Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    He's still a Democrat. He will still vote with Biden / the Left Agenda. He will vote to take your firearms away.

    Don't fall for any of it.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by sawgunner73 View Post
    He's still a Democrat. He will still vote with Biden / the Left Agenda. He will vote to take your firearms away.

    Don't fall for any of it.
    This ^^^^^
    Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled....Mark Twain

  3. #23
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by bill gray View Post
    Sen Fetterman recently stated that he has abandoned his prior *woke* positions. He credited his recent near death experience with a serious stroke. He now criticizes Dems failure to support Israel*s war against Hamas as an example. This was on a recent TV interview
    John Fetterman is a fickle man. Such people are not reliable. I have read rumors that he got support for being agreeable to Israel. I do not know if this is true.

    Siding with Israel and its current government is not a litmus test of anything but being agreeable to Likud Politics. The IDF, Shaback/Shin Bet and Mossad should have known what those monsters ate for breakfast before they hopped on their bikes to murder and kidnap. Instead the Monsters crossed the border unopposed.

    If I were an Israeli I would be hopping mad that the Office did not have a welcoming committee for those monsters. Each one gets 168 grains to the thorax. Better still, an accidental artillery strike at their staging points. Ooops... our bad, sorry. Monsters need put down, bullets or fragments. Letting monsters cross the border to allow for a "final solution" in Gaza was a poor idea.

    Yes, I've said it. I refuse to believe that Israeli intelligence was caught off guard.

    You cannot smash Hamas with weapons. You smash Hamas by making their civilian rule a fiasco. They are too radical to run a nation at peace. So make them show that incompetence to the Palestinian people.

    Netanyahu has been a cowboy for ages. On his watch Netanyahu commanded Mossad to poison Khaled Mashal. The Office gave him reasons why this was not the right man at the right time. Bibi said "Do it". So they followed orders. The King of Jordan threatened to rip up a peace treaty unless Israel gave the man the antidote. Which he got.

    Israel ended up looking foolish. The Israelis looked foolish when those monsters crossed the border on their bikes.

    Israel can do better... and should do better. They need to use a scalpel, not a meat axe. The Jewish people survived for centuries by their cunning. Let them continue to show the rest of us what wisdom, planning and righteousness can do.

    The real problem in Gaza is in Tehran. Iran wants payback for the betrayal of Ali. Iran wants to control the "holy sites" of Mecca and Medina. They believe that the Saudi Royals are moral degenerates. They believe that they are morally superior. They need to embrace some humility. Israel is good at doling out humility. They have people who are wise. I don't consider Benjamin Netanyahu amongst them. Bibi has been in power too long, and it's warping his views of the world.

    Fetterman will back 'gun safety' when it comes time to do so in the Senate. If not for his Party for the sake of his rabid socialist wife. Gisella is a radical. She will side with the Oligarchs on this one, while believing that her class consciousness makes her a good person. Class consciousness is nonsense - do or do not, there are no good intentions.

    Any populist who wants gun control is a confused human being... I like watching Noam Chomsky, the "anarchist" defending gun control. "They will smash any rebellion.. so why be armed?". The point of being armed is not to rebel but to make tyranny so expensive that it's not worth the bother. Dr. Chomsky doesn't want excluded from cocktail parties.... and he's in Massachusetts, the land of Kennedy and Kerry. Elitists. So Dr. Chomsky sides with the Oligarchs who want us disarmed.

    He's confused. Fetterman is confused.

    The Left never wires its head and behinds together. Exhibit A being John Fetterman.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by knight0334 View Post
    For the absolutely innocent, I 100% agree.

    This one reason why I'm absolutely for abortion up to 3 months(later for medical/rape,incest). Let them kill themselves. As Napoleon said, "Never interfere with an enemy while he*s in the process of destroying himself." Pro-abortion and anti-gun are policies of the same group.
    I'm still trying to get my head around the Biblical prohibitions on abortion. I've asked many Pro-Life folks... I get a lot of opinions. Especially on Exodus 21:22-25. If the unborn were people, why not demand an "eye for an eye". Why just "blood money" to the father. One can read the original Hebrew, and it's clear that it's blood money. Kill the Mother and you face harsh justice.

    Another passage prohibits the shedding of innocent blood, it's in the Commandments.

    Human secularists would demand that we stop "relying upon sky friends", but to me they are entitled an opinion. When materialists talk I hear "wah....wah.... wah" like the peanuts.

    Quote Originally Posted by knight0334 View Post
    He is certainly a better choice to be in their than a super extreme leftist, especially in a seat that has NO chance of getting a pro-gun conservative in.

    I'd be happy for someone who is just reasonable. McCormick is supposed to be decent on guns.

    This is Pennsylvania. As long as we have unionized government employees getting a voice it's going to be tough. As much as the Union rank 'n file are often pro-gun, except for the PSEA, the Unions themselves will not get support if they "break the coalition". Teachers unions have been horrible about gun rights since the 1990s.

    It's a tough game out there, but it's not unwinnable.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Fetterman straightened up on Israel because every member of Congress is assigned an AIPAC overseer who they must obey or have campaign money blocked or withdrawn. If you expose them they run the nuts and sluts attack on you and if you oppose them they will finance your opposition to unseat you. Massie had a huge campaign run against him financed by AIPAC indirectly but he won the primary because he wanted the money spent on foreign wars to stay in the US. Voters agree with that. If you really want to know who runs things find who cannot be criticized.

    Last edited by JenniferG; July 7th, 2024 at 01:51 AM.
    Diversity is the greatest weakness, excellence is the greatest strength. JPC

  6. #26
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by GeneCC View Post
    I'm still trying to get my head around the Biblical prohibitions on abortion. I've asked many Pro-Life folks... I get a lot of opinions. Especially on Exodus 21:22-25. If the unborn were people, why not demand an "eye for an eye". Why just "blood money" to the father. One can read the original Hebrew, and it's clear that it's blood money. Kill the Mother and you face harsh justice.

    Another passage prohibits the shedding of innocent blood, it's in the Commandments.

    Human secularists would demand that we stop "relying upon sky friends", but to me they are entitled an opinion. When materialists talk I hear "wah....wah.... wah" like the peanuts.

    I'd be happy for someone who is just reasonable. McCormick is supposed to be decent on guns.

    This is Pennsylvania. As long as we have unionized government employees getting a voice it's going to be tough. As much as the Union rank 'n file are often pro-gun, except for the PSEA, the Unions themselves will not get support if they "break the coalition". Teachers unions have been horrible about gun rights since the 1990s.

    It's a tough game out there, but it's not unwinnable.
    It can be tough for those who folk the Judaic religions to side with abortion or death, from either side of the fence.

    Fortunately for me my god appreciates sacrifices.
    RIP: SFN, 1861, twoeggsup, Lambo, jamesjo, JayBell, 32 Magnum, Pro2A, mrwildroot, dregan, Frenchy, Fragger, ungawa, Mtn Jack, Grapeshot, R.W.J., PennsyPlinker, Statkowski, Deanimator, roland, aubie515, SteveWag

    Don't end up in my signature!

  7. #27
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by knight0334 View Post
    It can be tough for those who folk the Judaic religions to side with abortion or death, from either side of the fence.

    Fortunately for me my god appreciates sacrifices.
    Brilliant minds since the time of Moses have been commenting on the Law. There are comments on comments on comments. The Talmud and Torah are a rich tapestry of ideas. Jesus came, said "I'm here to complete the Law". Another 2,000 years of wise people of all sorts commented on Jewish and Christian law.

    God keeps trying to get our attention, to go to where we belong. Some of us listen well, some of us listen not so well, some don't listen at all. God judges, but people can judge righteously.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Fetterman is doubling down on his support for biden........but he is also bashing Pelosi. So is this a wash?

  9. #29
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by JenniferG View Post
    Fetterman straightened up on Israel because every member of Congress is assigned an AIPAC overseer who they must obey or have campaign money blocked or withdrawn.
    Yet so many Congress people seem to skate on by. Sandy Cortez won her party's primary at 80 percent of the vote. Summer Lee won her primary in Swissvale, her opponent was seen as Pro-Israel.

    Allegedly Jaamal Bowman was primaried because of AIPAC. He made some bad mistakes over the last two years.

    If AIPAC were ten feet tall we would not be seeing all of the Occupy type nonsense in college campuses. We would not see terror against ordinary Jews, many of whom might be neutral about Israel.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: We may have come out ahead on Fetterman

    Quote Originally Posted by Delkal View Post
    Fetterman is doubling down on his support for biden........but he is also bashing Pelosi. So is this a wash?
    I've noted that many congress dims are publicly supporting FJB, but throwing him under the bus in private. The contradictory chaos is certainly benefitting Trump.

    Jesse Watters interviewed Lurch last night on his show... he was lucid and coherent, unlike FJB.

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