Youtube, woke, well, maybe there are some wokies there but Youtube is all about making money from big advertisers and to a lesser extent from the viewers with Premium subscription fees, memberships, superchats, etc.

Anything "sensitive", even using cuss words, is going to knock down a video in terms of monetization and value to advertisers. If anyone is interested I am sure there are screen shots online, if one wants to monetize their individual video, of the checklist you have to go through and check any boxes if your video falls into that.

Where people get in trouble is they tick the wrong box, deliberately or not, and eventually end up demonetized. Machine gun content for instance is eligible for limited monetization in that you can get a cut of Youtube premium money and from a small group of advertisers who would advertise on such content, but of course it's a small sum compared to regular monetization.

Having been on the inside of Youtube for a few years and understanding it is their house, their rules and how's it's really about keeping YT "clean" and hence commercially attractive, whether I agree with it or not or whether you agree to it or not, I have an understanding of why they do what they do. Other video hosting services going under the guise of anything goes either fail commercially or barely cling on. People talk, Rumble, Rumble, Rumble, but Rumble is running into the same issues other video hosting providers who host content deemed "controversial" have and that is getting companies to write big checks to market off of that content.

Also regardless of content, folks need to understand that ad revenue is only a small part of a serious content creators income. IMO anyone trying to run a YT channel off of ad revenue alone is retarded. The smart people use it as a promotional tool for their own company, their own services they offer, affiliate marketing, sponsorships, products, books, courses, memberships like Patreon, etc. Any ad revenue one gets is just a bonus income stream. Even medium sized channels with half a million subs and regular six figure views with monetization would probably go broke or just barely chug along if they foolishly relied on ad revenue alone. It always gives me a chuckle when viewers and some content creators are so focused on the ad revenue and monetization. It's a nice extra but trying to run a business off of it is short sighted. It's why a lot of the big gun content creators like Garand Thumb are partnered up with talent agencies like Leviathan Group who then work with YT and as a result these creators run their own paid ads within their own videos among other affiliate marketing programs.

In the end I have said this before and will say it again. If you want to mark your territory on Youtube or anywhere really, you either have to support those doing the work or you do the work yourself. When it comes to firearms content, support your firearms creators and if you do not do so financially, help boost the algo with likes, comments, subscriptions, etc.