Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    I'm heading out for the first time to the State Game Lands pistol range tomorrow for the first time, to just fire off a few with my new P229 (didn't want to go to an indoor range), and I've seen several posts about the 6 round maximum there... and I'm still confused as to what the reason is, as no one seems to have answered the question well (at least not in my confused mind). So after finding this out, I unloaded my 15-round double-stack mags and only left 6 rounds in each, so now I have a bunch of mags with only 6 rounds in them that I'm taking up with me (as well as plenty more ammo), so what's the point of the 6 round per mag limit if I can just quickly and easily drop the mag and pop in a new one? I mean, with 6 mags I could fire off 36 shots. Am I supposed to only shoot 6 shots and then, what? Not shoot anymore? Or wait 5 minutes and then pop in another mag? Yeah, this doesn't make any sense to me at all... What am I missing? Thanks.

    Signed... Confused.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    There's no reason, it's just a reality. If the range is busy, no one will notice. But if it's sparsely populated, there's fudds and brass grabbers wandering around not shooting, and paying attention to you, and they will call the RSO.

    First time I got caught, I claimed ignorance. I said I wanted to test the reliability of the magazines I brought, and said the start of a mag is not always the same as the end. It's supposed to be for sighting in guns, the guy said, and precision practice. Not just wasting ammo or having fun.

    I have seen people bring ammo cans full of loose 5.56 and reload mags, as well.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    so, the idea is that limiting your mag to 6 is going to keep one from just ripping off a ton of shots with no other reason than just ripping off a ton of shots. Ok, that kinda makes sense, but it would make more sense to me if they just said no continuous rapid firing. Then one could load a full mag and not have to sit and reload another 6 every minute... Ok, I understand it a little better, though yeah... they should just put a sign up that says 'NO RAPID FIRING PAST 6 SHOTS'. At least I won't need to use my reloader, my fingers can handle shoving only 6 into a mag, after that my old fingers are not happy. Thx.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    I'll play devil's advocate for a moment. Not so much opinion, just observations.

    So PGC ranges are Fudd ranges? Yes, they are.

    Most will same PA game lands are just for that: game and hunting. Screw hikers, bikers, etc. I don't completely disagree.

    So if game lands are for hunting, then shouldn't game commission ranges should be for preparing for hunting, then shouldn't all PA game laws apply?

    Is it an added benefit that they even allow semi auto pistol use, or semi auto 'big game' caliber rifles?

    I have no dog in the fight. Just food for thought.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    Because The Man says so. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Gender confusion is a mental illness

  6. #6
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    Quote Originally Posted by Walleye Hunter View Post
    Because The Man says so. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Respect My Authority slap.gif

  7. #7
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    Quote Originally Posted by esh21167 View Post
    I'll play devil's advocate for a moment. Not so much opinion, just observations.

    So PGC ranges are Fudd ranges? Yes, they are.

    Most will same PA game lands are just for that: game and hunting. Screw hikers, bikers, etc. I don't completely disagree.

    So if game lands are for hunting, then shouldn't game commission ranges should be for preparing for hunting, then shouldn't all PA game laws apply?

    Is it an added benefit that they even allow semi auto pistol use, or semi auto 'big game' caliber rifles?

    I have no dog in the fight. Just food for thought.
    you have to buy a range pass or possess a hunting license to use the ranges. Back when they were "free" some people would show up just to blast away without even hanging a target. They would completely disregard the range rules, hell even the basic safety rules of safe firearms handling. The wood stands were always shot to hell and there was crap and garbage everywhere. I havent been back to a public range in years. The "Fuddism" is pretty entrenched at the DCF&S, 5 rounds max, but I have a lot of magazines.
    The state game lands were bought entirely with money gathered from hunting license sales, so I say yeah , No hiking or biking or general public use on something thats Not for that intended purpose. This keeps the blue haired land whales from harasssing hunters. The Game commission has decided to put a "public representative Non hunter " on its board. These assholes decide if the rules and laws benefit the "Public Interests" when IMHO the public should stay the fuck out. They have state parks and county parks I pay for with MY tax dollars that have rules against hunting, if I cant hunt in their county and some state parks then they should stay out of the gamelands.
    Derrion Albert was my Hero.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    Ok, so at least I understand the history and thinking of the 6 round limit now... It's basically to keep the range more of a family-friendly, target shooting, marksmanship experience... shooters who are responsible and safety oriented, i.e. not idiots, not gangsta wannabes or those doing the soldier cosplay from playing Call of Duty or GTA too much. That I can understand and agree with. I just didn't understand the reason for it when I bought my range permit. I just got back from the range and it was nice, place was clean, friendly people who showed up after I made a fool of myself shooting low and to the left on my 4" targets, at least... consistently. Never saw a RSO though there were only a handful of people there... and it was no big deal for me to fire off 6 shots, and run through 6 mags pretty quickly. At that point my old ass arm enjoyed the short rest period to reload my mags and go at it again. So I have no issue with the 6 round limit, and I understand it now.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    I think it used to be 3 rounds for rifles. They had to draw the line somewhere, and there can always be a reason to want to redraw that line. When I started shooting at ranges,. my brother told me no more than 5, but opinions will vary.

    I'm assuming you are being hypothetical, but if you are looking to practice a quick mag change, maybe a round in mag#1 and 2 or 3 rounds in mag #2 would work...a few quick shots, but less than 6 not to draw attention to yourself.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: another '6 round maximum' at the state game lands public range question

    I know that the OP isn't complaining, and I appreciate that. Those that "hate the PGC, the stupid rules, etc...There is a pretty simple solution. Don't go to their range for the price of your hunting license. Join a club and do whatever you want also have to abide by gun club rules that are stupid too. It sounds like the best thing for you to do is set up a range on your own property and do as you wish.

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