Yes, I know what the acronym means. I see it bandied about in several locations on PAFOA routinely. What I'm curious about is what people are thinking when they describe it.

Many posters say they will be ready when the SHTF, or what to do when it happens, or how to prepare, or.... What, exactly, are these folks thinking? Is this some kind of macho posturing or do some members of this forum believe there will be some sort of armed conflict in their future? I can understand concealed or open carry and being prepared for street crime, especially in urban areas. I can also understand keeping firearms close in the home. Home invasions and burglaries can happen anywhere. What puzzles me is, beyond these scenarios, what is there? The sense I get from some of the posts leads me to believe that some are genuinely afraid of the prospect of either civil insurrection or invasion by an enemy force, be it organized military or terrorist.

Perhaps I'm naive or belong to the wrong political group, but this strikes me as more than a bit of paranoia.

I can see the possibility of this thread taking off like wildfire and suffering massive thread drift, and I'm not trolling. I'd be happy discuss this in a series of PM's to keep the thread from getting out of hand.
