Hi guys loosely gun related topic. Looking for a martial arts training for my 10 year old son. By martial arts I mean practical self defense oriented martial arts dojos not mcdojos that are now it seems on every corner . Just to describe what I'm looking for back at his age when I started doing this stuff in Russia class lasted hour and a half to two hours, during the class we did at least 50 pushups for younger kids and 50 situps plus whole bunch of other body weight exercises,reps grew with age groups. With the first class you'd start on confidence partnered exercises one of them was you stand hands behind your head your partner slaps you on the face followed by punches to the stomach, you had to maintain a smile on your face. What was taught was not really any particular style, we learned anything and everything from combat sambo to wing chun to traditional boxing, with jiu jitsu in between. That type of martial arts. Do we have any schools in the area like this? Yes I get it insurance regulations child abuse regulations all that nice stuff but still want to find a school that will work his ass off for my money and teach him to work thru fear and obstacles. And of course teach him skills.