Hi all,
New in town(Willow Grove), and a recent PA. gun owner. Have acquired a few goodies and want to know more about the ownership of firearms in PA, specifically in Montco.

First let me introduce myself. My name is Rich, I'm a knifemaker from Brooklyn NY originally. Moved here last September after having 2 children. We wanted a better quality of life, cleaner air, lower crime, less congestion, etc. Those being the first reasons all for the kids. My own personal reason, was also Gun ownership and the right to carry if so desired.

Coming from NYC, you can't carry squat! The Police regularly refuse licenses to own guns, completely illegally if you go by the 2nd amendment. There's up to a 6 month wait. During which time you can't own the gun you meant to purchase. If you enter the few remaining gun shops, you are assumed to be a Cop. If you are not, you are often given the cold shoulder.

Post 9/11, you can forget about carrying a knife as well. Even though by the letter of the law you may be within your rights. Officers have the right to remove it from your person at their discretion and/or jail you for the evening should they be so inclined.

There are Target licenses, carry licenses(practically impossible to get).On premesis licenses, too many licenses to make it worth your time and that to me is intentional. Your $170. application fee is non refundable even though you technically meet all the requirements and PICS. Should they arbitrarily refuse you, you've lost your money.

There are Lawyers who make a pretty penny working just to get potential gun owners their licenses. Further taking the right out of the citizens own hands.

It's disgusting. So as you can imagine, I am very pleased with PA. so far and with the purchases I have made since being here. I'm a collector by nature, always have been. Coins, Records, stamps, knives, etc, etc, so I plan on enjoying this hobby as long as it lasts.

That's me regarding guns and now my stupid questions.

1. The law sounds vague to me about carrying gun to a range. I know you must carry ammo and the gun seperately if you do not have a license to carry. That is reasonable. However, the carry laws seem to specify that you cannot carry in your car or anywhere if you do not have this license. Is this true? Must I get a license just to go to the range?

2. I know of Wicen's and DVSC ranges as they are probably closest to me. is there anywhere else that is nearer to the Abingon, Willow grove, Hatboro, Jenkintown areas?

3. I went to the local Police station today and asked for the CCW application. I was told to go to Norristown first, then come back to them. Yet, by the local gun shop I was told the opposite. I have also read here that you have to get a card from the local police and then go to NT and then back again? anyone have a difinitive answer to that?

4. Any good Combat oriented instructors/courses available near by?

5. What are the requirements and fees to get your FFL? This is something I am thinking about doing as a part time job. It would compliment my line of work.

6. Final question. Does anyone know the laws regarding knives in Montco? Their carry, ownership, automatics, etc.

Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
