I got to take another trip, a little sooner than I had anticipated, but I had to go anyways. I think I should just share the trip home. It was great!

We finished up the installation/upgrade a week early. We were told to change our flighs, so we changed our flights. 2 of us got flights out on Friday, the other 2 fliers got Sat flights. The guy flying Delta got cancelled in Augusta. I flew into Charlotte on US Air. Flight was delayed 2 hours in Charlotte from the original 7:40 PM departure.

I went to a nice restaurant in the Charlotte Airport, had a pretty good Mexican Food Meal, 3 "large" beers, and a great discussion with a fellow traveler name Laura (whom my fellow Friday flier had noticed and drooled over in Augusta. I did take pictures, and sent them to him. He called, and was jealous.) Went back to the gate at 9:10. At 9:25 the flight was cancelled. All hell broke loose. I looked at the line for the US Airways ticketing/Special Services desk and said SCREW THAT. (it extended past 10 gates.)

I went outside to smoke. Called my wife, and informed her. She asked if I needed a hotel room and all that. I told her I have a travel agent. I called the travel agent, and was on hold for 45 minutes, walked through the wrong part of the terminal, and lost the connection. Called back, on hold for another 20 minutes. Wife called. Got disconnected from both. Called back again, on hold for 25 minutes, disconnected. Called back, wife called. She had found a rental car for 0300. (I informed her that I would not get one outside of the travel agency due to reimbursement and also, I had been drinking.) I was back in the smoke area, and Ann arrived. She needed a match, and we talked. She said she needed to call her travel agent at home.

I went to ask about my bags. Ran into 5 Soldiers from Ft Knox Basic, who had their flight cancelled to Ft Rucker. I asked if they notified their gaining unit. I made a couple of calls, got the EOC at Ft Rucker, gave their information, and also advised that they would stay with me that night. (oldest was 19.) EOC Duty Officer advised that they would receive Per Diem and Meals. Just needed receipts.

I finally found a secondary emergency number for the travel agency. Was on hold for about 10 minutes, during which, Ann got a rental car for 0800, Saturday morning, earliest she could get out on a flight for Philadelphia was Monday. She offered to share driving and she would pay gas and rental car. I told her I needed to get ahold of my travel agent, but it sounded good.

Lisa, the woman of the day (still Friday, not by much.) answered at the travel agency. I inquired as to the Per Diem rate and Meals and Incidentals for Charlotte. I asked about getting out of Charlotte, she looked, said 2240 Sunday night, or Monday afternoon. I asked if it would be reimbursable (mileage) for me to share a rental car for Saturday. She said yes, and it would be cheaper. I then informed her that I needed 2 hotel rooms (my wife had been trying for 20 minutes to no avail.) She took about 5 minutes, but found me two rooms, reserved them, and happily informed that it was within per diem. I was put up at the Charlotte University Center Hilton. Downside, no shuttle service. (I used the wrong terminology when talking to the front desk.) Wife called about this time. She had booked two rooms at a hotel 45 miles from the airport. I told her I had just gotten two rooms. I called and cancelled the two she had booked for me.

Me, and the 5 Soldiers in uniform jumped in the taxi line (spanned 4 of 5 entrances for the baggage claim area.) We had been in line all of 30 seconds, a guy in a United Equipment Rentals shirt and jacket walked up, said "You six! You are coming with me. I have a double room at the Hilton University Center, and a ride on it's way." I informed him we had 2 rooms, just no ride. He called his ride, and another car was added.

I called Ann, informed her I had found a place to stay (if I had not gotten a room, as a last ditch effort I could crash on her floor, or just meet her at 0800 at Hertz.) She asked that I call her when I got to my room, she may have pushed the leave time back to let me get sleep. (she was about 40, in really good shape, strawberry blonde, nice buttocks, and a nice figure overall.)

We get to the Hilton at around 1:15. Get the room keys, the oldest Soldier paid for the other room (I had informed them first off I would share my room, but they would have to pay for the second room.) Went to the elevator. We were in rooms 1217 and 1219. No 12 key on left side of elevator door. Looked on right side, had a 12, with words "Executive Luxury Level" and a key car slot. Used key card, went to 12. The room was AWESOME!!!! Never stayed in a room that nice.

I got up at around 6:30 this morning, and went to the bathroom, they had slid a copy of my bill under the door. There was a $280 phone call on the bill. I woke up the two guys in my room, and asked who, and told them they had better pay it. The guy was from Micronesia and called his family, and did not flinch when I told him the price.

Got the bill taken care of, got the phone call removed from my itemized charge list, and at about 7:45, asked the front desk if I could get a cab. They said they did not have any cab phone numbers, but they would call a car. I went out front, a black stretch Lincoln Limo pulled up. The driver asked if I was Jared, and I almost couldn't answer. I took a stretch black Limo to the airport. (I asked at the airport, and a hotel across the street that I knew someone was in by the cab that passed us, was $50 to the airport.) The Limo had the crystal bar set, with liquor, flat screen tv, surround sound, DVD, Stereo, the privacy glass, leather seats, and was just NICE. It was $40.

Went to the Hertz counter. The line for the airline counter was the entire terminal wrapped 4 or more times. Ride showed up about 15 minutes later (she also stayed in another Hilton, got a regular Lincoln 4 door ride for the same price as my limo ride.) She got a brand new Kia SUV (had 1113 miles on it.) She drove the first hour or so, then I took over when we got breakfast (she bought.) I drove the rest of the way. Stopped in NC to get cheap cigarettes ($21 something a carton for Marlboro). Stopped in Fredericksburg, VA to get gas. She paid for the gas and Arby's for lunch.

Got to the house at 5:15 PM. The trip was overall good, but the delay in Charlotte was almost worth it. The wife is mad at me for the limo and "nice hotel." If I had known I was going to get get such a nice hotel, I may have just gotten the flight on Monday or Tuesday.

Ann was the nicest person I have ever met from PA. She went out of her way to help me get home, took the brunt of the expenses, (I put $12 worth of gas when she wasn't looking.), and was very trusting to let a dashingly good looking young man who was trying to get to Maryland share her rental car. She even called and wished me and the wife a happy anniversary on Saturday night, after she got home. (Sunday aws my anniversary.)