Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Northampton County, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is Toomey caving???

    Stop emailing and start calling. I believe calling gets counted faster and time is of the essence.

    Email is fine, but I doubt it is a substitute for a phone call.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Lehigh, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is Toomey caving???

    I emailed him yesterday and today, going to call tomorrow too...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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    Thumbs up Re: Is Toomey caving???

    The fact that Senator Toomey is in talks with Manchin, is proof enough for me.
    He has to 'think' about the filibuster?
    What is there to think about?!

    He ran as a PRO-2nd Amendment candidate.
    He won the election 51% to 49%.
    And it was the GUN OWNERS that put him over the top.

    I live in Philly, and I am one of many PRO-2nd Amendment folks he was able to count on to help offset the 90% percent DEMocrat electorate in Philly. Hey, every vote counts, and now he decides to play politics?

    I guess he's really looking forward to an early retirement form the US Senate.


    Allyson Schwartz(D-PA) is going to run against Corbett for GUBner next go around.
    Schwartz is a 98% Obama toadie.
    This ain't good.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    SomewhereWestPA, Pennsylvania
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    Default Re: Is Toomey caving???

    My letter to Manchin - re the letter I sent Toomey.... not that either basturd will read them...

    Dear Mr. Manchin,

    I sent this to your new friend Pat Toomey - my EMPLOYEE from PA in the US Senate. Just wanted you to know that I am posting this same letter whereever I can on the Internet so that gunowners from all over PA and West Virginia know that your actions and Toomey's actions will be followed closely.

    Possibly, if you and Toomey and Bob Casey vote against the Second Amendment, the good EMPLOYERS in PA and WVA will arrange for you three to have plenty of time off of work to study the Second Amendment together... maybe play pinochle with crazy Joe Biden and Howard Dean.

    Your neighbor in PA...

    Dear Mr Toomey,

    Thank you for the acknowledgement of our past communications with your well-written and thoughtful auto-replies; really makes me feel I am getting maximum value out of my tax dollars paying for your salary.

    But I think we have a problem here with YOUR future employment as a Senator from Pennsylvania…
    I see from the media that you are caving into the Anti-Second Amendment crowd by working some compromise deal with Manchin of West VA.

    Big political mistake if you do.

    We in Pennsylvania are watching for your Second Amendment vote – just as we are watching Casey’s. And trust me that my compatriots in WVA are watching Manchin’s vote as well.

    I am not going to get into the Second Amendment/Founding Fathers yadda yadda – I know that YOU UNDERSTAND exactly what “shall not be infringed” means.
    And we voters intend to hold you to it.

    To be sure; YOU do not have the political capital to survive going against us voters here in PA - your EMPLOYERS - the ones who ELECTED YOU.

    If it appears from your vote that you did not understand “shall not be infringed”, we – as your employers here in PA - will arrange during the next election to give you plenty of time away from work to learn all about the Second Amendment. You can have a study group with Bob Casey.

    As for the others pushing you to cave in by compromising the Constitution, understand:

    • Crazy Uncle Joe Biden has NOTHING to lose with his dimwitted double-barrel blathering – he’ll fade into the sunset to go play pinochle with wacky Howard Dean.
    • Obama has NOTHING to lose; he is dethroning Klinton as the official orator of the left – the Campaigner in Chief job that he does so well since he can’t lead a nation worth a crap.
    • Chuck Schumer has NOTHING to lose; he will remain “in like Flynt” unless proven to be an agent for Hamas.
    • Bloomie has NOTHING to lose; he’ll move elsewhere and buy another politician.
    • Sens Feinswine and Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi – they are entrenched forever. The ditsy Commiefornians will gladly re-elect their three Macbethian witches even with video proof of a boiling cauldron of dead babies.
    • Manchin will have his own problems in West Virginia to deal with if this goes thru.

    Unlike you and Manchin – they don’t have squat to lose.

    We will be watching YOUR vote, and we too, will vote. For ANYBODY but YOU if you compromise with Manchin and give in to Obama and his cry-on-cue Sandy Hooker stage props.

    So unless YOU intend for your privileged Senate career to end with a run for election as a dogcatcher – you need to stand tall and VOTE AGAINST ANY – repeat, ANY new gun control laws of ANY kind introduced in the Senate.

    Understand that this isn’t like the pointless “ban laws” of the past – we have the Internet now for fast, and mass communications.
    I intend to make sure my message to YOU here is posted to every message board I know of so that fellow gun owners in BOTH PA and WVA know of this.

    We are and will be watching – and voting. We will vote for Hitler before re-electing you if you stand with the anti-2A crowd.

    All of my guns are lubed with BACON GREASE.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    South Central, Pennsylvania
    (Lancaster County)
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    Default Re: Is Toomey caving???

    "their three Macbethian witches even with video proof of a boiling cauldron of dead babies"

    Wow, what imagery... Nice classical touch. Imma have to steal that one.

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