So I place an order with them almost three weeks ago and am still waiting for my order to arrive. I send an email asking why it's taking so long to send my order. So the owner of the company Charles Brown replies making excuses that it's a family owned company and that he was away and my order wasn't filled. So Charles tells me that my order would be shipped that day (01/27/12) and that I should have it by Monday 01/30/12 since he is located in Oh and I'm in PA. I didn't get my order yesterday, so I try to call them today since my order didn't arrive today either. No one answered the phone and so I send another email asking where my order Charles begins to insult me and say I'm negative instead of taking some ownership for not shipping out my order. He tells me that he spend $9 to ship via FedEx instead of USPS which in his opinion would take a week to ship to PA from OH.

I'm pretty annoyed at this whole situation considering Charles acted as if he gave me something for free, even though I paid for shipping along with handling fee as well.

In his last email, he was swearing and just being a complete tool. I stated that if it's a family run business than perhaps he should reconsider using family if they cannot fill an order.

Buyer beware, since Charles doesn't seem to want to take ownership of their mistake.