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  1. #941
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    Are Vaccine Mandates Twilight's Last Gleaming?
    By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano - 17 September 2021

    "This is not about freedom or personal choice." -- President Joseph R. Biden, Sept. 9, 2021

    It was scandalous and infuriating to hear President Joseph R. Biden argue last week that his so-called vaccine mandates somehow have nothing to do with freedom or personal choice. In saying that, he has rejected our history, our values and the Constitution he swore to uphold.

    He made his ignorant statement while outlining his plan to have the Department of Labor issue emergency regulations requiring every employer in America of 100 or more persons to compel all its employees to receive a vaccine against COVID-19, or the employer will be fined.

    He claims the authority to issue these orders under the 1970 Occupational Safety and Health Act, or OSHA. Though it has been around for 51 years, OSHA is profoundly unconstitutional, as it purports to authorize federal bureaucrats to regulate private workplace property unavailable to the public.

    Congress enacted this legislation relying on its Commerce Clause power in the Constitution. But the Commerce Clause -- according to James Madison, who wrote it -- only empowers Congress to keep commerce regular; it does not empower Congress to regulate the conditions of production of goods and services intended for commerce.

    However, notwithstanding the plain language of the Commerce Clause -- "Congress shall have power ... to regulate Commerce ... among the several States" -- the Supreme Court, since the era of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, has given Congress a blank check authorizing it to regulate anything that affects commerce. Congress has used this clause to justify its vast expansions of federal power more than it has used any other clause in the Constitution.

    Nevertheless, there is no authority for federal workplace regulation in the Constitution, as it was reserved to the states by the 10th Amendment. That amendment declares that the states kept for themselves that which they did not delegate to the feds.

    OSHA has regulated everything from the number of legs on a swivel chair to the brightness of lightbulbs to the number of lobsters that may commercially be drawn from the sea. And the states have supinely accepted those regulations.

    It is no surprise that the president, wanting to tell people how to live, would look to OSHA to accomplish his goals. Unfortunately for Biden, the Supreme Court has ruled in Roe v. Wade and elsewhere that personal medical privacy and -- with respect to declining medications -- absolute bodily autonomy trump governmental interests.

    Of course, Biden has ignorantly praised Roe, not for its protection of the inviolability of the human body, but for its wretched authorization of abortion. Roe's failure to recognize fetal personhood is its catastrophic flaw.

    Yet, even a stopped clock is correct twice a day. And on this point -- you, not the government, control your body -- Roe is correct. Professor Murray N. Rothbard has demonstrated conclusively that we each own our bodies. It follows from this that we each can determine what goes into our bodies.

    And the Ninth Amendment underscores that we have many personal rights not enumerated in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and the government is required to respect them. After the right to live, ownership and control of your own body are foremost among those unenumerated rights.

    The president, like all of us, is subject to the laws of nature and is obliged to recognize the natural law. It posits that our rights come from our humanity, and not from the government. It was with the natural law in mind that Madison authored the Ninth Amendment and its protection of unenumerated rights.

    If self-ownership is not among those rights, then nothing is. If the government owns our bodies, or somehow can trump our personal ownership of them, then we have no rights.

    Every state permits a sick person to reject medication. Biden not only rejects that right, but he rejects the right of healthy persons to decline an experimental vaccine.

    What's going on here?

    Freedom in America has been milked dry by Leviathan since the Woodrow Wilson years.

    Leviathan is a continually growing government that recognizes no limitations on its own power. OSHA is but one of hundreds of examples of the do-gooder, nanny-state federal government that has assumed for itself -- from nowhere but our complacency -- the power to tell us how to live.

    Government is essentially the negation of liberty. Liberty is the default position because we are born with our rights. Some liberty should be negated, like the liberty to harm another's person and property. It should be negated from all -- including the government.

    Government is a thief in the night when it takes -- rather than protects -- liberty or property.

    Does the government work for us, or do we work for the government?

    Such a question would have been laughable 100 years ago. But today, the government treats us as if we work for it because we have permitted it to do so. We supinely let the federal government right any wrong, regulate any behavior, tax any event, start any war, kill any foe, seize any property and crush any liberty as if our rights came from it, and as if the Constitution had no meaning or authority.

    This is the same government that can't deliver the mail, fill potholes, stop robocalls, spend within its means, abide by the laws that it has written or follow the Constitution -- and Biden wants it to force vaccinate us!

    All modern presidents have misunderstood their obligations under the Constitution. From Wilson to Biden, they have argued that their first job is to keep us safe. That obligation is self-assumed. Their first job under the Constitution is to keep us free. Even if the government keeps us safe but unfree, we have the duty to alter or abolish it. The alternative is the twilight of freedom and the coming age of voluntary servitude.
    (My Bolding!)

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; November 8th, 2021 at 07:28 PM.

  2. #942
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    How Sweden swerved Covid disaster
    The death toll here is lower than nations with draconian restrictions

    BY Johan Anderberg - November 8, 2021

    Partial Quotes Below - Full Article at link above.

    At this stage, it was not unreasonable to conclude that Sweden would pay a high price for its freedom. Throughout the spring of 2020, Sweden's death toll per capita was higher than most other countries.

    But the experiment didn't end there. During the year that followed, the virus continued to ravage the world and, one by one, the death tolls in countries that had locked down began to surpass Sweden's. Britain, the US, France, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, Argentina, Belgium -- countries that had variously shut down playgrounds, forced their children to wear facemasks, closed schools, fined citizens for hanging out on the beach and guarded parks with drones -- have all been hit worse than Sweden. At the time of writing, more than 50 countries have a higher death rate. If you measure excess mortality for the whole of 2020, Sweden (according to Eurostat) will end up in 21st place out of 31 European countries. If Sweden was a part of the US, its death rate would rank number 43 of the 50 states.

    This fact is shockingly underreported.

    Consider the sheer number of articles and TV segments devoted to Sweden's foolishly liberal attitude to the pandemic last year -- and the daily reference to figures that are forgotten today. Suddenly, it is as if Sweden doesn't exist. When the Wall Street Journal recently published a report from Portugal, it described how the country "offered a glimpse" of what it would be like to live with the virus. This new normal involved, among other things, vaccine passports and face masks at large events like football matches. Nowhere in the report was it mentioned that in Sweden you can go to football matches without wearing a facemask, or that Sweden -- with a smaller proportion of Covid deaths over the course of the pandemic -- had ended virtually all restrictions. Sweden has been living with the virus for some time.

    The WSJ is far from alone in its selective reporting. The New York Times, Guardian, BBC, The Times, all cheerleaders for lockdowns, can't fathom casting doubt on their efficacy.

    From a human perspective, it is easy to understand the reluctance to face these numbers. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that millions of people have been deprived of their freedom, and millions of children have had their education gravely damaged, for little demonstrable gain.

    There is still the subjective and varying factors in defining & reporting of "Deaths From Covid". There have been reports of families ardently disputing some death certificates that erroneously stipulate 'Covid' as the cause when, in fact, the family knows it was another cause, like an accident. And there is little reporting of the fact that hospitals qualify for recovery from the government of various expenses related to treating patients for covid, which will typically drive organizations to seek enhanced ways to qualify for those reimbursements.

    How are COVID-19 deaths counted? It's complicated
    Patrick Boyle - February 18, 2021

    Early in the pandemic, some of the answers provided by public officials -- who were scrambling to track the disease as it overwhelmed health systems -- fed skepticism. Last April, Deborah Birx, MD, coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, said this when asked about people who have COVID-19 but die from preexisting conditions: "If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death."

    That statement, combined with some state health officials saying they follow the same policy, sparked charges that the COVID-19 totals were inflated by deaths from other diseases and even auto accidents if the victims happened to have COVID-19. Federal and state governments gradually altered such policies over the spring and summer to say that in order for a death to be counted as a COVID-19 death, the disease had to have played a role.
    How death causes are recorded

    Part I and II of a death certificate ask what caused a death and what other factors contributed to it. If COVID-19 appears among the causes and contributors, CDC guidance counts that as a COVID-19-related death.

    Part I asks for the "immediate cause" of death, followed by any "conditions that led to the immediate cause," the CDC explains in guidelines for certifying COVID-19 fatalities. For example: In some COVID-19 cases, the immediate cause is an affliction that arose from the disease, such as pneumonia, while COVID-19 gets listed under that as an underlying condition that led to death. In other words, COVID-19 caused the pneumonia.

    Part II asks for conditions that did not set off medical events that led to death but contributed in some other way. Here, COVID-19 appears as sort of an accomplice to a fatality that was probably going to occur from something else (such as a preexisting, terminal disease), albeit later than if the person had not contracted COVID-19.

    For instance: In Aiken's example of a patient near death from Alzheimer's disease before contracting COVID-19 (which she described as taken from several cases, not one in particular), COVID-19 would be a contributing condition, not a cause. "She was already in decline, had a short life expectancy, and COVID-19 may have tipped her over, but just barely," Aiken says.

    The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services explains on its website why the disease is cited if it played any role at all:

    "Whether COVID-19 shortened a life by 15 years or 15 minutes; whether COVID-19 is an underlying or contributing condition, the virus was in circulation, infected an Alaskan, and hastened their death."

  3. #943
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    I am continuing to document the attempt to use medical chaos as the basis to impose mandates and remove Freedom from the public square. All the various means used to subvert our Freedoms (upon which our country is founded) in any area of our lives, will also, eventually, be utilized to attack (and violate, if possible) our 2A Rights, as well.

    Treating EVERYONE like they are the MOST VULNERABLE is another perspective that assumes a similar upside-down approach to Freedom and Personal Responsibility as that of: guilty-until-proven-innocent. The freedom for parents (with advice from their own doctors) to make decisions specific to their own children is under assault, as though the state owns those children.

    Dr. Robert Malone to Newsmax: Vaccinated Children to Fare Worse
    By Nick Koutsobinas - 08 November 2021

    Dr. Robert Malone, the self-proclaimed inventor of mRNA vaccines, told Newsmax that for a child, the risks of taking a COVID-19 vaccine far outweigh the benefit.

    "The risk-benefit ratio for children is absolutely upside down," Malone said on Monday's "Eric Bolling: The Balance."

    Even "healthy children don't die and don't generally get hospitalized from [COVID-19]. And to the extent that they do, it's usually that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is a cofactor. It's not the primary cause of death or disease. It's usually that they have other pre-existing conditions," he said.

    Malone went on to say that "children do not get severe disease from this. In fact, what they get is robust natural immunity. And we need a large population with robust natural immunity, if we're ever going to get to herd immunity without developing escape mutant viruses."

    Appearing alongside Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory with the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance added that "when Dr. Malone said that 'the risk-benefit ratio is upside down with the kids,' we have to stress that.

    "I don't want to sound too alarmist, [but] I don't think I can sound alarmist enough. This is a humanitarian catastrophe that's about to unfold.

    "If we, willy-nilly, just vaccinate all these children, there's way more risk that can be afforded to them than benefits — and it's just wrong. We can't subject our kids to an intervention that has a much higher risk of toxicity than protection or benefit. They're going to suffer, and they're going to suffer in large numbers very quickly."

    According to a Food and Drug Administration risk-benefit analysis mentioned in the Oct. 26 FDA report "Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting," data supporting a hypothetical modeling of outcomes for COVID-19 "conservatively assumed that the risk of myocarditis/pericarditis associated with the 10 μg dose in children 5-11 years of age would [be] the same as the estimated risk associated with the 30 μg dose in adolescents 12-15 years of age from Optum healthcare claims data."

    The analysis added: "While benefits of vaccination were highly dependent on COVID-19 incidence, the overall analysis predicted that the numbers of clinically significant COVID-19-related outcomes prevented would clearly outweigh the numbers of vaccine-associated excess myocarditis cases over a range of assumptions for COVID-19 incidence."

    The analysis also noted, however, that "myocarditis may also present as part of the Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), usually 3 to 5 weeks after a SARS-CoV-2 infection," and that "limited data are available on long-term outcomes in MIS-C," so some of the risks are still unknown.

    Dr. Ben Carson: 'Experimental' COVID-19 Child Vaccines Not Really Needed
    By Charles Kim - 10 November 2021

    Dr. Ben Carson told Newsmax that "experimental" COVID-19 vaccines are not needed for children ages 5 to 11 because the scientific data shows there is a "zero risk" that they could die from the disease.

    "When you follow the science, and the science tells us that mortality rate from COVID for children. 0.25, about the same as it is for seasonal flu. We don't go through all of these measures every year for seasonal flu," Carson said Wednesday on "The Chris Salcedo Show." "This [vaccine] is still experimental. We have no idea what the long-term consequences are."

    Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who served as housing and urban development secretary under former President Donald Trump, said that with the best medical system in the world here in the United States, parents should seek out the recommendation of their healthcare provider before getting their children vaccinated.

    "This is where people come from all over the world when they want good medical care," he said. "So, if that is the case, why wouldn't we simply encourage people to seek the advice of their caregiver and arm themselves with appropriate information rather than having a bunch of bureaucrats, even if some of them have M.D. behind their name, trying to make decisions for everyone."

    He said that most of the children that died from the disease had comorbidities that contributed to the bad outcomes.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authorized the emergency use of the two-dose Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 earlier this year but have not yet given approval to the two-dose Moderna, or the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccines for use with that age group.

    "Widespread vaccination for COVID-19 is a critical tool to best protect everyone, especially those at highest risk, from severe illness and death," the CDC said on its website. "People who are fully vaccinated can safely resume many activities that they did prior to the pandemic. Children ages 5 years and older are able to get an age-appropriate dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine."

    According to the agency, the vaccine is provided free to all people in the U.S. regardless of immigration or insurance status.

    The CDC said that while COVID-19 is milder in children, they can still become infected, get very sick, and develop long-term health complications from the illness, and spread it to others.

    The vaccine, the agency said, is safe for children and can help keep others safe from the spread of the virus.

    About 11% of the 224,660,453 people with at least one dose of a vaccine are in the 5-to age group.
    (My Bolding)


  4. #944
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    I said before and I*ll say it again, kids will need a vaccine to fight off the common cold. Let the kids play in the dirty, get sick and build up a natural immunity. Vaccines are not the answer to every disease.

  5. #945
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    California County Imposing Mask Mandate in Private Homes Amid Virus Surge Worries
    By Fran Beyer | Tuesday, 23 November 2021 05:51 PM

    A California county is reportedly imposing an indoor mask mandate requiring residents to wear face coverings in private settings, including homes, regardless of vaccination status.

    ABC affiliate KGO in San Francisco reported Tuesday the mask mandate for Santa Cruz County is now in effect, and covers private settings like a home.

    "If you are getting together with others who don't live in the same household the county says you should mask up regardless of vaccination status," the guidance states, the news outlet reported.

    Businesses are also required to follow the guidelines, though they may be taken off when eating or drinking, the news outlet noted.

    "Unfortunately, a potential winter surge appears to be a significant threat to the health and safety of our community," Dr. Gail Newel, Santa Cruz County’s health officer, said in a statement, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

    The Chronicle noted COVID-19 rates in the Bay Area are not as high as the spikes seen in July and August, though officials fear waning immunity and the people getting together for the holidays and winter months could lead to a new surge.

    Most San Francisco Bay Area counties were among the first in California to reinstate mask mandates in early August amid a surge in delta variant cases, the Chronicle noted, but universal masking was never re-implemented statewide.

    As of Nov. 21, Santa Cruz County reported a seven-day average of 71 cases per 100,000 people, putting it in a "substantial" transmission category, the news outlet noted.

    But further south in Monterey County, officials are going in the opposite direction, voting last week to drop the indoor mask mandate there,.

    Local administrators said the tracking indicated lower infection rates, the Monterey Herald reported.

    Meanwhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., got heat for being photographed maskless in a crowded ballroom during a wedding in San Francisco in early November.
    Missouri Judge: Local Health Orders Tied to COVID-19 Are Illegal
    AP Story - 23November2021

    A Missouri judge ruled Tuesday that local health orders imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the state are illegal and should be lifted.

    Cole County Circuit Judge Daniel Green ruled that orders such as quarantines and business closures violate the Missouri Constitution's separation of powers clause affecting the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

    The lawsuit was filed in 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, when St. Louis city, St. Louis County and other jurisdictions were issuing health mandates aimed at stemming the spread of the coronavirus.

    St. Louis County currently has a mask order requiring face coverings in public places indoors and on public transportation for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals 5 years and older. It cites scientific consensus from federal, state and local public health officials that masks are necessary to limit the spread of COVID-19 until more people are vaccinated.

    Green said orders like that are illegal in the state.

    "This case is about whether Missouri's Department of Health and Senior Services regulations can abolish representative government in the creation of public health laws, and whether it can authorize closure of a school or assembly based on the unfettered opinion of an unelected official. This court finds it cannot," Green wrote.

    Green ordered that all existing health orders issued by local health authorities are "null and void."

    Among those who filed suit was Ben Brown, owner of Satchmo's Bar and Grill in St. Louis County. Brown, who is running for a state Senate seat, said the orders were an example of "tyranny."

    "It is time for our businesses, schools and residents to embrace the freedom that this decision provides," Brown said. "It is time to make masks optional, end needless quarantines of Missouri's children, and go back to living productive lives while allowing individuals the freedom to choose how and when they interact with others based on each person's or family's personal decisions."

    Democratic St. Louis County Executive Sam Page told the County Council that the mask mandate in Missouri's largest county should remain. He cited a rise in COVID-19 cases coming at a time when people start to gather for the holidays, and as the weather turns colder.

    "Loosening mask requirements right now would be premature," Page said. "With winter on its way, people are spending more time inside, where respiratory viruses circulate more easily."

    Page said he had not yet spoken with county attorneys to determine a response to the decision.

    Green wrote in his ruling that local health officials in Missouri "have grown accustomed to issuing edicts and coercing compliance. It is far past time for this unconstitutional conduct to stop."
    Is anyone paying attention to how these mandates are being demanded on the basis of
    the existence of a crisis - just as 'Gun Violence' is being characterized as a crisis?

    Liberty is under assault - in every different way possible!


  6. #946
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    Christian holidays are just around the corner. Get ready for more mandates.

  7. #947
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    It's almost impossible to finish posting these cautions (above) about the interconnectedness of the Coronavirus Panic response (mandates) & the coming assault on the 2A before there are news stories that demonstrate just that:

    Lawmakers send gun violence bill to Pritzker
    by Andrew Hensel - November 24, 2021

    A bill that would create the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention to help combat gun violence has been sent to Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

    House Bill 2791 is a trailer bill to the Reimagine Public Safety Act, which was signed in June 2021 and created the Office of Firearm Violence Prevention to issue grants and provide support to violence prevention organizations in communities affected by gun violence.

    House Bill 2791 would increase the number of communities that can get the grant money for gun violence programs, based on population size, under the Reimagine Public Safety Act.

    The bill would also allow for five more communities to be elected statewide and would allow organizations to apply directly for training and assistance from the state.

    State Rep. Justin Slaughter said this is a step in defeating a public health crisis.

    "With this bill, our state takes a significantly more comprehensive and holistic approach to gun violence by recognizing this issue as a public health crisis," Slaughter said.

    The bill would require the use of state funds and would distribute the funds to all necessary entities including youth development organizations and high-risk youth intervention organizations in areas deemed high risk by the state.

    State Rep. Rita Mayfield spoke out against the bill during the House debate, drawing attention to the large amount of funding needed for this legislation.

    "This is $100 million, this is not free money, it is not just a bill," Mayfield said. "It is $100 million that will be appropriated in January whether we have it or not."

    House Bill 2791 passed the Senate by a vote of 52-0-0, and the House passed a concurrence motion by a vote of 71-41-0. The bill now awaits action from Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
    (Bolding added to highlight the specific stupidity)

    This is another way to funnel public money to leftist, socialist, anti-2A organizations.
    The public will be forced to pay for the programs developed to violate their Rights and their Freedoms.
    There is no way to overestimate the level of stupidity in some communities!


  8. #948
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    S. African Doctor Who Discovered Omicron: 'Unusual But Mild'
    By Fran Beyer - 28 November 2021

    The first South African doctor to sound an alert about patients with the omicron variant has described the symptoms as unusual but mild.

    In an interview with the U.K.-based Telegraph, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, a general practitioner from Pretoria, recounted that patients began to show up in early November with COVID-19 symptoms that were different than she expected.

    Included among those first patients were young people of different backgrounds and ethnicities with intense fatigue, and a 6-year-old child with a very high pulse rate, she told the Telegraph. None suffered a loss of taste or smell.

    "Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before," Coetzee, who chairs the South African Medical Association.

    On Nov. 18, four family members all tested positive for COVID with complete exhaustion and Coetzee said she reported the findings to South Africa's vaccine advisory committee.

    She said about two dozen of her patients have now tested positive for COVID with symptoms of the new variant * mostly healthy men who turned up "feeling so tired," the Telegraph reported. About half were unvaccinated.

    "We had one very interesting case, a kid, about six years old, with a temperature and a very high pulse rate, and I wondered if I should admit her," she told the news outlet. "But when I followed up two days later, she was so much better."

    Coetzee said she was worried the new variant could still hit much harder in older people with co-morbidities like diabetes or heart disease.

    "What we have to worry about now is that when older, unvaccinated people are infected with the new variant, and if they are not vaccinated, we are going to see many people with a severe [form of the] disease," she told the news outlet.

    The omicron variant, first identified in Botswana Nov. 11, has also now been detected in the U.K., Israel, the Netherlands, Hong Kong and Belgium. It has exhibited 32 mutations to the spike protein * the most of any variant so far * and scientists are concerned the mutations may allow it to evade existing vaccines and spread quickly, the Telegraph noted.

    In South Africa, cases have rocketed up from about 550 a day last week to almost 4,000 a day currently, the Telegraph reported.

    Coetzee's comments came as nations rushed to enact new mandates and travel bans as more news abouit the new variant's cases and spread broke on Sunday.

    The Netherlands confirmed 13 cases of the new omicron variant of the coronavirus on Sunday and Australia found two as the countries half a world apart became the latest to detect it in travelers arriving from southern Africa.

    A raft of curbs being imposed by nations around the world as they scramble to slow the variant's spread also grew, with Israel deciding Sunday to bar entry to foreign nationals in the toughest move so far.

    Confirmed or suspected cases of the new variant have already emerged in several European countries, in Israel and in Hong Kong, just days after it was identified by researchers in South Africa. The "act first, ask questions later" approach reflected growing alarm about the emergence of a potentially more contagious variant nearly two years into a pandemic that has killed more than 5 million people, upended lives and disrupted economies across the globe.

    While much remains to be learned about the new variant, researchers are concerned that it may be more resistant to the protection provided by vaccines and could mean that the pandemic lasts for longer than anticipated.

    The Dutch public health authority confirmed that 13 people who arrived from South Africa Friday have so far tested positive for omicron. They were among 61 people who tested positive for the virus after arriving on the last two flights to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport before a flight ban was implemented. They were immediately put into isolation, most at a nearby hotel, while sequencing was carried out.

    Authorities in Australia said two overseas travelers who arrived in Sydney from Africa became the first in the country to test positive for the omicron variant. Arrivals from nine African countries are now required to quarantine in a hotel upon arrival. Two German states reported a total of three cases in returning travelers over the weekend.

    Israel moved to ban entry by foreigners and mandate quarantine for all Israelis arriving from abroad.

    "Restrictions on the country's borders is not an easy step, but it's a temporary and necessary step," Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting.

    Dr. Ran Balicer, head of the government's advisory panel on COVID-19, told Israel's Kan public radio that the new measures were necessary for the "fog of war" surrounding the new variant, saying it was "better to act early and strictly" to prevent its spread.

    Dutch Health Minister Hugo de Jonge said he has asked his country's public health institute for advice on whether additional travel restrictions are needed, but he said he wants to coordinate with his European Union counterparts because "I think those are really steps that we will have to take together."

    Many countries have restricted or banned travel from various southern African countries * among the latest New Zealand, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and Saudi Arabia. Places that already had imposed restrictions include Brazil, Canada, the EU, Iran, and the U.S. This goes against the advice of the World Health Organization, which has warned against any overreaction before the variant is thoroughly studied.

    South Africa's government responded angrily to the travel bans, which it said are "akin to punishing South Africa for its advanced genomic sequencing and the ability to detect new variants quicker." It said it will try to persuade countries that imposed them to reconsider.

    "Whilst we respect the right of all countries to take the necessary precautionary measures to protect their citizens, we need to remember that this pandemic requires collaboration and sharing of expertise," the minister for international relations and cooperation, Naledi Pandor, said in a statement.

    The United States' top infectious diseases expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said he would not be surprised if the omicron variant was already in the U.S., though it hasn't yet been detected there.

    In Europe, much of which already has been struggling with a sharp increase in cases over recent weeks, officials also were on guard.

    The U.K. on Saturday tightened rules on mask-wearing and on testing of international arrivals after finding two omicron cases. Spain announced it won't admit unvaccinated British visitors starting Dec. 1.

    Italy was going through lists of airline passengers who arrived in the past two weeks after a business traveler who returned from Mozambique and landed in Rome on Nov. 11 tested positive for omicron. The Lazio region's top health official, Alessio D'Amato, said that "controls at airports, ports and train stations have been reinforced."

    French Health Minister Olivier Veran said that, while his country had no confirmed cases yet, "it is probable that there currently are cases in circulation."

    While it is not clear yet how existing vaccines work against the omicron variant, Veran said France isn't changing its strategy to fight the latest surge of infections driven by the delta variant, which centers on increasing vaccinations and boosters.

    David Hui, a respiratory medicine expert and government adviser on the pandemic in Hong Kong, said that even though it is not clear if current coronavirus vaccines are effective against the new variant, the city's vaccination rate should be increased and booster doses should be implemented as soon as possible.

    He said that the two people who tested positive for the omicron variant had received the BioNTech-Pfizer shot and exhibited very mild symptoms, such as a sore throat.

    "Vaccines should work but there would be some reduction in effectiveness," he said.
    This continued effort to generate PANIC, where loss of Freedom is the first response, despite no data that shows a need for that, will expand to many other areas of life if only a small minority object to these authoritarian actions. The Fantasy of Peace and Safety is being disingenuously promoted by those will little knowledge and a lot of Maybe's and Might's. Liberty is being swept aside in the headlong rush to anoint the latest virus discovery with doomsday importance.

    And still, there is no ongoing database to demonstrate the true results of contracting the coronavirus - showing the conditions of the patients who contract it, that most recover without major medical intervention, that those who need major medical intervention have x,y,z co-morbidities and the conditions under which people are actually dying from, not simply with, the virus. Such would put the truth in the hands of The People and reduce the ability of medical & political entities to righteously claim superiority, profitting from each new booster mandated and every variation of the virus. Power once obtained is difficult or impossible to pry from those who benefit by it and use it to destroy your Freedoms.

    And lest there be an assertion that I do not take the virus seriously, here's what
    I previously posted about personal responsibility without destroying Freedom:

    -- DON'T PANIC -- Use your brain to make good decisions.
    There are real risks in getting the Coronavirus, but don't exaggerate them.
    Read up on the risk level for various age groups & conditions - Act accordingly.

    Potential positive actions you should voluntarily consider:

    Reduce your exposure - especially to crowds
    . Shop in smaller venues or at times of lesser crowding
    . Use available online shopping with contact-free pickup (support your local businesses)
    . Minimize public (crowded) excursions by consolidating your errands into less trips
    . Avoid berating others for different choices - Avoid the venue if that seems necessary
    . If not-in-your-home family members are vulnerable, help minimize their exposure

    Wash your hands and face regularly, especially after public excursions
    . Use hand sanitizer in public places (carry some with you or in your vehicle)
    . When in public, only touch things as necessary (think groceries, etc.)

    Stay generally healthy
    . Keep a positive attitude
    . Eat right - Minimize excesses of junk food & fast foods
    . Drink plenty of water - flush out your system
    . Get regular exercise - minimize excesses of sitting & watching screens
    . . Find uncrowded parks or playgrounds - or walking trails

    If sick (sneezing, coughing, etc.), do not expose others
    . If you absolutely must go into the public, wear a mask when sick
    . . Keep your fluids to yourself
    . . Be sure to clean it thoroughly after every use, keeping multiple masks available
    . If you have other compounding medical conditions, take extra care about exposures

    If you test positive for the coronavirus
    . Discuss early treatment with your doctor before it becomes severe
    . Voluntarily quarantine to prevent exposing others

    Be Sane! - Be Safe! - Be Free!

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; November 28th, 2021 at 06:42 PM. Reason: spelling

  9. #949
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    (York County)
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    CDC director says 75% of COVID-19 deaths 'had four or more comorbidities'
    by Asher Notheis - January 10, 2022

    Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said 75% of people who died of COVID-19 had at least four comorbidities, sparking an outpouring of commentary from people surprised by her statement and others saying, "I told you so."

    The top health official made the comment on ABC's Good Morning America on Friday, days after Dr. Anthony Fauci said on TV that statistics on child hospitalizations are being overblown. Vaccine mandate skeptics have said the COVID-19 death toll was inflated by people who died with COVID-19 as opposed to dying of COVID-19, and some of them claimed they were made into pariahs or punished on social media for making these claims.

    Walensky's assertion means the 834,000 deaths in the United States that have been attributed to COVID-19 could be lowered to just over 200,000.

    "This is a stunning admission and one that is quite literally at the crux of my Facebook lawsuit against their fact-checkers," conservative commentator Candace Owens tweeted. "I reported on the scam of them calculating deaths 'with Covid' years ago and fact-checkers called me a liar."

    "The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities," Walenksy said. She added that this was "encouraging news" considering the spread of the omicron variant, which health officials believe is more transmissible than other strains but causes less severe illness.

    While it is unclear what data the CDC director was citing, it is possible Walensky was citing a recent study of 40 vaccinated people, 78% of whom suffered from at least four comorbidities.

    Some on Twitter took Walensky's comment to indicate that if COVID-19 mainly kills people with comorbidities, it is a good sign.

    "It is 'encouraging' to [Walensky] that chronically ill and disabled Americans are dying … our deaths clearly don't count," tweeted Matthew Cortland, a lawyer who said he suffers from a chronic illness.

    The CDC told the Washington Examiner that Walensky did not mean to marginalize people with existing health problems.

    "She is deeply concerned and cares about the health and well-being of people with disabilities and those with medical conditions who have been impacted by COVID-19," the CDC said. "The CDC director continues her commitment to protect all Americans in this next stage of the pandemic."

    The CDC did not address the Washington Examiner's question on whether Walensky was referencing the study showing 78% of 40 vaccinated people suffering from comorbidities.
    The comments by Cortland represent the essence of THE PANIC that is being pushed - Unless you treat everyone like they are THE MOST VULNERABLE, then you just don't care about those vulnerable people. No recognition can be made of the truth that different people create or find themselves in different vulnerabilities. Every person must be perceived as IDENTICAL - And the government is the answer to be sure each of those IDENTICAL people are treated IDENTICALLY. No matter the truth, we must call a chicken a goat and every other animal must agree - goats lay eggs.

    This is where the current corrupted concept of EQUALITY & EQUITY has led us. We must deny THE ACTUAL FACTS in order to APPEAR CONCERNED for people.

    Lying has become such an everyday part of our society that propaganda rules over the facts. This whole Corona Virus PANIC has been based on twisted lies from the beginning. In the absence of facts, the lies simply ruled the day! Shutting down discussions about the actual medical realities, on social media & elsewhere, has been a big part of the promotion of THE BIG LIE!

    The creation of alternative, truthful, freedom-loving social media (and specifically abandoning of the liberal left venues) will be needed. But if those new venues are simply mirror-images of the leftist ones, where right-wing craziness rules (rather than sane truthfulness), no benefit will accrue to those who actual want a rational life.

    Be prepared - These same leftist lying tactics are & will be used against the Second Amendment when the opportunity arises. Tell a LIE BIG ENOUGH, OFTEN ENOUGH, and people will believe it.


  10. #950
    Join Date
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    Default Re: PA Counties locked down

    Still, this should have never happened.

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