I am going back and forth in my head on what I should get. I traded in my S&W AR-15 back in September and ordered a DPMS LR-308 TAC20 that was supposed to come in in the beginning of February. It has yet to come in because they are so freakin backordered! There is a gun show in the beginning of May that I am going to (the assault weapons/ machine gun one) and I would probably be able to find a nice AR-15 there. I doubt they would have any .308 AR's because they are very rare now-a-days, but who knows. I don't know wether to get an AR-15 there or wait to see IF my .308 comes in before Yo Mama bans them. What would you do? And does anyone know how backed up DPMS is on there orders? It's been like 9 months now! I WANT MY BABY!