demand adherence to all four the first amendment freedoms even though the press treats him very unfairly.
    I don't think we can predict what Trump is going to do. This will be his last four years if he wins this November. He might decide to have a "moment to Damascus" and call for a ban. He was nearly shot to death on the 13th of July.

    Fun fact - George W Bush called for a ban on "assault weapons" a few times, and said that he'd sign a ban if Congress passed it. Republican is not necessarily pro-gun though Democrat usually is for ever increasing restrictions.

    Trump will need help to push his initiatives through Congress so we are probably OK until 2026. He knows if he crosses the "gun culture" that a lot of folks will never forgive him.

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    Trump can use his position as President to make arguments to improve the culture and he can work with Congress in tax regulation to improve the condition of families but government cannot legislate morality. As we've seen though the left has used government agencies that made their own laws to accommodate the break down of the family. With the Supreme Court ruling it will be much much more difficult for government bureaucrats to further reduce the culture through their law making.

    I think Trump needs to fire the top 20 bureaucrats in every executive branch agency and break up government unions. Breaking the government unions would be a complete disaster for the left they could never recover from.

    Union busting... especially of the radical SEIU. I still remember SEIU people beating folks who protested against "obamacare".

    They also have a soft spot for immigrants, who often work for cash. I remember being called a 'scab' during my life.

    Why the SEIU support "cash scabs" is a mystery to me. Maybe they like the idea of government bureaucrats having more to do. That's a guess.

    "President Franklin Roosevelt, a friend of private-sector unionism, drew a line when it came to government workers: "Meticulous attention," the president insisted in 1937, "should be paid to the special relations and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the Government....The process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service.""

    I got tired of school teachers in their fifties "retiring" with COLAs and gold plated pensions. Wasn't fair to me. I don't get a pension, I got a piddling 401K.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by internet troll View Post
    Project 2025 has been making the news lately. It*s a conservative plan that many conservatives would like to put into place during a Trump presidency should that happen. Trump has been distancing himself from the plan*.. for now.

    According to liberals, it is the end of America. At least their version of it. They have many bad things to say about it.

    According to Conservatives it will set the U.S back on a truly Constitutional path and away from the deep state.

    There has been a lot of rhetoric about the plan. You can read the source material plan here and decided for yourself. It*s long and will take awhile. This is not something I want other peoples summaries about. I will be reading over the next couple of days and making my own conclusions

    Actual source material here. This is the table of contents and you can click on any chapter you want to read about.
    This type of thing happens all the time with Democrats. Left Wing Think Tanks publish position papers all the time and those papers help form policy. The Heritage Foundation is a Conservative Think Tank so naturally their positions will be on the staunch conservative side. Trump has never been a conservative firebrand. He's been a common sense populist, but part of that common sense is realizing that if he takes office again, he has to do things differently than the first time around or else he will be buried by the deep state again. When Bill Clinton took office he fired every single US Attorney and replaced them with his own people. That's the kind of hard ball that Democrats are used to playing, and if Republicans try it, they are vilified for obvious reasons. If Democrats want to put all their eggs into the Project 2025 basket, they are not going to be successful. It's a desperation move on their part. If anyone really thinks they need to read over this 900+ page position paper in order to make a more informed decision on who to vote for, I submit that this Country is not going to be saved. Trump is the only way to save this country. Kamala or whomever will absolutely destroy our nation. If you want to educate yourself on what Trump and Republicans actually want to do and how Trump feels about things like regulating abortion, all you have to do is read the Republican platform and listen to him speak. It's not a big secret.
    Last edited by TSimonetti; July 24th, 2024 at 09:22 AM.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneCC View Post

    It's too easy to get porn today... but that won't change if Project 2025 comes into being. Will be good for VPN network sellers. Can little kids afford a VPN? Got me.
    One of the conspiracy theories i think about is what if the government actually owns all or some of the vpns. People sign up for them, run their traffic through them, and the government is sitting there easily collecting your data.

    I got tired of school teachers in their fifties "retiring" with COLAs and gold plated pensions. Wasn't fair to me. I don't get a pension, I got a piddling 401K.
    The retirement plan has changed twice in the last 15 years, the last time in 2018 or 19. It is not ans attractive a benefit as it once was.
    Last edited by internet troll; July 24th, 2024 at 10:48 AM.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by internet troll View Post
    One of the conspiracy theories i think about is what if the government actually owns all or some of the vpns. People sign up for them, run their traffic through them, and the government is sitting there easily collecting your data.
    The chinese government maybe. mega vpn PIA just changed hands to some unfavorable people who may or may not value your privacy.

    Rolling your own is easy, it just requires a semi advanced router that supports GRE tunneling, and $3/mo for a remote server.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by JaySmith View Post
    The chinese government maybe. mega vpn PIA just changed hands to some unfavorable people who may or may not value your privacy.

    Just seems like an easier way for the government to track people. People who use VPN*s don*t want to be tracked for whatever reason. So the government sets ups a couple of companies that claim to help with privacy** all the while they are getting direct access to what sites people are going to. And they are collecting revenue at the same time.

    I would not put it past them.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Here is an interview with Trump where he basically says he has nothing to do with project 2025. It’s a wishlist by a group of republicans, Trump is not part of it even though democrats are trying like crazy to tie it to Trump.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    I don't have time to read the entire report.

    So I turn to MSNBC to get the truth about what is exactly so dangerous about Project 2025:

    "The Heritage Foundation is leading Project 2025, a far-right staffing and policy initiative backed by more than 100 conservative groups that seeks to remake the federal government into a vehicle for Trumpism and would severely inhibit protections around reproductive rights, LGBTQ and civil rights, and immigration, as well as climate change efforts." (emphases added)

    It's worse than we thought folks, but thanks to MSNBC, at least we know now the worst of it.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin60 View Post
    I don't have time to read the entire report.

    So I turn to MSNBC to get the truth about what is exactly so dangerous about Project 2025:

    "The Heritage Foundation is leading Project 2025, a far-right staffing and policy initiative backed by more than 100 conservative groups that seeks to remake the federal government into a vehicle for Trumpism and would severely inhibit protections around reproductive rights, LGBTQ and civil rights, and immigration, as well as climate change efforts." (emphases added)

    It's worse than we thought folks, but thanks to MSNBC, at least we know now the worst of it.
    Actually, it seems like it's better than we thought.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Project 2025

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin60 View Post
    I don't have time to read the entire report.

    So I turn to MSNBC to get the truth about what is exactly so dangerous about Project 2025:
    I don't know if you're serious or if you're joking. What we should do is create project 2030 and paint a picture of government overreach, owning nothing and being happy about it, etc. Of course it should all be endorsed by cackling kameltoe.
    Gender confusion is a mental illness

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