Thanks for getting back to me.
I am not looking to Get in to the arguments that were made Over and over and over again ( Just spent 3 days reading the entire Thread before posting)

JCinPA - I dont have any storys really. I am getting back in to shooting after 20 years. And looking for a place to bring the wife and eventualy 2 young boys (currently 3 and almost 5)
The wife is new to shooting (has been Gun-phobic for years and its been over 10 years to get her to a place where last saterday took her shooting for the first time.)
It seems that Delco and LP both have the same saftey rules but that LP has more of the action shooting that I am looking to get in to..
I would be looking to take classes so that doesnt bother me The Times that are available would be an issue.

Also a collector of storys have you heard anything about Delco?? good, Bad, ????

dgg9- You have been posting here since it opened. I understand what your saying about certification... With out any other info I will bet the Main reason they Force you thru the Certification they offer is two fold. 1st as someone said its part of the way they May money for the Action shooting part of the club for matinance and upkeep. 2nd I am sure it has to do with insurance premiums. But this is not a point for me. 20 years ago i was only target shooting rifles and a hand gun a few times. I am looking to get in to action shooting and know I need training.
after all this time where do you shoot?
Where can some one get training? If I end up Joining Delco I will need to find a training course somewhere for basic operation safty anyway. That club seems to offer no action shooting at all.