Then Im sure we can all count on them to support in an amicus brief the coming Incoporation Case AND the various "Made in " State Laws right ?

So in the vein of making them eat their words , I present the following generic letter to the membership to edit and use to send to the various Congress Critters that are such hoplophobes .

Dear Congressman ___________________

I read/saw with great interest your recent comments regarding Senator Thunes Ammendment concerning the National recogonition of the various States Carry Permits held by law abiding citizens . Of particular note was your stirring commentary insisting that the issue at hand was one of " State's Rights " , rightly left to the States to decide individually whats best for their particular situation or citizenry . I must say , I was pleasantly surprised to hear your vocal and outspoken position on States rights , as I was previously ignorant of your true feelings about such things . As you may or may not know several State's have enacted or are considering various " Made in " Firearms Laws in order to reclaim those States rightful powers as enumerated under the 10th Ammendment to the US Constitution . Further , you may or may not also be aware that there is a pending issue set to come before the Supreme Court of the United States regarding the Incorporation of the Second Ammendment under the Equal Protections Clause of the 14th Ammendment .

Given your ardent and stirring support for States rights , Im sure I can count on your future support on the two issue's mentioned in the nature of an amicus brief , submitted to the Supreme Court in favor of both the various " Made in " laws and the pending Incorporation case . In closing I must say it is refreshing to realize that certain Congress people are such zealous patriots , committed to using their bully pulpit and the power of their office to ensure that the Federal Govt and its power to overstep the restrictions placed on it by the Constitution are kept in check and defended to the last , even at the considerable risk of one's political career .

Yours in Liberty ,

Like I said , feel free to chop it up , edit to your needs , etc but by all means USE IT and hold these idiots accountable for their public comments !