Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    forest city pa, Pennsylvania
    (Susquehanna County)
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    Default humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    well, i was cc'ing at work, work being installing a crane at a customers warehouse, well, throughout the course of the day, hopping on and off the forkilft an manlift, my shirt must of rode up my back and exposed my bersa .380, my partner came over to me and said that one of the employees say my gun and told the foreman, who then told my partner for me to put it away. well i was on private property so i said no problem and locked it in the glove compt. and locked the car and finished out the day installing the crane, well, we get a call fro the main contractor of the job and he said he was in a 2 hour meeting about the incident, and that it was company policy that there were no weapons allowed on the site and i was not to return there or they inturn would loose the customer and we would get no more work from them, i told them that upon entering the site i read the policies they had posted and it wasn't mentioned there, but i said again, that there was no problem and i wouldn't carry while working for them or their customers, i explained to them that it was perfectly legal for me to be carrying but to keep the peace i would comply.
    i just thought it funny about the ignorance and fear of some people, and now the "bad man" has been removed from their midst. my partner was suprisingly supportive, i know he probably thinks this is a fad i'm going through, but he hasn't been condencending or manipulative at all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    erie, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    I work as a pizza delivery guy, and I CC at work all the time, as do most of the other drivers and shift managers. This has led to a few funny encounters, if you dont mind my adding to the thread.

    -Me and one of the shift managers both carry offset SOB. Its great for doing pretty much everything all day, but we had some heavy lifting to do off the floor, and since the shop was closed, and we were alone, we just unholstered our XD 9mms and set them on a table. When we went back, we realized we both have identical XD9s, with identical ammo. Neither of us was sure we had the right gun until we got home to check the serials!

    -I managed to slip on some ice and put a big old crack in my holster, to the point where it wouldn't hold onto my gun anymore. So I decided to be a genius and just tuck it in my belt, right? FIRST delivery it slips, goes right down my leg on to the ground right in front of the customer. Whoops!

    -One of the managers goes to get his LTCF, still in uniform. The sherrif lady looks at him and says "Are you serious? You're the sixth application from <pizza shop> I've processed this month. How well armed are you guys??"

    -Theres a gunsmith up the road. We trade him pizzas to work on our handguns.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    PRMD,just a hair south of PA at York co, Maryland
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    Default Re: humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    My dad was making jokes about my gun falling out of the holster, and what if it fell in a toilet or slipped under someone elses table at the Ruby Tuesdays. It has yet to fall out of the holster, and I hope it never does. I added to the gun in toilet scene that I would get the waitress and say " excuse me, you wouldn't have a gun cleaning kit handy would you?". It seems every time I go out with dad present, these silly discussions come up. I really am not sure what he thinks about my carrying. The silly stuff does not upset me at all. Laughter is medicine.

    And yeah I can come up with dozens of humorous scenes with carrying when I am in the right silly mood.
    LOL, I am a woman...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Reading, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    Quote Originally Posted by vipermagic View Post
    I work as a pizza delivery guy, and I CC at work all the time, as do most of the other drivers and shift managers. This has led to a few funny encounters, if you dont mind my adding to the thread.

    -Me and one of the shift managers both carry offset SOB. Its great for doing pretty much everything all day, but we had some heavy lifting to do off the floor, and since the shop was closed, and we were alone, we just unholstered our XD 9mms and set them on a table. When we went back, we realized we both have identical XD9s, with identical ammo. Neither of us was sure we had the right gun until we got home to check the serials!

    -I managed to slip on some ice and put a big old crack in my holster, to the point where it wouldn't hold onto my gun anymore. So I decided to be a genius and just tuck it in my belt, right? FIRST delivery it slips, goes right down my leg on to the ground right in front of the customer. Whoops!

    -One of the managers goes to get his LTCF, still in uniform. The sherrif lady looks at him and says "Are you serious? You're the sixth application from <pizza shop> I've processed this month. How well armed are you guys??"

    -Theres a gunsmith up the road. We trade him pizzas to work on our handguns.
    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMFG I scared all the cats laughing at that one.
    Please help my Baby Kitties and I avoid being homeless.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    Quote Originally Posted by vipermagic View Post
    -One of the managers goes to get his LTCF, still in uniform. The sherrif lady looks at him and says "Are you serious? You're the sixth application from <pizza shop> I've processed this month. How well armed are you guys??"
    I am the master of the past and present.. my coming was foretold. For me, the gates will be open. - Raistlin Majere

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Reading, Pennsylvania
    (Berks County)
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    Default Re: humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    well my story is a lesson in what happens when you buy a cheap holster, or in this case cheap ankle holster..................

    I was dragged clothes shopping with my mother after classes at college.

    So I let her roam the store, and started talking to the cashier.

    Then I get this tingling feeling on my ankle then THUD the ankle holster with the revovler fall to the ground and on the floor.

    The cashier just froze.

    I told her no worries, I have a permit, smiled and rehooked it back to my ankle, and at this point I had a small audience.

    Needless to say I didn't get the cashiers phone number
    gotta love her ;)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: humorous encounter cc'ing at work

    Quote Originally Posted by vipermagic View Post
    -Me and one of the shift managers both carry offset SOB. Its great for doing pretty much everything all day, but we had some heavy lifting to do off the floor, and since the shop was closed, and we were alone, we just unholstered our XD 9mms and set them on a table. When we went back, we realized we both have identical XD9s, with identical ammo. Neither of us was sure we had the right gun until we got home to check the serials!
    I hate when that happens!

    I managed to slip on some ice and put a big old crack in my holster, to the point where it wouldn't hold onto my gun anymore. So I decided to be a genius and just tuck it in my belt, right? FIRST delivery it slips, goes right down my leg on to the ground right in front of the customer. Whoops!
    Bet you got a nice tip!

    -One of the managers goes to get his LTCF, still in uniform. The sherrif lady looks at him and says "Are you serious? You're the sixth application from <pizza shop> I've processed this month. How well armed are you guys??"
    "Well ma'am... Cabelas sometimes calls us to find out what WE have in stock."

    -Theres a gunsmith up the road. We trade him pizzas to work on our handguns.
    Is this a great country or what?!

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