Hello, everyone! I’d love some direction on this situation, thanks in advance to anyone helping me out.

My brother in law has a valid LTCF, I am still waiting for mine from the sheriff (no reason to be waiting other than they’re backed up). We are going to a family members cabin for target practice that is about 4 hours away, and I’m wondering if my firearms (two pistols) and myself are covered under his LTCF if he’s driving a car he owns.

Neither of us are looking to carry loaded firearms in the car, they’d be unloaded and in cases in the trunk with empty mags/ammo in the backseat. My main concern is that we are legally allowed to stop for gas/restroom (because the driver/owner of the vehicle holds a LTCF), or if we’d be subject to going straight to target practice and home since I don’t have my LTCF yet.

Appreciate any help. Thank you!