Fellow PAFOA 'ers,

In light of recent tragic events, given that some still call for more ineffective, unconstitutional, and victim disarming anti-gun legislation; I feel we must launch a counter offensive.I really have to stress to younger folks, what a blow to private gun ownership and the second amendment the Clinton AWB was in '94. I heard all my life that there was a conspiracy by pinko's to subvert the American way of life, and that sure seemed like the gateway to fascism opening.

With the sunset of the 94 AWB, we must remain vigilant and pro-active to ensure such a farce is never perpetrated against law abiding gun owners. We are challenged with a legislature that is considering a number of ill considered measures, bills that will only restrict law abiding gun owners, that criminals will scoff at.

It is our duty to command our public servants obey the spirit of our PA State and US constitutions.

Much like the character Tyler Durden from the pop. film Fight Club, I have a homework assignment for us all.

Go to your gun club, your public shooting range, your cousin Ricky's house, your VFW and encourage 3 other people to sign up in the PAFOA forum. I have been told that their are 4 1/4 million gun owners in Pennsylvania. How many do you suppose have internet access, or can readily get it free at a relatives house or a library.

Even if you have to drive them to the library and punch the keys with their finger get em' on here.

Our forum has 2,800 members with only about 1000 active members. That seems awfully low. Let's get a little membership drive goin' which will add credence to our ideal of political action in defense of our rights.

Also I'd like to ask any of those Guests out there lurking, to sign up even if your not from PA, or don't think you have anything relative to add to our discussions. Sign up, chat, post a funny picture but help stand up for the 2nd Amendment. If we won't, who will?

Thanks, and bring a friend.