Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association
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  1. #1
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    Default The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    The Fantasy of Peace & Safety:
    The Battle for the Hearts & Minds
    of the American Public

    There's been a battle raging in America for quite some time, with the last 40 years being particularly heated. The battlefield has changed from time to time depending on the particular combatant leading the charge or the nature of the latest national tragedy in the news or when there is a perceived weakness in the opponents positions.

    One side of the conflict has enjoyed a favored status with the mass media. With very little urging, the national media outlets have fallen in line by determinedly culling news sources in order to run stories that support their cause and by adding innuendo to otherwise unsupporting stories in an attempt to continuously discredit their opponents.

    The battle I'm referring to is the assault on the rights of the American people, specifically those recognized by the 1st Ten Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, otherwise known as, The Bill of Rights.

    While the 3rd Amendment (regarding quartering of soldiers in citizen's homes) has not been hotly debated, lately, almost all the other rights so enumerated have come under attack; and many of them have been severely bruised and bloodied during this ongoing battle.

    To a great degree, the battle has been waged with emotions and promises. Emotions to appeal to the heart and promises to appeal to the mind. While the methodology has been psychological, the goal is to gain the victory through the opponent's self-immolation. The natural desire for Peace and Safety has been hung as a carrot just beyond our reach, with promises of satisfaction with just a little more sacrifice.

    Through determined psychological means, the assault on the hearts and minds of the American people is intended to cause them to give up their rights willingly, even with a sense of martyrdom, in the name of Peace and Safety. To a significant degree, the strategy has worked, as more and more citizens fail to recognize or value the rights they willingly cede, even while the actuality of the promised peace and safety eludes us.

    But not to be denied, most people go about their daily activities with an immunized internal sense of peace and safety. Their perception of the vast expanse of the ongoing assault on the American way of life (both small and great, both criminal and simply immoral) has been dulled over many years by the emotional appeals to 'getting along' and promises that the violators are simply 'misunderstood'. If they were exposed (by choice or by circumstance) to the vastness of the efforts to destroy the American way of life, they might loose their immunity -- but this possibility is also well controlled by the mass media.

    The mass media spreads the bad news on our consciousness only sufficiently thick as to juxtapose their latest solution of giving up even more of our rights, which will surely minimize our risk. If they were to report all the assaults that are occuring in every nook and cranny of our society, including in the legislatures and judiciary, the citizenry would be jarred out of their stupor and rise up in great numbers. But the media's methods have been well honed to prevent such an enlightenment.

    One of the battle regiments opposing these assaults on our rights is composed of those who particularly value the 2nd Amendment - The Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

    Like many others, this right has been under constant and severe attack for decades. It has been successfully bruised and beaten, so much so, there are someplaces it is almost impossible to exercise this right by the average citizen. Without outright declaration that this right is denied, those opposed to it have convinced enough of their local citizens that willingly giving up this right is the only 'right thing to do' in order increase the peace and safety of the community.

    In spite of not being able to convince the criminals to give up their weapons, they have convinced the community it is better to give up their rights, and, instead, stay off the streets at night, lock their doors, and cower in the corner until police arrive should they become scared. They are taught to cough up the money for extorted 'youth activity centers' with the promise that these will prevent the creation of new criminals, as though proficiency at basketball or tennis could rightly replace the teaching of values. The mantra is: it's better to 'pay now' than 'pay later'. A clear case of extortion.

    It is exactly this focus on prevention that has caused so many to willingly sacrifice their rights in an attempt to gain Peace and Safety from others. They believe by self-immolation they will convert those who have never been taught the moral values that actually generate Peace, and which, through strength, assures Safety. But they have been duped. Peace and Safety will never be attained by negotiating with evil. "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    The Cost of Freedom has always been high. It requires eternal vigilance, the willingness to confront evil and the means to do so. Those assaulting the American way of life have tried to minimize the citizen's ability to address every one of these issues.

    Freedom is secured and maintained by patriots on a battlefield; not only the physical battlefields, but also the societal battlefields, where the Rights of the People are assailed by those that would seek to appease evil. History has proven time and again that appeasement does not produce Peace and Safety.

    For those who value Freedom, these misguided crime prevention measures are nothing more than another means of assaulting our rights. Whether it's assurances that the great society is working and crime is less than ever (with gerrymandered statistics), or assurances that self-protection is unnecessary when we have a large police force (who responds in minutes when seconds count), or the assurances that guns kill more innocents than bad guys (like innocent 14-year-old drug dealers), the real message is 'give up your rights' because we have everything under control. Which is the ultimate goal - for these folks to have EVERYTHING UNDER THEIR CONTROL. It reminds me of the Peace and Safety that freedomless citizens enjoyed in the old USSR and still do in many communist/socialist/dictatorial countries.

    You have opportunities every day to fight for Freedom! Don't squander those opportunities. Don't be duped by the media elite. Don't cede your rights for a little more (promised) Peace and Safety.

    Stand up and be counted - Contact your representatives and demand that they PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS - Rally for clear laws against convicted criminals, but only after a valid crime is committed - Be sure to vote (when you have the opportunity) for those who truly value Freedom in America - Support those on trial for unjust application of the law.

    Talk with your neighbors and friends about your willingness (and hopefully their's) to pay the price to keep Freedom Alive in America, even at the expense of some Peace and Safety.

    . . . BE A PROUD AMERICAN! . . .

    Down from my soapbox

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; May 18th, 2011 at 01:15 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    Considering the latest assaults on our Freedoms -

    Like federally installed molestors at our airports and Democrats who 'Don't Waste Any Crisis' to promote more Gun Control...

    I thought I might Deja Vu all over again...


  3. #3
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    does it count as a REPLY when the OP replies??

    can a ***** give a bump!!
    To err is human, to be prepared divine

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    great read, wish I had caught it when it was originally posted. E-mailed to a bunch of people on my list. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    pretty good read. not sure how I missed this when it was initially posted.
    Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Unhappy Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    Quote Originally Posted by ImminentDanger View Post
    Considering the latest assaults on our Freedoms -

    Like federally installed molestors at our airports and Democrats who 'Don't Waste Any Crisis' to promote more Gun Control...

    I thought I might Deja Vu all over again...

    No lie.

    Having seen 1989 and 1994 in living color, I really hoped we might turn a corner in '04, when the KLIN - TON I crap sunset. And I have NOT been complacent this time, like I was in the early '90's. I have been buying, building, & stockpiling THIS time, and have joined with the chorus of millions of others who have said, "Enough is ENOUGH!!!"

    The NEWLY elected appear to have arrived JUST in time... presuming they REMEMBER why they were sent there in the first place. God help us if the Kenyan-in-Chieftain decided to rule by imperial fiat these next two years. Our nation has seen such strife before. It was NOT pretty...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    Quote Originally Posted by The_War_Wagon View Post
    Our nation has seen such strife before. It was NOT pretty...

    "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

    Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this." Abraham Lincoln (1865)

    Both historically and currently, there are soldiers fighting for the principles of this nation even while there are those within it that are trying to destroy those principles.

    The Cost of Freedom has always been high.

    The evil that befell Representative Giffords happened within the very Liberty that this country was founded upon. And although the assault was a tragedy, taking away Liberty as a response is unacceptable. These were victims who gave their lives in an assault on Liberty - the Liberty of the people to freely assemble and exercise all of their rights.

    It is the perpetrator who should pay the penalty, not the Free Citizens.

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; January 15th, 2011 at 11:19 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    I see it's time this sentiment be expressed once again in the face of all the talk about more restrictions on our freedoms...

    Last edited by ImminentDanger; December 27th, 2012 at 04:45 AM.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    The first order of battle is to know WHO your enemy is , if you dont youre just pissing in the Wind.

    (1) Who wants the American people disarmed?

    (2) Who benefits from a disarmed America?

    (3) Why is it Crucial that the American people must be disarmed?

    "everything is simple to understand- when you know what the agenda is"- David Icke, circa 1992

  10. #10
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    Default Re: The Fantasy of Peace & Safety

    Bumping this thread in support of the Jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.

    And in support against Mask & Vaccination Mandates (which are another form of denying our Rights).


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