So, I'll preface this by saying that I'm a happy member at BVRPC. Where my desire to run a black rifle or a pistol in a practical manner is generally tolerated. As is shooting steel. It's somewhat of a haul for me (southern butler county). 25 mins minimum.

I'm aware that PMSC is also generally permissive of such things, but it's an even further haul from me. 40-45 mins minimum.

So, I'm wondering if there is anywhere north of the city (or even further into Butler) which actually permits one to fire a rifle in controlled fire at an elevated pace or draw a pistol from a holster and do either at steel? I know folks who are members at both Northside and Millvale and who have reported such things are frowned upon (as a general rule) and there is some question about shooting non-paper targets at both (this is without the issue of the waitlist or other membership hoops at both). Mars seems to be more trap oriented than anything else.... Ambridge and Rochester sportsmen strike me as "bar first and sight in for deer season" and "trap night!" respectively.

I like all kinds of shooting (I do hunt and do grab the scattergun to blast some clays from time to time) but my current interests trend towards improving my lousy carbine-fu and practical pistol stuffs, perhaps leading to some 3-gun if I ever decide I need to make the hobby even more expensive.... And banging steel, because karma should be instant. I'm not anti-hunting/fishing, but it seems that there are a ton of "sportsmen's" clubs and very few who value "gun sports," if that makes any sense.

So, do I have any options which are closer? Or, maybe a shorter drive?